FAIR goes too far.

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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Nimrod »

lobowolffe wrote:It may come as a surprise to most of you, since you sincerely believe that this message board is full of “truth” and reliable information, but you’re nuts to believe that William Schryver has been censured by anyone, whether at FAIR, or the MI, or in church leadership.

Except for two or three people at FAIR, no one else believed Will did anything wrong when it comes to Trevor edited by harmony: violation of Rule #3’s tall tale about having his “privacy” violated. They know the “rest of the story,” and it is much different than the version that edited by harmony has crafted on this message board. In fact, the net result of edited by harmony’s lame attempt to discredit Schryver has been that Trevor’s reputation has been destroyed in the minds of those who previously considered him to be a half-way decent fellow. Most people at FAIR had not known how hostile edited by harmony was towards the church until he caused them to review his posting career on this board. Now edited by harmony is viewed less as a well-meaning disbeliever and more as a calculating apostate.

As for Schryver’s reputation among church leadership, I know that there are people at the highest levels who are aware of him and his work, and they are excited to see that work come to fruition. As I understand it, permission for him to obtain full access to the Book of Abraham materials in the archives was granted at the highest possible levels.

Will’s decision to avoid the message boards has everything to do with wanting to focus more fully on the work he is doing, rather than wasting any more time in fruitless discussions with apostates.

So fantasize anything you want, just don’t start believing that your fantasies have anything to do with the reality of things as they really are.

Read the rules, specifically #3. Do not reveal personal information that has not been revealed by the poster.

lobowolffe, just trying to gage the excitement of the FP/12. Are the FP/12 as excited to see Schryver's continuously hinted at but of course not delivered apologetic for BoAbr as they were to see the salamander letters from Hoffman two and a half decades ago? It could be 'the bomb.'
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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Gadianton »

Hi there lobowolffe,

Welcome to MDB!

I have to object to the broad brush you paint our forum with, I for one am inclined to believe you that the leadership at FAIR and the relevant leadership of the Church is completely on your side in this matter. I've gone on the record several times stating this including on this thread. I don't believe DCP or anyone has a significant issue with what you've done. I believe there are a couple who might be unenthusiastically playing the "bad cop" here just for the sake of lending "but we could be wrong" credibility in case the situation were to ever blow up somehow.

I think Schryver is getting a lot of high fives out of this, pats on the back and a lot of snickers. I have no idea what my peers here are thinking when they suggest that the leadership of apologetic entities and the church in general are above "witch hunts" and outing "wolves" and would think Schryver's actions are disgusting. I just don't get it. Do they not remember September 16? (I think that's the date anyway) Have they never browsed the archives at Shields, ZLMB, FAIR, The Review? Have they never seen the drop boxes at BYU where you can out your fellow students for minor infractions such as chin stubble and shorts an inch above the knee? Are they not aware of the SCMC. LOL!

Trevor is a good guy, his goodness and purity unfortunately make him a little naïve and disposed to swinging the wooden-handled tennis racket and predatory apologists can take advantage of guys like this pretty easily.

That doesn't mean I wholly reject GP's intel. I do think Schryver could have issues pushing the limits of his notoriety, his campaign promoting himself as the avante-garde Egyptomopologist could be taken exception to by competing Mopologists. On those grounds, I think it's at least plausible that the ranking apologists are concerned about Schryver's Liberace-like showmanship.
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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Trevor »

bcspace wrote:The SCMC is far more concerned with things like Feminist Mormon Housewives than the Will/Trevor thingy.

No doubt. Nor have I ever suggested otherwise.
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
_Dr. Shades
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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Dr. Shades »

From Gadianton Plumber's informant:

[William Schryver] has become more of a liability than his pecuniary contributions would warrant.

HAHAHAHA! Assuming the intel is correct, then Will was only accepted into FAIR's inner circle thanks to the fact that he BOUGHT HIS WAY IN with money! The money dries up, and they toss him out on his behind! Oh man, this is GREAT STUFF!

lobowolffe wrote:As for Schryver’s reputation among church leadership, I know that there are people at the highest levels who are aware of him and his work, and they are excited to see that work come to fruition.

Too bad it'll never happen.

As I understand it, permission for him to obtain full access to the Book of Abraham materials in the archives was granted at the highest possible levels.

That's just a bluff by Schryver himself. If they won't even let Gee see the goods, then there's no way in Hell they'll allow Schryver to be in the same room with them.

Will’s decision to avoid the message boards has everything to do with wanting to focus more fully on the work he is doing, rather than wasting any more time in fruitless discussions with apostates.

You're wrong. Will himself declared that he left because people didn't appreciate him enough. Here's what he said:

William Schryver wrote:As for myself, I have reached the limit of my endurance when it comes to these online forums. I have become such a lightning rod of late that my words, however much light they may cast upon the scene, are getting lost in the thunder. I have concluded, therefore, that I must act to place my words in a new context that will both shield them from the wanton vandals as well as make them more potent and persuasive in the eyes of those who are best positioned to derive benefit therefrom.

And so, with that, I bid you all a final, if not universally fond, farewell.

So there you have it, straight from the horse's mouth.

Paul Osborne wrote:William is about to apostatize and his whole life will turn upside down. His house must be a mess by now. Just watch it happen. You will see. Confusion is swelling in him now. But this board will receive him in kindness after he denounces the Book of Abraham as a fraud and MAD will rail him as an evil apostate. That's the difference between the boards.

I think you'll soon be proven a prophet. William simply cannot survive without ego reinforcement, and if FAIR will no longer give it to him, then he'll have no choice but to switch allegiances to a group who will.

cksalmon wrote:I'm sure we all await, with bated breath, the fruition of his arduous labors, most especially such apostates as frequent MADB.

