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Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 2:06 pm
by _Philo Sofee
zerinus wrote:
Philo Sofee wrote:well about the opposite sex having a reputation... don't forget that little babe on the lion couch that has the name Abraham underneath that Gee hoped would authenticate the book of Abraham and Joseph Smith translation. In the actual context, contra Gee, and Muhlestein, that little girl was being seduced by magic spells so she would spread her legs and get laid. So I mean hey it comes from Antiquity and it's all the way up into today's modern era. :lol: You could possibly take some consolation in realizing that it takes a sacrifice like Abraham on that lion couch in that Greek magical papyri to stop gaining your reputation :lol:
Does "opposite sex" mean someone who is opposed to sex, or does it mean doing sex the opposite way?

It's in the context. I recognize it's a very difficult subject for you to actually grasp so what you need to do is read slowly. I typed it slowly so that it may help you to read it slowly. :biggrin: Good luck

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:33 pm
by _grindael
Philo Sofee wrote:
zer0 wrote:Does "opposite sex" mean someone who is opposed to sex, or does it mean doing sex the opposite way?

It's in the context. I recognize it's a very difficult subject for you to actually grasp so what you need to do is read slowly. I typed it slowly so that it may help you to read it slowly. :biggrin: Good luck

Notice that all Zer0 can offer now is desperately inane questions and silly pictures. He's been shown to be just another troll and that he has nothing substantive to offer. Context is simply too foreign a concept for him to understand.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:51 pm
by _Shulem
grindael wrote:Notice that all Zer0 can offer now is desperately inane questions and silly pictures. He's been shown to be just another troll and that he has nothing substantive to offer. Context is simply too foreign a concept for him to understand.

I tend to agree. I think he's pretty much just a troll having fun and laughing at those who respond to him. I have nothing at all to say to him/her.

Let's see if he can tell us the name of the king written in the writing of Facsimile No. 3 and why Anubis was demoted to a slave in Egyptian art per revelation of Joseph Smith the pretended translator who didn't know jack about Egypt.

All this nonsense about Mormon salvation and the truth of LDS scriptures doesn't help the Explanations of the Facsimiles and he knows that. It's an easy smack down and he knows it.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 10:45 am
by _zerinus
Shulem wrote:I tend to agree. I think he's pretty much just a troll having fun and laughing at those who respond to him. I have nothing at all to say to him/her.
I had already figured that apostates, atheists, and anti-Mormons don't have a sense of humor. But that is okay with me. I have no problems with that.

Let's see if he can tell us the name of the king written in the writing of Facsimile No. 3 and why Anubis was demoted to a slave in Egyptian art per revelation of Joseph Smith the pretended translator who didn't know jack about Egypt.
The facsimiles contain esoteric teachings of the ancient Egyptians which modern scholars and Egyptologists have not yet decyphered or discovered. It is awfully arrogant of them to suppose that with their puny little knowledge they can outsmart a prophet of God.

All this nonsense about Mormon salvation and the truth of LDS scriptures doesn't help the Explanations of the Facsimiles and he knows that. It's an easy smack down and he knows it.
I can only speak for myself. I can only say that the witness of the Spirit of God to me is that what Joseph claimed and wrote with respect to the Book of Abraham is true, and he received it by revelation from God. I don't have to understand all the mysteries and esoteric teachings of the ancient Egyptians to believe and know that that is the case. Now you can knock your head against the wall until your brains fall out; but that won't alter that fact. Religion is a matter of faith, not empirical "proof". There are a lot of things that you just believe, without any "proof" of the kind that you are expecting. I won't be able to "prove" to you that the Book of Abraham is true. But neither you nor anybody else can "prove" to me that it is false either. Our knowledge of the Egyptian culture, religion, and esoteric teachings are simply not sufficient for anyone to be able to do so.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 11:55 am
by _Lemmie
cypher wrote:The facsimiles contain esoteric teachings of the ancient Egyptians which modern scholars and Egyptologists have not yet decyphered[sp]...

A troll who puns!
definition "cypher"
a zero; a figure 0.
synonyms: zero, 0, nil, naught/nought

•a person or thing of no importance,...

Urban Dictionary: "Cypher"
Top definition:
Anything cyclical.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 1:58 pm
by _Shulem
It's rather humorous to see someone hide behind the word 'esoteric' in a vain attempt to defend the Joseph Smith Egyptian translations. It makes me almost want to laugh at the silliness it requires to twist and distort one's thinking in order to protect their brain chemical induced testimonial experience that Mormonism is somehow true. Logic and reason go out the window and faith, magic, and Joseph Smith appear like a cartoon with pink elephants and polka dots.

Joseph Smith lied when he pointed to a character on the papyrus and said it was the autograph of such and such.

Joseph Smith lied about his explanations he made up in the Facsimiles.

Joseph Smith could not read or write Egyptian.

Anubis has never been depicted as a slave anywhere in ancient Egypt. To blaspheme the god of Egypt was a crime worthy of death. There is no Mormon apologetic that can defend Joseph Smith's lies. Those who do are liars themselves, people that have no interest in truth and fact. They are dreamers who are locked into a bubble of deception. It is a sad human experience for sure.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 2:59 pm
by _I have a question
zerinus wrote: I won't be able to "prove" to you that the Book of Abraham is true. But neither you nor anybody else can "prove" to me that it is false either. Our knowledge of the Egyptian culture, religion, and esoteric teachings are simply not sufficient for anyone to be able to do so.

Anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty can accept that the Book Of Abraham is not what Joseph himself claimed it was. Even Holland declined to back Joseph's claim up when the BBC asked him about it.
A Translation of some ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt. The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus.

It isn't a translation of the ancient records.
The papyrus doesn't contain the writings of Abraham.
Abraham didn't write on the papyrus that Joseph obtained.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:02 pm
by _zerinus
I have a question wrote:
zerinus wrote: I won't be able to "prove" to you that the Book of Abraham is true. But neither you nor anybody else can "prove" to me that it is false either. Our knowledge of the Egyptian culture, religion, and esoteric teachings are simply not sufficient for anyone to be able to do so.
Anyone with a modicum of intellectual honesty can accept that the Book Of Abraham is not what Joseph himself claimed it was. Even Holland declined to back Joseph's claim up when the BBC asked him about it.
A Translation of some ancient Records that have fallen into our hands from the catacombs of Egypt. The writings of Abraham while he was in Egypt, called the Book of Abraham, written by his own hand, upon papyrus.

It isn't a translation of the ancient records.
The papyrus doesn't contain the writings of Abraham.
Abraham didn't write on the papyrus that Joseph obtained.
I stand by what I said, nothing more to add.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:03 pm
by _I have a question
zerinus wrote:I stand by what I said, nothing more to add.

Thanks for proving my point.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 3:08 pm
by _Lemmie
I have a question wrote:
zerinus wrote:[]I stand by what I said, nothing more to add.[]

Thanks for proving my point.

And mine.
Urban Dictionary: "Cypher"
Top definition:
Anything cyclical.