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Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:19 am
by _Sethbag
why me wrote:Why would god need sperm? We are his spirit children are we not? Did he create us from sperm? We are god's creation from the preexistence. He can place a 'soul' in somone without sperm since he is god. He already created us in the preexistence and so we had bodies already.

The act of procreation between humans is a way to create life that already exists. It is a human way to do it. But god being god, can do it anyway he chooses since that 'soul' already exists.

First off, there are the quotes saying that God is the father in the same way that we are fathers of our children. Secondly, Mary was a human woman on Earth, of the species homo sapiens. Her ovum was only capable of providing half of the genes needed for Jesus to be born. Elohim, as his literal, physical father (that's the claim) would have had to have made up the rest of the required DNA. So no, I guess strictly speaking God wouldn't have had to have had sperm as the means of delivering that DNA, but he had to have some means, and sperm delivery is the means that Mary's ovum was engineered to work with. Really, any other solution is a just-so "it's a miracle!" claim.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:52 am
by _Who Knows
Gazelam wrote:
The Dude wrote:
Selek wrote:These are our boards, and you have no more right to pollute them than you do to come into our homes and urinate on the carpet.

While I share Selek's disdain for carpet-pissers, I don't think that's a fair comparison to CKsalmon's thread. And I'm 99.9% sure that Mr. Salmon is housebroken.

Nice tie in to your Avatar Dude, and very subtle.

Wow, Gaz - I'm impressed. I didn't even get it until you said it. Nicely done!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 2:56 am
by _beastie
I haven't had time to read all the replies here, so forgive me if I repeat something.

This conversation always reminds me of my first shocking confrontation with internet Mormonism. I posted for a couple of months on the old ARM board, and when this topic was brought up, mentioned that I had believed, as a believer, that God had physical sex with Mary. I believed this because of the teachings of the prophets, which, while refraining from outright graphic statements about intercourse, strongly implied as much. I also remember reading two explanations for the term "virgin" mary. One is that she was called a virgin because she had not had sex with a MORAL man. The other was that "virgin" was a mistranslation of a term actually meaning "young woman." I think McConkie was the source of both those ideas, although I am not certain.

But what shocked me about internet Mormonism wasn't that some Mormons didn't believe this, but how the most rabid internet Mormons heatedly denied that it was ever a part of any church teachings, and it was an irrational belief, and practically an outright lie to state one had been taught this by any leader in the church. I was even accused of being insane, more or less, when I continued to insist I had believed this as a Mormon.

Once again, I am not saying all LDS must or do believe this, but it is a falsehood to pretend that it's outrageous to suggest that it has been taught by past leaders and many LDS do believe this. But internet Mormons like to froth at the mouth about it and pretend otherwise due to the fact that they realize this is a teaching that seriously offends mainstream Christians, and divides them in a very serious manner from mainstream Christianity. And almost more than anything else, internet Mormons crave being seen as respectable Christians, and can't tolerate seeing something repeated that would enable mainstream Christians, with some justifications, claim that this division is so serious that it is a significant part of the reason mainstream Christians hesitate, at times, to label Mormons "Christian" in the first place.

I think eternal sex was a big part of LDS theology as early members understood it. They needed all those wives for a reason - to populate future worlds. Of course it doesn't make sense when logically analyzed, but religion doesn't need to make sense.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 3:49 am
by _Sethbag
Who Knows wrote:
Gazelam wrote:
The Dude wrote:
Selek wrote:These are our boards, and you have no more right to pollute them than you do to come into our homes and urinate on the carpet.

While I share Selek's disdain for carpet-pissers, I don't think that's a fair comparison to CKsalmon's thread. And I'm 99.9% sure that Mr. Salmon is housebroken.

Nice tie in to your Avatar Dude, and very subtle.

Wow, Gaz - I'm impressed. I didn't even get it until you said it. Nicely done!

Wow, Gaz - I'm impressed, too. You'd have been far from the top of the list of people I'd have thought likely to sit through the Big Lebowski from start to finish. With 260 f-bombs in the film, there aren't many TBMs I know who would. Not to mention the titties. Or did you see the airplane version? You know, the 30 minute version? ;-)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:51 am
by _Gazelam
I saw that movie once at a friends house during a very ugly time in my life. In the words of Georgre Thoroughgood, I was out doors. Everyone there was talking about what a great and amazing movie it was, so I saw it. It was interesting. Very strange. A lot to go through for a rug, but it was the principle of the thing, lol.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 4:54 am
by _Sethbag
I had never seen it until meeting The Dude on the message boards. I then went out and rented it, and watched it over and over while doing some woodworking (where it would play on my computer and I'd mostly just listen to it). I think it's hilarious.