Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Tom wrote:I’m surprised to see that Prop 8’s comments remain attributed on SeN. He was banned by Dr. Peterson in July 2018. So, no, I can’t agree that “Patheos, despite its many quirks, always does the same thing when a commenter is banned: it removes the screen name from all the comments, and replaces it with ‘Guest.’”

I've been banned from Dan's vanity blog for two months now, and it still shows my Disqus profile name on the thread where he banned me. I have no idea what Kiwi57 is on about.

- Doc
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_Dr Moore
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr Moore »

Not to split hairs either, but Kiwi, your understanding of the banning process at Disqus could use a refresher. ... rating-101

Moderators may issue a timeout ban for any users for any time period they wish. Minutes. Hours. Days. Weeks. Doing so has no impact on comment history and requires no notification, as you can see if you scroll down on the link to "Timeouts and Shadow Banning".

The type of ban that would convert comments to Guest is something more permanent. And I agree, that would merit a warning and a notification because it changes the comment history irrevocably.

Anyway, group hug still on the table. Maybe Dan is being truthful and it was a glitch. My personal opinion is he got tired of the thread and gave several of us a timeout ban. Entirely his choice. Or maybe it was a glitch, that hit 3 of us and no one else, for an evening.
_Philo Sofee
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Philo Sofee »

Pahoran wrote:
Philo Sofee wrote:Of all issues on this board Pahoran finally shows up to make a few cheap scores on Dan banning Ph.d posters off his blog?!

No "Ph.d posters" have been banned.


False, until I see evidence that the real Ph.d holding Dr. Moore can now post on Sic et Non. With that evidence I will concede the point. Until then, you are wrong, since all I can do is go by the actual evidence and claims. he stated he faked being a Ph.d student, not faked having a Ph.d. I give him the benefit of the doubt exactly like I will Peterson. So, if Dr. Moore can post on Sic et Non, then you win a point and have worked your way up the celestial ladder of exaltation. But I also agree with Dr. Moore, a group hug is the way to go.
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
_Dr Moore
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr Moore »

Still shows as banned. As of 5:16pm on Friday, 8/23/19.

Update: despite the message (on a second device, so not a cache issue), I was able to post the message above (by clicking on "Post as Dr. Moore") and it does appear to have gone live instantly at the referenced "Extras" thread. So the banning message has no teeth and apparently serves no functional purpose. ... qus_thread

On reading more about bans vs timeouts ( ... my-account) it appears that a ban is a ban, and a timeout signals a timeout message. My message says ban, but clearly I'm not banned.

And so, I'm satisfied to call it a technical glitch and apologize for my part in the liar-liar game.

Dan, I concede that it appears you were truthful about not banning me from SeN. And I apologize for rushing to question your integrity on this issue. Technical glitches happen all the time and it does no one any good to point fingers when a machine is at fault. I'm sorry.
Last edited by Guest on Sat Aug 24, 2019 12:11 am, edited 1 time in total.
_Fence Sitter
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Fence Sitter »

Jesus, why have I not been reading this thread!!!
OMG, look what hole Pahowrong drug himself out of just to reply.
Somebody is striking a nerve.

Must suck to be rejected by your own.
"Any over-ritualized religion since the dawn of time can make its priests say yes, we know, it is rotten, and hard luck, but just do as we say, keep at the ritual, stick it out, give us your money and you'll end up with the angels in heaven for evermore."
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

Midgley wrote:Gemli:
Doctor Disco is one of the disgusting fake doctors and fake professor who have pounced on Dan's blog and done their very best to make utter fools out of themselves and have succeeded in doing just that. Just glance at the more than silly names of those who up-voted your comment. And you might has noted that there is now even a fake "Gemli fan club," as well as a fake "Midge," that up-votes from that sewer.

Last night Stephen Smoot and I found ourselves comparing and contrasting you with the disgusting rubbish that has come from what is a cesspool for hate. Smoot looks in on Dan's blog from time to time, and we agree that you show no signs of hatred, and what you post is for you serious business. We do not see you as dishonest. We differ, of course, and do so vigorously, with a jab here and there. You are clearly cut out of a different clothe than those people.

Now I must also point out that I am at least as hostile to what I see often passing as religion as you are. Steve Smoot, like Professor Peterson, is aware that I am reading a 1,104 page book written by a very gifted scholar who described how Stalin created a huge lap of luxury living quarters for the Old Bolsheviks, when Russians were starving in their worker's paradise. And then had almost all of them murdered during the famous purge.Yuri Slezkine devotes the first third of this book to arguing that Communism was a secular religion that borrowed from every evil one can dredge up the the moment Constantine make Christianity the official cult of the Roman Empire. I think he goes a bit far, as do all of those many who have reviewed his book, but I also think he was essentially correct.

I have never even hinted that your own secular atheist religion involves any urge to harm others. However, I worry that the constant manifestation of hatred and violent language in that cesspool, potentially might trigger violent deeds.
(emphasis added.... And is he making a threat here? Or saying that he's afraid?)