Yeah, that was a bizarre comment on lobowolffe's part. "Apostates who frequent MA&D?" I guess "apostate" is now defined as "anyone who disagrees with William Schryver on any topic."
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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Runtu »

You can't make this stuff up. First Will says he's leaving because he's become a lightning rod for hate. Does he really think no one has noticed that for the past four years he's done little else but point the finger of scorn and hate at others? Hell, even after people leave the boards, he continues to hold up their names to mocking and derision. And yet he's the victim of the hate. Unbelievable.

And now we have some unknown person in here vouching for Will's character, insisting that FAIR doesn't really give a damn about ethical transgressions, and saying it's Trevor who has been shown to be the duplicitous apostate.

Are these people really this lacking in self-awareness?
Runtu's Rincón

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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _beastie »

Runtu wrote:
Are these people really this lacking in self-awareness?

Absolutely, emphatically yes.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _CaliforniaKid »


I doubt that leaders at the highest levels of the Church were involved in the decision to let Will see the Book of Abraham materials. That's more the domain of Church History Library administrators, such as Alan L. Morrell.


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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Trevor »

Greetings, Will or Surrogate-Will, as the case may be-

I have a few comments about your leavings.

lobotowolf wrote:It may come as a surprise to most of you, since you sincerely believe that this message board is full of “truth” and reliable information, but you’re nuts to believe that William Schryver has been censured by anyone, whether at FAIR, or the MI, or in church leadership.

It does not come as a surprise to me. I never thought that anyone had, not that it wouldn't have been appropriate to do so.

lobotowolf wrote:Except for two or three people at FAIR, no one else believed Will did anything wrong when it comes to Trevor edited by harmony: violation of Rule #3’s tall tale about having his “privacy” violated.

Hilarious. I submit a paper to FAIR at David Keller's request, fully expecting that it will be handled discreetly. Will Schryver posts the fact on a public forum, and now I am accused of spreading a "tall tale" about my privacy being violated. Earth to stupid guy: It is a simple fact that my privacy was violated.

On another note, I am pleased that a few people at FAIR had the integrity and common sense to notice that Will acted unethically. It is a tribute to them and fills me with hope for a possible brighter future at FAIR.

lobotwolf wrote:They know the “rest of the story,” and it is much different than the version that edited by harmony has crafted on this message board. In fact, the net result of edited by harmony’s lame attempt to discredit Schryver has been that Trevor’s reputation has been destroyed in the minds of those who previously considered him to be a half-way decent fellow. Most people at FAIR had not known how hostile edited by harmony was towards the church until he caused them to review his posting career on this board. Now edited by harmony is viewed less as a well-meaning disbeliever and more as a calculating apostate.

If you aren't Schryver, and I think you very likely are, then you have studied his playbook and emulated it very exactingly. If there is a "rest of the story" as Schryver has repeatedly, and I would say dishonestly, claimed, then it is as mysterious to me as it is to most everyone. I wish I had seen your full post before harmony edited it, so I could see what else you chose to spew out in the course of your usual vomiting.

Am I surprised that "most people at FAIR" did not know how hostile I have been toward the Church at times? Of course not. Why should they? And what difference does it make, anyway? All of this is immaterial. Completely immaterial. I was unexpectedly asked to share my notes from my Sunstone session. All I was told, as I recall it now, was that David thought the paper might be useful. It was all very preliminary... what I would call the very beginnings of a discussion.

Next thing I know, David has contacted me with the news that the paper was turned down. I was annoyed, because I was actually hopeful that it might have proved useful to FAIR at some point. In the end, however, I figured it was best, because it seemed risky to my actual career to have contributed an apologetic piece to FAIR. I had put the matter pretty much behind me, when Will, out of personal pique, revealed that I had submitted a paper to FAIR and his instrumentality in its rejection.

The whole notion that I am a "calculating apostate" is, simply put, a ludicrous, paranoid fantasy. I have been, for a very long time, a disillusioned and struggling member, but there has been very little about this that has been "calculated."
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
_Paul Osborne

Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Paul Osborne »

CaliforniaKid wrote:lobowolffe,

I doubt that leaders at the highest levels of the Church were involved in the decision to let Will see the Book of Abraham materials. That's more the domain of Church History Library administrators, such as Alan L. Morrell.



I tend to think that the opportunity for William to see these precious documents was simply a controlled experiment that actually may have received a nod from an apostle of the church. This may have been a test in dipping feet into the water to see the reaction. It is being weighed, can others dip their feet? Can the whole church dip their feet and still remain intact without falling apart?

Yes, William was being used. He was merely a pawn, a rat in a maze, a tester so-to-speak. Further fear will be realized after William apostatizes! The General Authorities have a fight on their hands. Let them prepare for battle. The inspiration of their founding prophet is still under attack. The Book of Abraham is a lie and covering this lie is getting harder to do with each passing day.

Paul O
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Re: FAIR goes too far.

Post by _Nightlion »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Paul Osborne wrote:William is about to apostatize and his whole life will turn upside down. His house must be a mess by now. Just watch it happen. You will see. Confusion is swelling in him now. But this board will receive him in kindness after he denounces the Book of Abraham as a fraud and MAD will rail him as an evil apostate. That's the difference between the boards.

I think you'll soon be proven a prophet. William simply cannot survive without ego reinforcement, and if FAIR will no longer give it to him, then he'll have no choice but to switch allegiances to a group who will.

I see. So if I WERE technically an apostate, THEN I could qualify for ego reinforcement. I get it.
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