Experiences With The Occult

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Post by _Blixa »

I know this is going to sound very ungrateful, but...that was a pretty non-specific description of what must have been singular experiences...

are you uncomfortable relating more? I'm not trying to set anyone up to mock. I'm genuinely curious about such things. When I have more time I'll come back and write a longer post about my own experiences which were interesting and probably related to a friend's very sad and extreme mental problems.

Anyway, if you're so inclined, I'd like to hear more.

(Also congrats on godhood, though' its not official yet, probably)
From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered with/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
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Post by _moksha »

Tarski wrote:I once told my home teacher that I could go alone and at night to a remote and spooky grave yard in the country, challenge all the demons in the unverse with a loud voice and then roll out my sleeping bag and sleep like a baby all night right in the graveyard.

Somehow my saying this spooked the hometeacher and he had to quickly leave.


You could have added that, "When in the graveyard, you should do as..."

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_The Nehor
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Post by _The Nehor »

Blixa wrote:I know this is going to sound very ungrateful, but...that was a pretty non-specific description of what must have been singular experiences...

are you uncomfortable relating more? I'm not trying to set anyone up to mock. I'm genuinely curious about such things. When I have more time I'll come back and write a longer post about my own experiences which were interesting and probably related to a friend's very sad and extreme mental problems.

Anyway, if you're so inclined, I'd like to hear more.

(Also congrats on godhood, though' its not official yet, probably)

It's not so much that I'm uncomfortable so much as I'm not entirely sure what happened. I'm not sure if what I saw were tricks of my eyes, self-hypnosis, actual powers. While I was fairly sober at the time and focussed on what I was doing the whole scenes were always....weird is the best word I can think of. There was a feeling of unreality about them, as if something about reality itself was wrong. Hard to describe sorry. Specifically I worked magic for some mundane things. Got a job that I wanted that I had no prayer of getting on my own merits. Job ended up sucking and the other employees were mostly jerks. I got a date with a girl who had refused me several times and had a short relationship. The weirdest stuff was levitating something, an out-of-body type experience, and conversations with other beings....all of whom were gritty and yuck. They were just hate and malice. No humor, no love, no liking, no fun. I know they hated me. I remember once the voice I was talking to was telling me how useless I was as a tool and that nothing more would work. I responded with a twisted smile and reminded him that even if I could fall to Outer Darkness with him I would have a body and rule over him....forever. He got pissed. I went into convulsions for a few minutes until I could get the prick out.

Anyways, messed up stuff.
"Surely he knows that DCP, The Nehor, Lamanite, and other key apologists..." -Scratch clarifying my status in apologetics
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Post by _Blixa »

From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered with/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
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Post by _KimberlyAnn »

Tarski wrote:I once told my home teacher that I could go alone and at night to a remote and spooky grave yard in the country, challenge all the demons in the unverse with a loud voice and then roll out my sleeping bag and sleep like a baby all night right in the graveyard.

Somehow my saying this spooked the hometeacher and he had to quickly leave.


There's your answer to where to sleep in Japan!

I'm not sure they even have public graveyards in Japan...

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Post by _KimberlyAnn »

My younger sister thinks she sees dead people. I don't believe in ghosts and I never did even when I was a Mormon, so I think she's imagining things.

She will not stay the night in my house because she thinks my husband's dead mother is lurking upstairs. True, her urn is in my bedroom, but that just doesn't creep me out, though it was the impetus for my sister's spooky dead mother-in-law sightings. She sees ghosts in hotels, too, and has left them in the middle of the night rather than stay in her "haunted" room. I sometimes worry about her, but for the most part, she seems to function normally except for her "sightings".

_Mr. Coffee
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Post by _Mr. Coffee »

KimberlyAnn wrote:There's your answer to where to sleep in Japan!

I'm not sure they even have public graveyards in Japan...


They reprocess their dead into the crazily popular "Soyulentuu Greenuu" which is part of the "It's Peopleu" collectable cardgame. True story, saw it on the intarwebs some place.
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Post by _Blixa »

KimberlyAnn wrote:My younger sister thinks she sees dead people.

The hellish landlady (hellish in many, many terrestrial ways) of our Long Island apartment used to tell me that she'd see the ghost of her father in our apartment (he used to live in it). In particular she told me that when I would talk to her from the top of the stairs (we lived over them..ugh!) she would always see him standing behind me.

I thought that was really creepy. But then she was a real creep in oh so many ways.
From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered with/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
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Post by _silentkid »

Nehor: those are some bizarre experiences. Thanks for sharing them. Share more if you got 'em.

Blixa: I'm reading a book (fiction) right now called The Diviners. The plot revolves around a group of people trying to get a mini-series off the ground. One of the main themes of the series is the ability to find water by means of dousing. The book also mentions Mormonism on random tangents.

Here is the story my sister related to me about her college experience with a Ouija board. My sister and some friends had gathered together in her dorm room to experiment with the Ouija. Attempt after attempt failed until finally, the board started to spell out a word in response to the question, "Why aren't you working?" (or something like that). It spelled out voodoo. They didn't understand what it meant. On further questioning, the board spelled out Harry...the name of one of the friends in the room. Apparently Harry practiced voodoo, though no one in the room knew about it. I guess Ouija-conjured spirits don't like voodoo or something. I don't doubt my sister's experience or her retelling of the story. I'm not sure what to think. I find this topic fascinating.
_The Dude
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Post by _The Dude »

My experience with the occult:

I had a very serious girlfriend during my freshman year at BYU. We were going to get married and have a family, someday, when I got back from my mission.

(Don't roll yer eyes at me!)

One night we were making out at the park, on a blanket, when suddenly we both got a cold, creepy feeling as if something or someone was "out there" watching us. It was horrible. It felt evil. But there wasn't a sound, just a feeling. We got up and ran to the car in terror, and drove away as fast as we could. Whew, it must have been Satan trying to tempt us, and make indulge in our bodily urges, and keep me from going on to serve a worthy mission.

(Now you may roll your eyes.)

Looking back, I find this all very paradoxical. The reason is this: that night I felt a stronger "evil" feeling than any "good" spiritual feeling I ever had while reading scriptures, praying, teaching the gospel, or whatever. Nothing else came close. Until I came to believe that all such feelings originate in our minds, and not from holy (or unholy) ghosts, I had a stronger "testimony" of the power of evil than of the power of good. On my mission I tried once or twice to express this testimony, since we were supposed to share our strong experiences with investigators, but it never worked since it was actually a bad experience, and it was hard to tell as a story without mentioning the girl, and we aren't supposed to tell investigators about past sins. Oh well, I'd just try and make-do with my lesser experiences about taking the sacrament or praying about the Book of Mormon.

Ghosts are stupid.
"And yet another little spot is smoothed out of the echo chamber wall..." Bond
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