I quit the Church!!!

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Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Gadianton »

Well Paul, whatever is best for you. If you decide to go back, I for one will not fault you.

Anyway, one thing to your credit is that even as a die-hard TBM, you never muddied your hands with mopologetics per se. So I guess if you ever were to decide to go back and become a huge fan of FARMS, then I would at that point fault you a little bit.

good luck, Paul.
Lou Midgley 08/20/2020: "...meat wad," and "cockroach" are pithy descriptions of human beings used by gemli? They were not fashioned by Professor Peterson.

LM 11/23/2018: one can explain away the soul of human beings...as...a Meat Unit, to use Professor Peterson's clever derogatory description of gemli's ideology.
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Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Trevor »

Paul Osborne wrote:I did that about 2 weeks ago, Porter. Wow, was that interesting! Having worn the garments faithfully for 28 years it certainly was cooler to take them off. My skin can breathe! I feel human now.

On my mission I suffered a concussion. I awoke in the hospital, without my garments. Oddly, I went into a minor panic, pleading with my companion to find them so I could put them back on.

Several years ago I ditched my garments. I can't say that I miss them. Talk about a study in contrast.
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
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Post by _Ezias »

Last edited by Rikiti on Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by _Ezias »

Last edited by Rikiti on Sun Oct 23, 2011 9:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Trevor »

Ezias wrote:Masturbation is a childish, adolescent activity. You are like a little brother. You are great and all but grow up and get a woman.

What if your woman wants to watch you masturbate? Just sayin'!
“I was hooked from the start,” Snoop Dogg said. “We talked about the purpose of life, played Mousetrap, and ate brownies. The kids thought it was off the hook, for real.”
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Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Polygamy-Porter »

Paul Osborne wrote:
Seriously Paul, this is great news and I too watched your posts over the past six months and wondered if you had ditched the jesus jimmies

I did that about 2 weeks ago, Porter. Wow, was that interesting! Having worn the garments faithfully for 28 years it certainly was cooler to take them off. My skin can breathe! I feel human now.

I did the right thing. I respectively cut out the markings and disposed of them like I normally do when they get old. But, this time I went to Dillards to get some real underwear. Love them department store low cut briefs! Damn, they look so much better than garments. Got three brands including Calvin Klein, Polo, and another. Hope that’s not too much information but for a guy like me getting real underwear was a big deal!

Paul O

Buying gentile undies is a right of passage for ex Mormons. Probably more so than tossing the jesus jammies.

I too remember the day I stood in the men's underwear section of Mervyn's. I felt so out of place! Almost as if I were standing in the friggin women's underwear section. I did not know where to start...

I worried that my hesitation would be picked up by the staff, so I quickly grabbed a pack of each type, and yes that included tightie whities(a.k.a. butt huggers).

I settled on the boxer briefs, not to long on the thigh, and enough room for the boys.

Going to bed with no shirt or garmie top took some getting used to as well, but cannot imagine sleeping any other way now, unless it's in the full bday suit ;)

Living in Texas with the humidity there, hell yeah you should be cooler not wearing an Tshirt UNDER your Tshirt!

I hated questions like that from never mos while stationed in the Army at Ft. Hood, Texas.

"Why are you wearing a second Tshirt under your ummmm TSHIRT?!?!?" "It is 100 degrees and 90% humidity!!!" "Are you STUPID???"

Back then, yeah I was.
Last edited by Guest on Wed Oct 21, 2009 2:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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_Paul Osborne

Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Paul Osborne »

So I guess if you ever were to decide to go back and become a huge fan of FARMS

Hell no, I wouldn't do that! I never was a Nibley fan. I smelled it out early that something wasn't quite right with Nibley's apologetics. But I feel sorry for the guy. The General Authorities let him hang out to dry and take all the heat. He was the scapegoat.

I have little regard for FARMS. I said years ago that I thought the church should dump it and that GA’s should start answering questions themselves. I felt FARMS was a liability to the church and that the GA’s should start pulling their weight and step up to the apologetic plate. But oh my, the GA's turned out to seriously disappoint me. I no longer believe they are prophets. I think they are cowards who enjoy their money, position, and power.

Paul O
_Paul Osborne

Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Paul Osborne »

I hated questions like that from never mos while stationed in the Army at Ft. Hood, Texas

(Hey, I was stationed in Ft. Hood. I was in the 6th Cav over near the air field.)

Anyway, I like my new undies. I like my Jack Daniels. I like my beer. I like my wine. I like my coffee. And, I like the idea of getting new SEX when the time comes.

I guess it would be better to resign membership rather than be excommunicated. I’ve not done anything to warrant excommunication so it might be be better to beat them to the punch. What do you think? A lot of people here in Dallas know me and they might want to drag my ass in and stick it to me first chance they get.

Paul O
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Re: I quit the Church!!!

Post by _Seven »

Last edited by Shadrak on Wed Oct 21, 2009 9:24 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: OMFG!!!

Post by _CaliforniaKid »

Polygamy-Porter wrote:1. Runtu
2. Kevin Graham
3. Ray A
4. Paul O

I started dialoguing with most of these guys after they had changed teams. (Same with Mike Reed.) But I used to debate Chris Tolworthy on his old message board. As an evangelical, I actually found his Bible-numbers-game fairly compelling. His apostasy was a pretty significant event in my early investigation.

I know I've seen other people change sides, too, but I can't think of any names at the moment. Certainly consiglieri has significantly changed his perspective since the olden days, although he hasn't broken rank. Was structurecop an apologist once upon a time?
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