BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _DrW »

Rino wrote:You have a picture of your MA regalia while at your Community College certificate graduation. I think there is something there. Talking to someone might be helpful. It also usually never hurts, so there is little to lose.


Your advice to Ms. Jack on this board about talking to someone rational regarding what you consider inappropriate life choices is nothing short of hilarious.

You appear oblivious to the fact that this community is comprised mainly of people who understand and agree on the poor life choices of individuals such as yourself, who continue adherence to the ill conceived doctrines, irrational beliefs, and anti-social worldviews that originated with a 19th century adulterer, hebephile, liar, fraudster, conman, and thief, as currently promoted by a real estate holding corporation with a religion department.
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Rino »

MsJack wrote:The one who "cast the first stone" in this thread was ldsfaqs. My OP in the thread said nothing to him or about him.

I never read the second part of that scriptural verse. So it says "Unless someone throws it first then it is ok to throw it back"? I did not know that.

I generally ignore his posts because I think he's mentally ill and I feel sorry for him, and I honestly don't know where the mental illness ends and the "this is who he is" bad behavior begins. However, if he's going to call me names and get in my face, I am going to respond.

You have far more in common than you know, given your ex-marital situation. Perhaps sympathy might be in order? If he is mentally unstable because of his marital situation, you might want to consider that.

That you're using a tiny bit of bad behavior on my part from 8 years ago

So that was the only time you have ever said or done anything inappropriate?

That you think a single mom completing an MA degree and a professional certificate while raising two kids with special needs is somehow an indicator of need for counseling means you are definitely either a troll or someone who is really lacking in perspective.

I am wondering how the other single moms who only completed their certificates felt about you parading around in your MA regalia? The ones who did not even finish their BA? They were so proud, but here comes that woman in her Master's robes. It might seem indelicate.

I have a Master's too. From an outstanding school. It is a big name, it is on top of a lot of lists. It is a big deal, parents were proud. Because my employer pays for it, I am going to a random small school (not outstanding) to get some graduate certificates. I have three so far, and will keep going as long as they (employer) keep paying for it. It passes the time, I learn a little here or there. But I am not going to go parading around in my Big Name School robes because I can. But that's just me being a troll, not rubbing it in everyone's face.

[personal attack-caliber aspersion deleted] That's just me, however, trolling.
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _MsJack »

Rino ~ My "ex-marital situation" along with my present mental health are none of your business. I'll thank you to seek out other interests to occupy your time.

I never read the second part of that scriptural verse.

Obviously, or you would know that there is nothing in that passage (or anywhere else in the Bible) that teaches that Christians can't respond to those who criticize them. Jesus and Paul responded to those who criticized them on a fairly regular basis. As I already said, I feel sorry for (read: have sympathy for) ldsfaqs and try to avoid responding to him given everything he's said about himself, but when he attacks me directly, I will respond.

I didn't "parade around" in my MA robes at my certificate graduation. I put them on very briefly after the ceremony so that I could snap the picture. I wanted a good picture of both educational accomplishments this year for the Christmas card, plus my kids were rather misbehaved at the MA commencement ceremony, so I didn't get any good pictures with them there. But you're right, maybe I made some of the empty tables and chairs feel bad about their accomplishments in life.

I'm sorry to hear that your "outstanding school" didn't teach you better deductive reasoning skills. Perhaps a few more graduate certificates will do you good.
"It seems to me that these women were the head (κεφάλαιον) of the church which was at Philippi." ~ John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians 13

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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Rino »

MsJack wrote:Rino ~ My "ex-marital situation" along with my present mental health are none of your business. I'll thank you to seek out other interests to occupy your time.

You might want to consider how much you are pumping into the internet, and how permanent those thoughts and feelings are. Telling people to ignore it is less effective than not putting it out in the first place. (A good counselor would tell you NOT to put it all online)

Obviously, or you would know that there is nothing in that passage (or anywhere else in the Bible) that teaches that Christians can't respond to those who criticize them.

