How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Trevor »

Daniel Peterson wrote:Actually, if Viktor Frankl (Man's Search for Meaning, etc.) is right (and I think he is), a meaningless life, however richly endowed with boats, beaches, margaritas, and señoritas, probably doesn't beat worn out suits, Doc Martens, ties, and sweat if the latter are part of a life felt to be saturated with deep significance.

One of my all-time favorite books.
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
_Calculus Crusader
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Calculus Crusader »

Daniel Peterson wrote:I haven't really been interested enough in Ayn Rand in recent decades to spend a lot of time on memoirs about her, but there have been some published since her death that portray her as a perfectly horrible human being, destructive of those around her.

I concur. As far as I know, Rand insisted on being able to have an affair with her follower, Nathaniel Branden, even though she was married and became angry with Branden's wife when she expressed the pain the affair was causing her. Rand later tried to destroy Branden when he started a relationship with another woman.

Of course, the actions of Rand and her followers do not necessarily reflect on the "intellectual integrity" of her "philosophy." It just so happens to be wrong in addition to her poor character.
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _JohnStuartMill »

Actually, they do, because that incident, just like virtually all of the other awful things Rand did to other people, was an inexorable consequence of her belief system.
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Eyepatch »

Daniel Peterson wrote:I'm guessing that Eyepatch must have been passed over for DL, ZL, and/or AP.

Well, I can see why you might make that assumption, due to my mini-rant against the leadership. But to be honest, I was given leadership positions due to my straight-arrow behavior. Again, that's why I'm mad about the whole thing. I now despise the behavior that I myself engaged in...boot-licking for the purpose of gaining advancement. I blame it on my youth, and a corrupting system put in place by men who claim to be God's management team.
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot
_Daniel Peterson
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Daniel Peterson »

I was a district leader, zone leader, and then, although Switzerland in those days had only one AP, effectively the second AP in the mission home -- but I didn't lick any boots. Far from it. My mission president wasn't the type to be susceptible to that, anyway.
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Eyepatch »

Daniel Peterson wrote:I was a district leader, zone leader, and then, although Switzerland in those days had only one AP, effectively the second AP in the mission home -- but I didn't lick any boots. Far from it. My mission president wasn't the type to be susceptible to that, anyway.

I suspect that you didn't have to try too hard to adopt the boot-licking pose...I'm sure it came to you quite naturally. :smile: :smile:
"Man will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest." - Denis Diderot
_Daniel Peterson
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Daniel Peterson »

Eyepatch wrote:I suspect that you didn't have to try too hard to adopt the boot-licking pose...I'm sure it came to you quite naturally. :smile: :smile:

You plainly don't know me. Even if I wanted to lick boots, I wouldn't be able to maintain the self-discipline to do it for a long enough time to be worthwhile. Too boring. Too many other, more interesting things.
_Dr. Shades
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Dr. Shades »

I'm not sure exactly what that means, but it certainly doesn't seem to suggest a clear correlation between material prosperity and happiness.

But it does suggest a correlation with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Notice how your examples decrease as they creep closer toward the equator and/or have a sunnier climate:

Daniel Peterson wrote:
  • In prosperous Finland, 38.7 men and 10.7 women commit suicide every year per 100,000 population.
  • In prosperous France, it's 30.4 and 10.8, respectively.
  • In poor Catholic Mexico, the suicide rate is only 5.4 men and 1.0 women per 100,000 people,
  • while in poor Muslim Jordan, the suicide rate appears to be so low that my source gives it as 0.0 and 0.0 per 100,000.
"Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not?"

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_Daniel Peterson
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Daniel Peterson »

Dr. Shades wrote:But it does suggest a correlation with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Notice how your examples decrease as they creep closer toward the equator and/or have a sunnier climate:

Yes, I noticed that. And I'm quite confident that SAD is a factor in some of those northern climes.

But it's not that neat. Sri Lanka has a higher suicide rate than the Ukraine. Cuba has a higher rate of suicide than Sweden. Mauritius has a higher suicide rate than Norway. Iceland is just below Uruguay and just above Puerto Rico. ... tm#Table_B

In any case, there seems, again, to be no clear correlation between wealth and happiness. Sorry.
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Re: How do you, a RM, feel about your Mission?

Post by _Inconceivable »

Daniel Peterson wrote:I was a district leader, zone leader, and then, although Switzerland in those days had only one AP, effectively the second AP in the mission home -- but I didn't lick any boots. Far from it. My mission president wasn't the type to be susceptible to that, anyway.

Upon entering the mission field I fully expected to make my way right to the top in no time. One of my best friends was AP in France (Switzerland) at the time I served. My patriarchal blessing promised many positions of leadership and gave me talents including gifts of administration, knowledge and healing among others. My father and grandfather both served in prestigious positions on their missions. My grandfather was equivelent to the AP and hosted his prophet and the apostles when they visited. There was no doubt that God would place me in a position to lead my brethren to do great things - things they could not otherwise accomplish without the talents I displayed before God in the counsels of heaven before the foundations of the earth were laid.

Oddly, I never rose above the rank of Senior companion. At first, I felt humiliated and tested. But 3/4 through the mission I changed my mind. I thanked God that I could be uncumbered by the administrative aspects of the mission - most of which had little to do with preaching of Christ or even finding and teaching prospective members. Toward the end, I would have preferred to skip the weekly/monthly meetings, pass on the hype and just find Jesus' sheep for Him. I avoided shmoozing with old companions now ranking in leadership. My time was precious. I just wanted to get to work.

Over the years, some leaders were the real deal, others (including some of my own family members) were pompass asses that wore their positions like medals to envy - as if the positions were a representation of their righteousness and closeness to God, being careful to name each and every position in order to quantify their value (including their CEMS). This particular relative would always ask me what I was doing in the church after reminding me how great his God thought he was. I would tell him I was enjoying being a Home Teacher.

Regardless of my church and even professional positions, I have enjoyed serving as a quiet participant. I'd prefer to never to let you know me by my callings. It's not the calling that makes a person, it's what you do with it.

The last act of service Jesus demonstrated to His disciples before He was taken, was to clean their God awful filthy feet with His own two hands. No delegation there. I don't hear much of leaders doing much of that nowdays - let alone brag about it.

I'll once again refer to Pokatator's sig line.
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