Apologists Harassing Critics

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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _grindael »

A little birdie told me that Shades was kind of getting picked on so I thought I would make this one comment and it'll be my only one.

I think that Shades has handled things here in a stellar way as well as EAllusion. He's fair, balanced and a wonderful person and I don't blame anything on him at all. Time will tell if rehabilitation will work and I hope it does. I have faith in Shades. Self imposed discipline does not and has not in the case of a certain anonymous poster here. He's already broken his word about me. He needs to look up what "indirectly" means.

To all of you who have been concerned for me, thank you and don't even think about leaving. For all of you who are not and have made certain assumptions, I have only gone after people who attacked me FIRST. I'd take the time to do some research before making certain assumptions. Shades has been very good about putting most of my screw ups into the proper forum. In some cases I even reported myself.

EAllusion is right. I've broken the rules and I acknowledge it. I don't have any excuse for doing so. I did it because I wanted to. In EVERY CASE it was wrong and I take responsibility for doing so. I'm not blameless and have never said I was. But Shades is.

This is not the only forum I am taking a break from. I have my own reasons for doing so, which I'm not going to go into. Did recent events here factor into my decision? Yes. So please, move on and take care. And knowing Shades, I wouldn't be surprised if some who seem to be gone haven't popped up under another moniker and he let it slide. He's cool like that. :cool:
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _EAllusion »

What frustrated me about how Shades' moderated that situation is those Hungarian references often did related to the topic being discussed, in some cases much more than posts that were left alone. Shades himself wasn't able to make the connection due to him not wanting or being able to think laterally, and he was so attuned to combing his posts for being off-topic that he would repeatedly move posts and reprimand him for behavior that really didn't deserve it. It was just a pet peeve for Shades.

I think this was a unfortunate, uncommon situation that people are gonna naturally compare lighter moderating touch to as an example of arbitrary, capricious moderation. I think it might be better to view it as a unusual fault that just speaks to Shades' foibles rather than anything deeper about systematic unfairness.

I wouldn't be so sure our Hungarian friend is gone, though. :p
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _RockSlider »


I agree and have said my peace and will let this go, hopefully forever.
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _Lemmie »

So nice to hear from you grindael!

Dr. Shades wrote:I don't want anyone to leave. I wish they wouldn't. But I can't sacrifice one poster on the altar of preventing another poster's departure prior to doing my level best to rehabilitate the offender.

Just to clarify, grindael did not threaten to leave, and ask that you to prevent his leaving by engaging in a particular behavior. He came to the conclusion that mentalgymnast's harassment of him would be allowed continue (based on repeated incidents where mg caused real distress to him, but only had his actions met with the mildest of slaps on the wrist), and that there was no recourse to protect himself from that except to leave. Consequently, he left. (and popped back in just now! Yea!)
grindael wrote: Self imposed discipline does not and has not in the case of a certain anonymous poster here. He's already broken his word about me.

Yes he has. repeatedly.

IHAQ did not threaten to leave either. Like grindael, he found the current situation intolerable, and left.

I understand how you came to your decisions, and I appreciate your explanations, but when mentalgymnast overwhelms the board with his bogus reports and continued trolling, and the solution is to reward him with a mentalgymnast Jubilee where all his trolling is forgiven, it's only reasonable that the harassed would take steps to leave the situation.
Last edited by Guest on Thu Nov 02, 2017 10:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
_Dr. Shades
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Thank you very much, rockslider and grindael, for your VERY kind words.

I note and highly appreciate them. :-) :-) :-)
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _mentalgymnast »

Dr. Shades wrote:So, that's one person I've supposedly "chased away" and one I've supposedly "taken under my wing." Not bad odds, all things considered.

I don't consider myself having been taken under anyone's wing...but I do appreciate the fact that Dr. Shades seems to truly desire an open/free board where all ideas/opinions can be expressed. Even to the point where there is the potential/possibility of propaganda being spread, minds being primed in one way or the other, and memes being created over time.

There, I've expressed my opinion. I'm sure others may disagree and I'm totally cool with that. :smile:

Thanks again, Dr. Shades, for your patience and also your willingness to keep this board a place where freedom of expression reigns. Although I'd like to see a bit more civility rule the day...knowing full well that I don't have a stellar record in this regard. Feelings sometimes over rule. Especially when trying to prove a point, be right, win the argument, etc.

I know I can do better.

I too, would not be opposed at all to IHAQ returning to the board. He is always coming up with up to date happenings in the Mormon world that are interesting and provoke discussion.

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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _RockSlider »

mentalgymnast wrote:I know I can do better.

I wish shades had one more rule: Don't be a dick.

Please just play like there exists that rule from here on out ok?
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _Shulem »

Dr. Shades wrote:Thank you very much, rockslider and grindael, for your VERY kind words.

I note and highly appreciate them. :-) :-) :-)

You, Shades, are without question the best moderator anyone could hope for and an amazing Founder & Visionary. Thank you for all the hard work you've done in maintaining the sanity of this board. I know that your dealings with me have not always been a picnic. My hat is off to you and I salute you for the fine job you've done.
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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _mentalgymnast »

RockSlider wrote:
mentalgymnast wrote:I know I can do better.

I wish shades had one more rule: Don't be a dick.

I think that if all board members abide by this suggestion, the board would be a better place. I think we can agree on that.

It's called civility.

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Re: Apologists Harassing Critics

Post by _Lemmie »

Oops wrong thread.
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