What Repels Mormons, make it Funny

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Post by _marg »

Coggins7 wrote:
I know how this game of morla oneupsmanship works. TBSs are supposed to play coy and submit to diresion, parody, and biting satire of their sacred beliefs. When a Mormon derides, parodies, and satires thier profane, secualr beliefs, or lampoons the various presenting problems and rationalizations for their apostasy, all holy living Hell breaks loose. Tears stream down faces. Cries of anguish are heard throughout the land. Those in the great and spacious building suddenly become moralists and gaurdians of Sermon on The Mount rectitude. Its an amazing lycanthropic transformation that everyone should have a chance to see.

What are you going on about? Your poems were not censored, no Holy Hell broke loose when you posted them. The complaints are coming from some Mormons who don't like the list. I fail to see what is offensive in the list.

by the way, the stereotype of exmos that you portrayed in your poems are a product of what is in YOUR mind..it's debatable whether anyone else has that same view. I think to some extent Mormons do, and so your religion is where you've likely gotten it from.

It seems to me that you view individuals outside of Mormonism as morally loose. That's an arrogant position of moral superiority. The list in this thread from what I can see isn't doing anything similar..there might be a couple of words but again if there is no truth to any word...then there is no humor and it's meaningless.

Post by _marg »

Coggins7 wrote:And in any case marg, I can, very frankly, only take much of what is argued and clamed in forums such as this seriously for so long without needing to throw a flash/ bang grenade into the room to break up the unrelenting seriousness with which so many of these people take themselves.

ROFL. You asked for evidence. You said "I'd like to see a shed of evidence that I have ever made out anyone who wasn't Mormon to be "immoral". "

I give it to you and now you are mad..and resorting to justifying it.

I further think that, until the Internet, comitted critics of the church were the ones doing all the parody, all the satire, and all the cartoonish characterizations of the church, its people, its leaders, and its beliefs, and that the real truth is that now, when the field is wide open and discussion can proceed in real time across the world at one's fingertips, they can't take what they were dishing out for generations before.

They're just crying over the milk that they themselves spilled long ago.
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Post by _Coggins7 »

Coggins7 wrote:
I just thought I should point out that the tactic marg is using here is that of attempting to claim that my satirical song lyrics or poens are, on my part, an attempt to actually make serious sociological claims about exmormons or anti-Mormons as a group.

I'm sorry, where did marg say that? That's certainly not the impression I've received from what marg wrote.

Marg, our resident Saganite postivist on her better days wrote:

Why do those lists hurt? Coggins was writing poems and making it out that anyone who wasn't Mormons was immoral..they were all alcoholics, adulterers etc. And I'm sure this is something he truly believes. And he's not the only Mormon I've seen that attitude from. What on those lists is so offensive and why?

I further think that, until the Internet, comitted critics of the church were the ones doing all the parody, all the satire, and all the cartoonish characterizations...

That is demonstrably untrue.

Fine, then lets see the demonstration.

...they can't take what they were dishing out for generations before.

* Who do we have on this forum was around dishing that stuff out 'generations before', prior to the birth of the Internet?

* Who here has said they can't take it - please name at least 6 posters

No one on this forum, and I didn't limit it to that. How about Ed Decker? How about Walter Martin? How about John Ankerberg? How about Mark Twain? How about The Utah Evengel? And, more recently, how about Bill Maher?

Post by _marg »

Coggin..you are missing the point to all this. The complaints have been about the list in this thread. It is Mormons who are complaining about the list...saying it's offensive. It shouldn't be in this forum.

I only pointed out your stuff because I remembered it as being offensive and it stayed, no one complained. Yes this list I don't find offensive but I asked anyone if they could tell me what was offensive.

Now you are going off on tangents about critics of Mormonism in history. Yes Mormonisn has been made fun of. There is a reason. Nothing could be made fun of (and people find it funny) unless there was some truth to it.
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Post by _Coggins7 »

Nothing could be made fun of (and people find it funny) unless there was some truth to it.

Interesting propositoin. Now, what is it in, say, the the concept of the existence of God, that could be made fun of at all? This is gist for deep philosophical discussion, but for satire?
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Post by _Fortigurn »

Coggins7 wrote:Marg, our resident Saganite postivist on her better days wrote:


Fine, then lets see the demonstration.

I give you Joseph Smith and Brigham Young. Thank you in advance.

No one on this forum, and I didn't limit it to that.

If it's no one on this forum, then why are you raising it? Your initial claim was that such objections were being raised on this forum.

How about Ed Decker? How about Walter Martin? How about John Ankerberg? How about Mark Twain? How about The Utah Evengel? And, more recently, how about Bill Maher?

Are they on this forum? Can you show me where they have objected to your satire?
Lazy research debunked: bcspace x 4 | maklelan x 3 | Coggins7 x 5 (by Mr. Coffee x5) | grampa75 x 1 | whyme x 2 | rcrocket x 2 | Kerry Shirts x 1 | Enuma Elish x 1|
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Post by _Mercury »

wenglund wrote:
OUT OF MY MISERY wrote:Mods please don't move this thread. We need a humorous thread here and there is really nothing that is offensive in these lists. Some people just lack a sense of humor. I am enjoying everyones lists so far. Thanks to you all.

Isn't feeling the need to make fun at the expense of other people's beliefs, a red flag that something is amise internally (i.e. one is hurting inside, and so one feels a need to externalize and spread the hurt)? While growing up I noticed that to be the case both with bullies as well as certain mean-spirited jokesters. Many people have come to view racist jokes that way.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

I guess that explains the systematic belittling of Catholicism by many prominent Mormons in addition to institutionalized racism.

Your a tool wade.
Last edited by FAST Enterprise [Crawler] on Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:25 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by _Mercury »

Asshat wrote:...a long laundry list of trendy pop philosophies, intellectual fads, and Leftist social nostrums...

If anything, Mormonism is a string of trendy pop philosophies, intelectual fads and leftist social nostrums.

Pop philosophies: Bruce R's works spawned a fad, as does every indignant bigot in the LDS church.

Intelectual fads: The seven habits to whatever, anyone? You were seen as a dysfunctional missionary if you scoffed at those damn pseudointelectual time-management regimens dictated by that asshat covey.

Leftist social nostrums: The United Order anyone?
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Post by _Coggins7 »

Move on, nothing to see here...
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Post by _Mercury »

Coggins7 wrote:Move on, nothing to see here...

Do you have anything better to say? you know, like responding to my posts instead of useless smoke and mirrors? You think we don't see through your false front? You think you actually make a difference? Ha! Your a little mouse squeaking away, scurrying off when the cats come out and play, making you run back into your burrow and yell "move along, nothing to see here" as if the issues discussed will just go away.

Your a dilluded little boy who has lost what it is to be oneself outside a marginalized group. Your a sad display of piss-poor logic and anger.
And crawling on the planet's face
Some insects called the human race
Lost in time
And lost in space...and meaning
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