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Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 10:12 pm
by _Shulem
Exiled wrote:
Stem wrote:Damn my comments got deleted. Guess I’m a trouble maker

I saw a few comments were deleted. I guess Blake pulled some strings over there?

FYI, Blake claims to have found out the true identities of two commenters and is threatening to dox them.

Blakeboy wrote:I desire to know identities because I have a deep seated belief in personal accountability for actions. I want to know who says such nasty things and let others know how loathsome some commenting here.truly are. I have already learned 2 identities. One used a vpn but it was easy to crack because they used the same moniker before the vpn. I was not surprised and I think those who deal with them will be quite interested in their conduct and comments here and elsewhere.


Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Fri Sep 13, 2019 11:15 pm
by _Dr Moore
Lemmie wrote:
SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 AT 11:12 AM

The personal attacks tell me all that I need to know about you cowards hiding behind anonymous posts. But I have the resources to find out who you are — and I will.

And then what? What's the point of making threats like this?

It takes a special kind of stooge to say what Blake just said online. (Evidently smallaxe has since deleted the comment)

If Ostler is claiming to have accessed Faith-Promoting Rumor's site logging data and subsequently cracked a user's VPN in order to (a) ascertain their identity and (b) cause trouble in real life for said persons(s), then it is possible he just admitted to one or more criminal acts.

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:00 am
by _Stem
I have a question wrote:Great quote.

It’s good reminder for me. I’m glad the book was brought back up. I should remember not to get too excited about my position. When I do it’s likely I’m feeling a little insecure.

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:29 am
by _EAllusion
It's interesting to me that Midgely can be relentlessly nasty to people day after day after day, but in waltzes Ostler and he sees the real scandal is that someone would call him a terrible human being. So you have this egotistical, menacing bully tempered only by his incompetence, yet when someone criticizes him as a bad person, Ostler pulls out his fainting couch at how uncivil his critics are. He then calls those people "disgusting" for the cardinal sin of saying Midgely and co's behavior is, um, disgusting.

The best defense of Ostler I see here is that he's totally unaware of what's transpired, but that's really no defense either if you think about it for a second.

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 12:36 am
by _malkie
Exiled wrote:
Stem wrote:Damn my comments got deleted. Guess I’m a trouble maker

I saw a few comments were deleted. I guess Blake pulled some strings over there?

FYI, Blake claims to have found out the true identities of two commenters and is threatening to dox them.

Is Kiwi57 one of the commenters to be doxxed?

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 1:02 am
by _Kishkumen
EAllusion wrote:It's interesting to me that Midgely can be relentlessly nasty to people day after day after day, but in waltzes Ostler and he sees the real scandal is that someone would call him a terrible human being. So you have this egotistical, menacing bully tempered only by his incompetence, yet when someone criticizes him as a bad person, Ostler pulls out his fainting couch at how uncivil his critics are. He then calls those people "disgusting" for the cardinal sin of saying Midgely and co's behavior is, um, disgusting.

The best defense of Ostler I see here is that he's totally unaware of what's transpired, but that's really no defense either if you think about it for a second.

The only defense of Ostler is a personality disorder.

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:40 am
by _Doctor CamNC4Me

SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 AT 8:29 PM

Everyone can kiss my white ass. The antics here are pathetic and childish and explain why there is a hell reserved for people like you. You people are truly disgusting.


Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:55 am
by _Doctor Scratch
Exiled wrote:
Stem wrote:Damn my comments got deleted. Guess I’m a trouble maker

I saw a few comments were deleted. I guess Blake pulled some strings over there?

FYI, Blake claims to have found out the true identities of two commenters and is threatening to dox them.

Indeed. I'm assuming that you saw this post:

Dave White wrote:“One used a vpn but it was easy to crack because they used the same moniker before the vpn. ”

Mr. Ostler, as an attorney whose practice includes cyber-crime defense, I sincerely hope you didn’t do this. If Faith-Promoting Rumor was so inclined, they could pursue criminal and civil actions against you.

Your actions could be in violation of several state and federal statutes. Publicly admitting your actions certainly doesn’t help your case. Good luck to you.

Which, of course, prompted Ostler's "exit post." You point out that comments were deleted--including one that I made where I reaffirmed that Midgley is "human garbage" (which he is, of course), and I also asked Ostler how/why he thought that Midgley's and Peterson's recent attacks on the late Grant Palmer are in any way defensible. Meanwhile, someone else was taking swipes at the fact that Ostler apparently wears a toupee. For what it's worth, it seems to me that Ostler has a lovely, resplendent head of hair. In fact, I would say that the "piece" he is sporting is much, much nicer than the one that George Costanza briefly donned on an episode of Seinfeld before Elaine defiantly tossed it out the window of Jerry's apartment.

Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 2:59 am
by _Shulem
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:

SEPTEMBER 13, 2019 AT 8:29 PM

Everyone can kiss my white ass. The antics here are pathetic and childish and explain why there is a hell reserved for people like you. You people are truly disgusting.


Kiss my black ass!


Shulem wants to ram Facsimile No. 3 down your throat. Come on over to Mormon Discussions so I can properly manhandle you and teach you a lesson or two.


Re: Blake Ostler Erupts with Rage on Faith-Promoting Rumor

Posted: Sat Sep 14, 2019 3:30 am
by _Shulem
Doctor Scratch wrote:I think it’s unfortunate, Blake, that you’re exiting under these circumstances, though perhaps it’s for the best. Hopefully, once you’ve calmed down, you might consider registering and posting at I think you’ll find that there are a lot of people there who will gladly allow you to test out and demonstrate your “likely greater depth and acumen” on a whole host of subjects.

Oh goody, goody, goody!

Here comes Blakeboy.

What shall we talk about?
