DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Smokey »

Last edited by Guest on Sat Mar 07, 2020 4:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dr Shades is Jason Gallentine
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Lemmie »


make sure I help at least 10 people laugh daily,

:lol: Count me among the 10!

If I could just embrace the guilt and shaming again, my life would have spiritual meaning like yours does

:lol: :lol: count me twice today.
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Smokey »

What were/are you doing that caused you to feel guilty?
Dr Shades is Jason Gallentine
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Lemmie »

Physics guy:

More importantly, of course, in a discussion of something that harms a lot of people it's vicious to deflect the discussion with pedantic quibbles over terminology. It would still be vicious even if the pedantic quibbles were right.

Getting back to the topic, this technique is really pervasive. The key point is it is a deflection. The terminology only seems to become an issue when something needs to be deflected, which I think is why it comes across as so irritating, and even if true, false as a valid argument.
_Philo Sofee
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Smokey wrote:What were/are you doing that caused you to feel guilty?

Oh my gawd, wake up and smell the coffee dude! EVERYTHING I do brings guilt. Didn't you realize that is the point of the Gospel?! One can NEVER do ENOUGH to satisfy Jesus (who just happens to be off somewhere, somewhen and never actually here when we need him, but I digress [sinfully I might add, so see? There's more guilt for me]).
Helping folks makes me guilty. Smiling at strangers, helping folks in need, giving to charity, writing, my art, playing chess, taking my puppy for a daily walk, waving at the neighbors and sharing good jokes and laughs, smoking some meat and sharing my favorite meals with my hundreds of Unitarian Universalist friends who appear to really, really, REALLY enjoy my chef's skills, sharing beauty on the internet in the form of paintings, sketches, cartoons, etc. I mean, if one ain't Mormon, one doesn't know how to live. I so envy your Mormon life and the joy, calm, serene kindness it gives to you in order to pass along with your fellow humanity, which you do with impeccable skill. Gee, when I grow up I wanna be just like you. There bishop, I confessed, feel better? Have you used your authoritah lovingly today? Are you going to now ask me the temple questions so I can confess to masturbating daily (sometimes more than 6 times!) to the delicious porn I worship too? Is nothing sacred in life? Where can privacy be found? Hey for bonus spiritual points, can I pre-earn 1,000 of those little needed babies by confessing I took Thor and Krishna's names in vain, but not our beloved JEEZUS? That just HAS to count for something I'm tellin ya. Harming all those false Gods while elevating our own just has to get me from the Telestial to at least the Terrestrial. Know what I mean bishopbean?
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Smokey »

Your wife left you because you helped people and smiled at strangers?

masturbating daily (sometimes more than 6 times!) to the delicious porn I worship [...]

Now that sounds more truthful.

Have you ever considered that feelings of shame and guilt might be good for you?

Shouldn’t someone feel guilty and shame when they selfishly destroy their entire family in pursuit of temporary physical pleasures like giving yourself an orgasm?
Dr Shades is Jason Gallentine
_Philo Sofee
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Smokey: Your wife left you because you helped people and smiled at strangers?

Which wife are we talking about?

masturbating daily (sometimes more than 6 times!) to the delicious porn I worship [...]

Smokey: Now that sounds more truthful.

Ha! Fooled you ya dumbass bishop. It's more like 45 times! That's some spirit of discernment you possess.

Smokey: Have you ever considered that feelings of shame and guilt might be good for you?

Golly, such a thing has never even before entered my mind, Wow you are so impressive!

Smokey: Shouldn’t someone feel guilty and shame when they selfishly destroy their entire family in pursuit of temporary physical pleasures like giving yourself an orgasm?

Not when the wifey is helpin me you dumbass....we are after all, ONE flesh, no? Man don't they teach you ANYTHING in Mormonism?! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
_Holy Ghost
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Holy Ghost »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Smokey wrote:Imagine losing everything, family, faith, the respect of your community and children, and being left to fish for compliments from apostates on a Friday night over some mediocre coloring. If the Kerry Shirts story isn’t a tragedy I don’t know what is.

Maybe I can pull a Midgley and call you a ____ coward for posting anonymously you COWARD! Come out with your REAL NAME and face me like you miserable pile. I'm going to look up your files and scent you out like a dog on a coon trail, and EXPOSE you, CHARLATAN! :lol:

Smokey wrote:While you’re at it, tell us what you think of “Doctor Scratch” posting insults anonymously for 20+ years. Or else you might have to add a chapter about becoming a massive fricking hypocrite to the “Kerry Shirts Tragedy” coloring book.

Well, you have certainly selected a most apt avatar.
"There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge." Isaac Asimov
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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Shulem »



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Re: DCP: Homophobia is "a nonsense word."

Post by _Smokey »


You don’t seem well. The disgusting people here that used to mock you still don’t care about you, beyond joining in their misery of being cut off from God.

Your writing is muddled, your pictures are unimpressive, your self-promotion is so cringe. You’re not thinking clearly which is ironic because you’ve started worshiping your own intellect.

If anyone cared about you they would tell you to get a brain scan. All the pistons aren’t firing. I’d guess that you’re beyond saving but I’ve been wrong before. Hopefully you have family members praying for you.

Come home, white man.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Mar 07, 2020 6:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Dr Shades is Jason Gallentine
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