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Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:42 pm
by _Themis
Lemmie wrote:This is some fascinating reasoning. So because Joseph Smith misinterpreted a scene as "someone sitting alive and well on a throne" instead of correctly as a "funerary [scene]," Zerinus argues that since a misinterpreted Anubis character shouldn't be in a misinterpreted non-funerary scene, the two errors somehow cancel each other out.

Gods usually do sit alive and well on thrones.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:43 pm
by _Lemmie
Fence Sitter wrote:Yes but google does not show Anubis that way (like in Fac#3) so Shulem must be an idiot!

If only Shulem had spent some time studying this issue, he would not make such a simple error.

Bad Shulem, bad.

And everyone knows the images of the Google God and the Google God's Mistress Wiki are on the missing papyri roll, which I hear is larger on the inside than on the outside.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:44 pm
by _Lemmie
Themis wrote:
Lemmie wrote:This is some fascinating reasoning. So because Joseph Smith misinterpreted a scene as "someone sitting alive and well on a throne" instead of correctly as a "funerary [scene]," Zerinus argues that since a misinterpreted Anubis character shouldn't be in a misinterpreted non-funerary scene, the two errors somehow cancel each other out.

Gods usually do sit alive and well on thrones.

That explains why I keep reading that at least Joseph got a few things right!

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:46 pm
by _Fence Sitter
Themis wrote:

Gods usually do sit alive and well on thrones.

Sometimes they even sit erect on a throne. Well at least after 1981 they do.


Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:47 pm
by _Themis
Lemmie wrote:That explains why I keep reading that at least Joseph got a few things right!

Well he does consider Abraham to be a God right now.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:50 pm
by _Lemmie
Fence Sitter wrote:
Themis wrote:

Gods usually do sit alive and well on thrones.

Sometimes they even sit erect on a throne. Well at least after 1981 they do.


Parts of them, anyway, I hear. I can't confirm that at the moment however. (NSFW, I'm sure!)

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:50 pm
by _Themis
Fence Sitter wrote:Sometimes they even sit erect on a throne. Well at least after 1981 they do.


Somehow, based on Joseph's behavior, I doubt Joseph would be troubled with images of God sitting erect on a throne. :redface:

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 6:55 pm
by _Chap
Here you are:

Page from the Book of the Dead of Ani, c. 1275 B.C.E., 19th Dynasty, 44.5 x 30.7 cm, Thebes, Egypt © Trustees of the British Museum


The facsimile is a poorish but recognisable rendering of a standard presentation scene.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 7:44 pm
by _Shulem
Chap wrote:Here you are:

Page from the Book of the Dead of Ani, c. 1275 B.C.E., 19th Dynasty, 44.5 x 30.7 cm, Thebes, Egypt © Trustees of the British Museum


The facsimile is a poorish but recognisable rendering of a standard presentation scene.

I love it. I own Faulkner's oversized book and it's simply beautiful. I've read the spells many times to my own delight.

Re: Brent Metcalfe's book on the Book of Abraham?

Posted: Fri Mar 03, 2017 8:51 pm
by _Shulem
zerinus wrote:But neither you nor anybody else can "prove" to me that it is false either. Our knowledge of the Egyptian culture, religion, and esoteric teachings are simply not sufficient for anyone to be able to do so.[/color]

Egyptology and science has already proven the Book of Abraham and its Explanations of the Facsimiles to be false. There is absolutely no room for error -- it's positively proven false by the numbers. Our knowledge of Egyptian culture, religion, and whatever teachings surround the mysteries of Egypt conclude that Joseph Smith mishandled everything he touched -- his interpretations and translations are the work of a con artist.

There is no doubt whatsoever in my mind. I'm 100% sure, having knowledge and information that empowers me and enabled me to come to the truth. For that I am grateful. The testimony of the Mormon Ghost and so-called spiritual manifestations are the workings of the brain and chemicals that arouse the mind to be excited and even happy, but NOT necessarily based in truth. This is common to all religions, not just the prideful LDS who think they have it all.

By the way, there is NO KING'S name written in the writing of Facsimile No. 3 as the early Mormons in Kirtland believed -- even though the Spirit testified to them that the actual text was that of a king of Egypt. The Mormons were duped by a con man. They believed those Explanations were factually correct just as Joseph Smith said. That was their testimony. They believe Joseph Smith translated the writing of the gold plates and the papyrus. From Egyptian to English.

I'm 100% sure Joseph Smith was a con man and a liar. I so testify.