Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

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_Philo Sofee
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Philo Sofee »

I can tell you right now, your "institutional racism" is a big fat LIE... America is not 60+ years ago, and the Church while having some flawed humans, never was the racism you claim. And that's as someone whom the priesthood ban was the biggest reason I had for leaving the church. Thus, I'm an expert on the subject.
I love how you always try to present yourself as such an authority on every subject because you have all the experience and the rest of us are just out to lunch since we don't have the experiences (trillions of them!) that you have. You are always just so far ahead of everyone else in the great big whole wide world. It is so cute. :lol: :lol: :lol:
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things."

- I may not be the author, but I sure as “F” am the baker.
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

Nobody from the African race will be ordained to the holy priesthood in this Church! The Lord's church is a house of order and is governed by revelation. Anyone in this Church who is found to have ordained a negro to the priesthood will be excommunicated and shut out of the Kingdom of God forever. This is not my mind or my will but the Lord's. Let all the congregation say, "Amen".


Keep the Negro down
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

Let me tell you what I think of the Negro!

A loathsome people.


I'm a white and delightsome prophet without a drop of Negro blood in my veins!
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

I hardly discuss the Negro. They are a loathsome race not found in the favor of the Lord. They are kept from the priesthood and are barred from the House of the Lord. That is God's will, not man's.


Mormon feet on the negro to keep them down
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

To be white and delightsome is to share the full blessings of what the Lord has to offer including that of the Priesthood and the Holy Temple. The Negros have no part in those things. That is the will of God given by revelation and is the doctrine of the Church.


Keep the black man down
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

The Negro has no right to the priesthood. The Lord has revealed through his prophets and by the manifestation of the Holy Ghost that the Negro has no right to the priesthood or the Holy Temple. Those members of the Church who disagree with the Lord's mandate are out of step with God's divine will and must one day face the consequences of denying the Spirit. Amen.


No Negros in this Church
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

May I please have my nose back?

The Mormons chopped it off and have called me a slave just because I'm black.


He's lucky to even have an ear
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

The man in the papyrus is a slave because he is black.

He is black because he is a slave.


Keep the black man down
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Re: Why is the Church still promoting the idea that black skin is inferior?

Post by _Shulem »

Yes, I am black but am not a slave. I am a god! You hacked off my nose after having first carved me in my correct image. You have mutilated and shamed me with your brutal sacrilege.

Give me my nose back! BLACK LIVES MATTER!

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