And this is a pretty good one:

Louis Midgley wrote:Victoria Smolkin has demonstrated that the initial wild celebration of the statement made by a Russian who took a brief tour just a few miles above the earth's atmosphere, and who, when he returned safely to earth, reported that he had not seen God out there, which was seen as the final proof that atheism is true faith. That stupid remark, which was celebrated by the then leaders of the Soviet Union, was eventually mocked by the growing number in the Soviet Union who were coming to believe in God, as a good example of the propaganda advanced by the League of Militant Atheists, which supplemented the closing of 44,500 churches and the slaughter of priests and those suspected of believing in God.

I have begun to wonder if the events that took place in 2012 did not actually generate a rebirth of the very thing that those behind the "new direction" sought to toss on what they wrongly imagined was the "trash heap of history." For one thing the "new direction" was a muddle, since it was driven by personal animosities and ambitions. Then it was always on the defensive. And it drew the unwanted and continual attention of the Brethren.

I came to believe that Fawn Brodie provided the necessary boot in the bum to draw attention especially to the Book of Mormon, which had previously been mostly ignored by both the Saints and the Brethren. Could Jerry Bradford's urge to constantly tinker with things and devise changes, once he had access to power, has ended up being the trigger for another flowering of what he came to dislike and tried to smother.

Could the raw and disgusting Mormon League of Fake Doctors and Professors, currently led by utterly disgusting Scratch and Shades, be playing a similar role?

Huh. Interesting.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr LOD »

Dr Moore wrote:Still shows as banned. As of 5:16pm on Friday, 8/23/19.

Update: despite the message (on a second device, so not a cache issue), I was able to post the message above (by clicking on "Post as Dr. Moore") and it does appear to have gone live instantly at the referenced "Extras" thread. So the banning message has no teeth and apparently serves no functional purpose. ... qus_thread

On reading more about bans vs timeouts ( ... my-account) it appears that a ban is a ban, and a timeout signals a timeout message. My message says ban, but clearly I'm not banned.

And so, I'm satisfied to call it a technical glitch and apologize for my part in the liar-liar game.

Dan, I concede that it appears you were truthful about not banning me from SeN. And I apologize for rushing to question your integrity on this issue. Technical glitches happen all the time and it does no one any good to point fingers when a machine is at fault. I'm sorry.

This is exactly how my account was acting.

Who cares Dan was perfectly within his rights to ban people or call a timeout with how heated things were getting. Like Dr. Midgley said it is kind of Dan’s living room there. Now it would be nice if Dr. Midgley could kindly be reminded to conduct himself with a bit more professional decorum while addressing his peers. Because many of us have the same big piece of paper telling us we can put a big D at the end of our name.
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

Midgley wrote:I was not in my exchange with gemli above "publicly admitting that Gemli [sic gemli] is not dishonest."

If I were to suddenly ask a real person whose identity is know, hence not a fake doctor, molesting children, I had better be certain that I have proof. I did say that "we," meaning Dan and I, and other Latter-day Saints do not see gemli as dishonest in any thing like swarm of fake doctors and professors is flagrantly and fully consciously dishonest. I am tired of this sort of mean, nasty, disgusting stuff. It is clear that Dr. Detroit is only hear to pick a fight, just as was Dr. Moore.

My recent experience with cesspool of hate has cause me to dial back my own rhetoric a bit. I intend to do everything I can to invoke the calm passions, which are possible, very helpful for productive exchanges, where the violent passions are otherwise.

I do not think that Dr. Detroit can explain why he posts on sic et non without mere platitudes. I right now urge him to try explain why he cares about what gets posted on Dan's blog.
"[I]f, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
_Dr Moore
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr Moore »

In his own way, Dr Midgley has stated an intention to
dial back the harsh rhetoric. He still calls this board a cesspool, which does carry a, ahem, mildly negative connotation.

But it sounds like an olive branch and I intend to reciprocate. ... bic-1.html

Louis, no hate coming from me. Not in the personal sense. If I picked a fight with you it was more well intentioned than it came off. Sorry about that. I will happily debate facts, methods, writings, behavioral disagreements and experimental data all day. But I don’t hold grudges and I don’t wish you ill.

In fact I bet you’re a blast in person and if we ever cross paths I will be delighted to buy you a cold Baja Blast (my favorite caffeinated beverage) or the closest thing of your preference.

Dr. Moore
_Philo Sofee
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Philo Sofee »

You are a good man Dr. Moore. If Midgley will quit acting like such a wild assed sophomore, I can also dial down the rhetorical sarcasm, and lets get onto substance in the issues. Because we critics have serious substance with the issues, that usually gets rhetorical donkey turds back instead of refutations with evidence from apologists.

Lets all put some thinking and scholarship into these discussions for a change. We all know we are human and fallible and make mistakes, so forgive and forget. And get onto the actual issues and evidences of said claims that appear for all the world to be just made up baloney. We wanna see evidence for why they aren't just baloney, because the evidence demonstrates they are just baloney, and it doesn't matter if I used 2 inch curlers in the morning to curl my hair or not, lets keep relevant to the issues being discussed, not how a person behaves, i.e., quit worrying about the person.
Dr CamNC4Me
"Dr. Peterson and his Callithumpian cabal of BYU idiots have been marginalized by their own inevitable irrelevancy defending a fraud."
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