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_Who Knows
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Post by _Who Knows »

liz3564 wrote:
Bond...James Bond wrote:
Ray A wrote:Here's a more important question in my mind? Do the mods ever read PMs? Access for them would be as easy as drinking water. Honest now, mods. Frankly, though I could be wrong, I find it difficult to believe that they don't sometimes peek into PMs.

I don't know about administrators (which is what Shades/keene/Negative are)...but moderators (me and liz) can't read PM's here. We don't have access or the opportunity to read PMs.

Also...frankly...if you know anything about my history....MY PM"s were read by other Mods when I was a Mod on FAIR.

I think it's an invasion of privacy, and would never do it even if I could.

I would echo that. If you PM on MAD, assume the mods are reading them. Especially if you're a critic. They are quite paranoid. They won't even hesitate to ban you for something you say in a PM.

Liz and I know all about that! ;)
WK: "Joseph Smith asserted that the Book of Mormon peoples were the original inhabitants of the americas"
Will Schryver: "No, he didn’t." 3/19/08
Still waiting for Will to back this up...

Post by _Yoda »

WK wrote:would echo that. If you PM on MAD, assume the mods are reading them. Especially if you're a critic. They are quite paranoid. They won't even hesitate to ban you for something you say in a PM.

Liz and I know all about that! ;)

Yep! WK is my partner in crime.

What is really sad is that even though the Mods read our PM's, their reading comprehension skills were lacking, because they seemed to fabricate things we didn't even say, and jump to conclusions that weren't actually there to begin with. LOL
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Post by _Runtu »

Anyone else seeing a common thread running through this?

From asbestosman:
Many of my received PMs are from Runtu.

From Sethbag:

Runtu and I would email each other sometimes.

From Blixa:

The most were between runtu and I.

It's true. I'm the ringleader of the PM/email conspiracy. I can't be stopped. [Insert maniacal laughter.]
Runtu's Rincón

If you just talk, I find that your mouth comes out with stuff. -- Karl Pilkington
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Post by _dartagnan »

MAD moderators have read private messages. This is a proven fact, and once it had been proven, they tried damage control by making a public statement admitting it. However, they chose to lie about the circumstances and reasoning - they lied by saying they only read PMs when someone complains about someone else inviting them to anti-Mormon forums. One poster never complained to the mods about receiving any invitations, yet when a poster sent her an invitation to come here, he was immediately banned.

The fact is they read PMs because they can and because they have to have as much control as possible. They punish their posters according to what they do and say outside the MAD forum. This is the same crackpot crowd who thought they had the right to demand access to private emails I had sent to scholars who had never participated on the forum. They threatened to ban me if I did not produce emails from my own private email account. Outrageous!

They have no respect for your privacy or the fact that you think you should have some sense of privacy in what appears to be an ironically named "Private Message" inbox over there.
“All knowledge of reality starts from experience and ends in it...Propositions arrived at by purely logical means are completely empty as regards reality." - Albert Einstein
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Post by _silentkid »

I've received 2 PM's and sent 2 PM's (I've been here since last December). The purpose of the PM's was to discuss issues outside the context of the board. I asked Blixa a question and The Dude asked me a question. I didn't know there was a PM rumour mill and I'm disappointed I was left out. ;)
_Doctor Steuss
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Post by _Doctor Steuss »

I have had to clean out my PM box over at MA&D many times. Most of the PMs are just benign things like "Hey The Dude, do you know of any good articles on X," or "Hey Consiglieri, lets go out and reek havoc with some sock puppetry," or "Hey Structurecop, I need some good stuff on Josiah's reform,” or “Hey Dr. Peterson, guess what I heard about Doctor Steuss’ sexuality.” A good portion of my sent PMs are personal apologies. Usually when I have a bad moment and I’m a prick to someone, I like to apologize on the board (publicly) and also via PM.

As for MD... I do have quite a few PMs (both Inbox and Sent). The majority of which are Blixa and I trying to determine if Tarski wears boxers or briefs.
"Some people never go crazy. What truly horrible lives they must lead." ~Charles Bukowski
_The Nehor
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Post by _The Nehor »

Dr. Shades wrote:Believe it. C'mon, Ray, this isn't MAD.
  • First, I have no way of reading PMs.
  • Second, if there is a way to read PMs, it involves hacking into the board software somehow, a skill WAAAAY beyond anything I can do.
  • Third, it's morally wrong to read private messages. Even if I could do it, I wouldn't on principle alone.
  • Fourth, moderating the board is time-taxing enough. I hardly have enough time to enjoy the board and converse on it as it is. I don't have the time to snoop into PMs.
  • Fifth, and last, I DON'T CARE what people say in PMs to each other. Again, this isn't MAD, and I'm not paranoid in the least about what people are saying behind the scenes. Knock yourselves out for all I care.

He is ignorant to our plans. Excellent. Soon this Board will be mine (insert Ralph laugh here)
"Surely he knows that DCP, The Nehor, Lamanite, and other key apologists..." -Scratch clarifying my status in apologetics
"I admit it; I'm a petty, petty man." -Some Schmo
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Post by _KimberlyAnn »

Doctor Steuss wrote:I have had to clean out my PM box over at MA&D many times. Most of the PMs are just benign things like "Hey The Dude, do you know of any good articles on X," or "Hey Consiglieri, lets go out and reek havoc with some sock puppetry," or "Hey Structurecop, I need some good stuff on Josiah's reform,” or “Hey Dr. Peterson, guess what I heard about Doctor Steuss’ sexuality.” A good portion of my sent PMs are personal apologies. Usually when I have a bad moment and I’m a prick to someone, I like to apologize on the board (publicly) and also via PM.

As for MD... I do have quite a few PMs (both Inbox and Sent). The majority of which are Blixa and I trying to determine if Tarski wears boxers or briefs.

I don't know if Tarski wears boxers or briefs, but he does wear specially designed pants. (Don't ask why.)

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Post by _asbestosman »

KimberlyAnn wrote:I don't know if Tarski wears boxers or briefs, but he does wear specially designed pants. (Don't ask why.)

I assume it's because he's pregnant with your cyber-child.
That's General Leo. He could be my friend if he weren't my enemy.
eritis sicut dii
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Post by _Blixa »

KimberlyAnn wrote:
Doctor Steuss wrote:I have had to clean out my PM box over at MA&D many times. Most of the PMs are just benign things like "Hey The Dude, do you know of any good articles on X," or "Hey Consiglieri, lets go out and reek havoc with some sock puppetry," or "Hey Structurecop, I need some good stuff on Josiah's reform,” or “Hey Dr. Peterson, guess what I heard about Doctor Steuss’ sexuality.” A good portion of my sent PMs are personal apologies. Usually when I have a bad moment and I’m a prick to someone, I like to apologize on the board (publicly) and also via PM.

As for MD... I do have quite a few PMs (both Inbox and Sent). The majority of which are Blixa and I trying to determine if Tarski wears boxers or briefs.

I don't know if Tarski wears boxers or briefs, but he does wear specially designed pants. (Don't ask why.)


Does all this have something to do with a cyber-broom closet? Yet another Historical Event I've missed out on...*sigh*

(note to Steuss, I've heard asbestosman's under pants are flame retardant! ahahahahhahaaa!)
From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered with/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
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