Easter Greeting

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_Ray A

Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Ray A »

William Schryver wrote:As I warned you (in all seriousness and sincerity) in my post to you on the MAD board, should you choose to go “whole hog” down the road of apostate opposition, you will almost immediately incur the wrath of an offended God in your life.

Okay Willie, let's take one item at a time. I'll have to leave the others for later, however.

If God was offended at all the anti-Mormons in the world today, it would look something like an exmo Black Death. Unfotunately, it's quite the other way around, especially for me, and has been for many years. (22 years now)

God would only be offended if Mormonism was true. But being the outright, calculating FRAUD that it is, leaving it, and criticising it - can never offend God! In fact, God desires that as many as possible should leave this modern day branch of Phariseeism, just like Jesus told them cotton-pickin' pretenders where to go. You've got it back to front, Will.

God doesn't want more, but less Pharisees!! And since the inactivity rate here in Australia is 70%, God is saying, "well done, thou good and faithful servants". We have to taste the bitter to realise the good.

That's why God used a low-life, lying philanderer to start Mormonism. It was for the benefit of the slow (like me), but we still got sucked into it.
Last edited by _Ray A on Mon Apr 13, 2009 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
_Ray A

Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Ray A »

William Schryver wrote:I have long been convinced of this reality.

Your dreams have come true, Will, your dreams have really come true.

My true self is now emerging - I really, really, always hated Mormons, and that filthy, stinkin' whore-prophet of yours got his just reward. He was a lying conman from the day he was born.
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Mary »

Happy Easter to one and all. It's nearly over, here in the UK. It's been a good one. Life is good, and if there is a God, he is far more forgiving, far more merciful, far more understanding, and far, far more loving, than we are capable of comprehending, with our minds right now.

Life is good.

"It's a little like the Confederate Constitution guaranteeing the freedom to own slaves. Irony doesn't exist for bigots or fanatics." Maksutov
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Trevor »

I just think that anger and attacking is bad for the psyche.

What prompts the aggressiveness, Ray? Scratch's departure? WS's silliness?
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
_Ray A

Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Ray A »

William Schryver wrote:
Take heed, however, and do not enter rashly into this course of action, especially when you are still – just barely – in a position to reverse your course one last time.

As I warned you (in all seriousness and sincerity) in my post to you on the MAD board, should you choose to go “whole hog” down the road of apostate opposition, you will almost immediately incur the wrath of an offended God in your life.

In that post, I wrote concerning the words of the Lord to apostates who choose the road you are now contemplating for yourself:

Cursed are all those that shall lift up the heel against mine anointed, saith the Lord, and cry they have sinned when they have not sinned before me, saith the Lord, but have done that which was meet in mine eyes, and which I commanded them.

But those who cry transgression do it because they are the servants of sin, and are the children of disobedience themselves.

. . . they shall be severed from the ordinances of mine house.

Their basket shall not be full, their houses and their barns shall perish, and they themselves shall be despised by those that flattered them.

They shall not have right to the priesthood, nor their posterity after them from generation to generation.

It had been better for them that a millstone had been hanged about their necks, and they drowned in the depth of the sea.

I then invited you to change your course in life:

Ray, I hereby invite you to repent of your sins and come unto Christ. Cease your attacks against the restored gospel. Cease your misguided criticisms born of the darkening of your mind in consequence of your pride. Cease to associate and find common cause with those who have made themselves enemies of the restored gospel. Cease to find fault with the prophets and apostles, living and dead, through whom the Lord has spoken, does now speak, and will continue to speak until Christ returns to assume His throne upon the earth.

If you do not do these things, then I must warn you that you will shortly feel the wrath of God in your life; you will become subject to the cursings pronounced by the Lord in the passage I have quoted above.

Consider this a vain and false prophecy, if you will, and then dismiss it with a scornful laugh. But you will not escape its consequences. If you choose to further grieve the Spirit of the Lord; to increase your persecution of the Saints, and thereby fight against God, you will feel His hand upon you to a degree you have never before experienced, and in ways you never could have imagined. These words I have spoken to you will come to your remembrance, and you will have cause to weep and wail, and gnash your teeth for having been so willfully blind as to make yourself an enemy to the Almighty.

You may mock me and my words to your heart’s delight, but you cannot mock God without consequence. And it just so happens that, as utterly impossible as it may seem to you in this moment, I believe I am speaking to you in His behalf, and with a sincere regard for the welfare of your eternal soul.

I am convinced that you are a good man who has become enmeshed in a cycle of self-loathing and self-destruction. In your heart of hearts, you know the truth but you have become so angry and frustrated by the setbacks of your life and the great losses you have suffered on account of your own foolishness, that you have lost the capacity to see clearly and act accordingly.

But there is still time and opportunity for the atonement of Christ to heal you, if only you will give Him one last chance to save you from yourself.

This really sends shivers down my spine. I'm quaking. And I could possibly be fast asleep in about ten minutes.

Do you think this has any ring of truth to me? Coming from you. :lol:

Good Lard.

Maybe what you need is a good head job. If Joseph was alive I'm sure he'd have fixed you up with Fanny's sister. You know, the "purpose and design of existence" and all that.
_Ray A

Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Ray A »

Trevor wrote:What prompts the aggressiveness, Ray? Scratch's departure? WS's silliness?

Will's getting what he wants, a born-again anti-Mormon.

You know, I've always, really, been that way.

So like Robinson, he's now got his anti-Mormons "up front".

I'm sure he will enjoy what I have to say from now on.
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Trevor »

Ray A wrote:Will's getting what he wants, a born-again anti-Mormon.

Yeah, and he is about the last person I would want to oblige.

Ray A wrote:You know, I've always, really, been that way.

Huh. Nope. I guess I focused more on your reflective, philosophical side.
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
_truth dancer
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _truth dancer »

Hi Mary,

Miss Taken wrote:Happy Easter to one and all. It's nearly over, here in the UK. It's been a good one. Life is good, and if there is a God, he is far more forgiving, far more merciful, far more understanding, and far, far more loving, than we are capable of comprehending, with our minds right now.

Life is good.


Happy Easter to you too! Glad you had a nice day! :smile:

Just wondering .. how do you know God is a "he" and that "he" is more good, forgiving, merciful, understanding and loving than we are capable of comprehending?

I agree life is good for some people, but to be honest I think it REALLY, REALLY sucks for many. If I ignore the suffering, abused, and starving, and those hurting more than I can imagine, I can go with the "God is good" belief but when I see so much horror, cruelty, and suffering I just don't see it.

How do you make sense of the problem of suffering?


I'm asking with curioisty and interest, not trying to debate or challenge you! :smile:
"The search for reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings for it destroys the world in which you live." Nisargadatta Maharaj
_Dr. Shades
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Dr. Shades »

Dear William:

I have a soft spot in my heart for those who are passionate about their beliefs, even if I don't necessarily agree with them.

You knew that posting what you did to Ray A would open yourself up to ridicule, but you were nevertheless passionate enough about the rightness of what you posted that you did so anyway.

In spite of the fact that I might bring condemnation upon my own head for saying this, KUDOS to you for your bravery.
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

--Louis Midgley
_Jason Bourne
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Re: Easter Greeting

Post by _Jason Bourne »

truth dancer wrote:
I'm asking with curioisty and interest, not trying to debate or challenge you! :smile:

Yea you are. You really are trying to debate her.

How about starting another thread about the world is so horrible and if God is there he really sucks to let it me that way.

Let Mary have her happy easter wish and find some peace in her faith.
Last edited by Lem on Sun Apr 12, 2009 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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