I think it was Jesus who said "But I say to you, Do not resist an evildoer. But if anyone strikes you on the right cheek, turn the other also; and if anyone wants to sue you and take your coat, give your cloak as well; and if anyone forces you to go one mile, go also the second mile. Give to everyone who begs from you, and do not refuse anyone who wants to borrow from you. Unless someone says something you do not like online then ignore everything I said."

Jesus and Paul responded to those who criticized them on a fairly regular basis.

And you are neither Jesus nor Paul.

I'm sorry to hear that your "outstanding school" didn't teach you better deductive reasoning skills. Perhaps a few more graduate certificates will do you good.

Do you not get how badly you open yourself up to criticism with that comment? You're angry, unsettled, and lashing out.
_Fence Sitter
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Rino wrote:You might want to consider how much you are pumping into the internet, and how permanent those thoughts and feelings are. Telling people to ignore it is less effective than not putting it out in the first place. (A good counselor would tell you NOT to put it all online)

It is difficult to believe your claims to advanced degrees when you make silly statements like this. Either you have not read enough of MsJack online to understand how her life online is part of who she is professionally or you are just looking to attack her using what ever means possible.

Additionally this type of criticism coming from an anonymous online person just reeks of cowardice.
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _MsJack »

Rino ~ I'm satisfied with the amount of information about myself that I've put online and satisfied with telling the people I don't care to discuss it with to mind their own---especially when they insist on dragging it into completely unrelated threads because they can't hold their own without making things personal. Since you are so concerned about me though, allow me to put your mind at ease: 2016 has been one of the best years of my life. The only thing wrong with this year is how awesome it's been, and it's only about 2/3rds over. I can't wait for the rest of it.

"Do not resist an evildoer" obviously didn't mean "never respond to those who criticize you" or else Jesus wouldn't have been running around calling the Pharisees a "brood of vipers" and whatnot. In my church, the saying is, "No part of the Bible is the Word of God; it's all the Word of God." Ponderize that.

You made a very silly and uncharitable assumption that I was "parading around in [my] MA regalia," making a bunch of poor single mom community college grads feel terrible about themselves, and that my mental health was in some kind of jeopardy because of it based on nothing more than an avatar picture. Don't cry to me that you were called on it. I have one of the top neuropsychologists in the country on speed dial and your armchair psychology is a joke.
"It seems to me that these women were the head (κεφάλαιον) of the church which was at Philippi." ~ John Chrysostom, Homilies on Philippians 13

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_Jersey Girl
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Jersey Girl »

MsJack wrote:
You made a very silly and uncharitable assumption that I was "parading around in [my] MA regalia," making a bunch of poor single mom community college grads feel terrible about themselves, and that my mental health was in some kind of jeopardy because of it based on nothing more than an avatar picture.

Yes, because single moms like to humiliate other single moms.
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _asbestosman »

Hey Rino!

You seem to be quite familiar with what Jesus taught. Could you show us by example how we might be better Christians and turn the other cheek?

I'm trying to figure out the right way to do things. The difficulty I'm having is that I see you criticize people here when they say something you do not like, but you don't want them to criticize others when they see something they do not like. I'm sure there's a simple principle that I'm missing somewhere.

Thanks for all you do to make this board realize the error of its ways!
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_Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Everybody Wang Chung »


Are you LDS?
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_Dr. Shades
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Re: BYU grad general resigns over "swinging"

Post by _Dr. Shades »


Thank you for the explanation regarding the swinging and the mistress, etc. Sure enough, the original article never mentioned any of that.


Pardon my ignorance, but I'm afraid it's something I never did figure out: What does "mansplaining" mean, exactly? (I'm not calling you out; I literally don't know the definition.)

DrW wrote:. . . a real estate holding corporation with a religion department.

Holy cow, what a great descriptor! Statement of the week, and it's only Sunday afternoon.

I just might have to make that my signature line, if you don't mind.
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

--Louis Midgley
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