BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

wenglund wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:44 am
Marcus wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:39 am
Oh brother. I’ll sprain my eyes if I let them roll as much as they want to over this post. Good grief. What educated adult talks like this? Especially about a conman who faked a book, pretending he could read hieroglyphs. What nonsense. But, as you point out, you can’t support the Book of Abraham in any real way, so I suppose invoking the imaginary is the most dramatic hand-waving you can do to draw attention away from the nonsense behind the curtain.
This is a variation on the Great and Spacious Building party line. It all boils down to: the things of God are foolish to the natural man. If it works for you to pridefully limit the horizons of your understanding to temporal mortality, then so be it. It doesn't at all work for me. To each their own.

Thanks, -Wade Englund
What a dummy. Why don’t you come right and say the bOoK oF aBrAhAm iS iNsPiReD fIcTiOn? You can’t even utter that because your dummy brain has created some convoluted reality that allows you to stay in pretendlandia. Why have you defied God’s will and not taken a woman through the temple, buddy? You’re old as crap, and have had plenty of time to obey, but you continue to flip God the bird.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

Marcus wrote:
Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:45 pm
That is a LOT of argument trying to support a fraudulent document. I find Shulem’s arguments far more convincing. Of course, he is being accurate and consistent in his analysis and is using facts. That matters a lot, in the end.

Thank you for your endorsement of my critical analysis of the Book of Abraham. I've taken this matter to a whole new level and the threads in the Celestial Forum prove that. It really is over for the Book of Abraham. Church members can chalk it up as inspired fiction. Nonmembers chalk it up as fraud.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by dastardly stem »

wenglund wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:44 am
Marcus wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 5:39 am
Oh brother. I’ll sprain my eyes if I let them roll as much as they want to over this post. Good grief. What educated adult talks like this? Especially about a conman who faked a book, pretending he could read hieroglyphs. What nonsense. But, as you point out, you can’t support the Book of Abraham in any real way, so I suppose invoking the imaginary is the most dramatic hand-waving you can do to draw attention away from the nonsense behind the curtain.
This is a variation on the Great and Spacious Building party line. It all boils down to: the things of God are foolish to the natural man. If it works for you to pridefully limit the horizons of your understanding to temporal mortality, then so be it. It doesn't at all work for me. To each their own.

Thanks, -Wade Englund
Sure. It works for many people to fantasize and pretend a different world, pridefully, as you put it. But that has gotten humanity exactly nowhere. Scientific, technological, social, moral, etc progress has only come when humans have dropped that prideful perspective of pretending their guesses are our best bets and have gotten their hands dirty and done the work within the realm of rationality. So I generally applaud that and stick with what works. I suppose that'll come with fantasizers condemning me for pride, but of course it seems far more prideful to me to pretend their inner workings are more meaningful.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:56 am
bOoK oF aBrAhAm iS iNsPiReD fIcTiOn?

I'd love to see Bednar answer some simple questions about the Book of Abraham. Can you imagine me interviewing him in a live question and answer session? The man would probably have a heart attack and die on the set. If he thinks he has the Spirit of the Lord in him he's in for a shock. I would drain him of his pretended power and strip him from his pride. It would be brutal.

Shulem would beat the hell out of Bednar in a Book of Abraham discussion and it would be epic!

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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

wenglund wrote:
Wed Jan 25, 2023 9:56 pm
These days I tend not to get involved in the kinds of discussions on the Book of Abraham you linked to because they tend to lean heavily, if not exclusively, on the puny arms of flesh, and as such they completely ignore and even distract from the spiritual purpose for which the Book of Abraham was revealed as well as the rightful means by which the spiritual purpose can be achieved.

Of course you're aware that the apostles of Mormonism NEVER engage in any kind of discussion about the Book of Abraham with anyone in a public setting. Why? Because they are afraid. They fear the unknown and that their supposed power will fail them in time of need whereby they are QUESTIONED on the spot by someone who knows their stuff.

I do not have a puny arm. I am powerful. I have great understanding. I recognize fraud when I see it and understand how religionists over-spiritualize things in order to make sense of things that make no sense.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Shulem wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 3:57 pm
Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 10:56 am
bOoK oF aBrAhAm iS iNsPiReD fIcTiOn?

I'd love to see Bednar answer some simple questions about the Book of Abraham. Can you imagine me interviewing him in a live question and answer session? The man would probably have a heart attack and die on the set. If he thinks he has the Spirit of the Lord in him he's in for a shock. I would drain him of his pretended power and strip him from his pride. It would be brutal.

Shulem would beat the hell out of Bednar in a Book of Abraham discussion and it would be epic!

All they can do is hope their apologists continue to lie and deceive their flock on the issue by saying objectively nonsensical things like pUnY aRm Of FleSh!! Let me tell you something Shulem. You’re an all-pro offensive lineman who’d punch a Gee in the teeth and push the truth down his gullet. Wade Englund is the coward because he’ll never engage you in good faith on the Celestial forum. He knows the truth, too. He has to stay firmly ensconced in Pretendlandia where he can larp being some internet warrior fighting the hordes on behalf of his god. It’s all so stupid.

- Doc
Hugh Nibley claimed he bumped into Adolf Hitler, Albert Einstein, Winston Churchill, Gertrude Stein, and the Grand Duke Vladimir Romanoff. Dishonesty is baked into Mormonism.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by Shulem »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:24 pm
Wade Englund is the coward because he’ll never engage you in good faith on the Celestial forum. He knows the truth, too.

Yes, Wade knows the truth. He knows the Book of Abraham is fiction but continues to maintain his testimony of the restored gospel, so he is able to compartmentalize that work as inspired fiction having spiritual implications. The same goes for John Gee. He knows the historical claims in the text of the Book of Abraham are pure crap. He knows Egypt was founded and established long before 2300 BC when Noah disembarked and Ham's dark wife set out to find a new land and colonize a race of people who would be banned from Shem's priesthood.

The Book of Abraham is a tangled web for Mormons. The General Authorities are not allowed to talk about it. The gag order has long been in effect. There will be no QUESTIONS and their will be no ANSWERS.
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Re: It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions

Post by slskipper »

Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:04 am
I wonder, seriously, how many boys and men has Bednar questioned regarding whether and if they touch their privates?

Have you touched your privates?


Are you worthy? Do you have clean hands like me?
When I was Dave's home teacher, he fully intended, when his boys were older, to interrogate then about their personal practices and submit reports to their bishop.
Dr Exiled
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Re: It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions

Post by Dr Exiled »

slskipper wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 4:41 pm
Shulem wrote:
Sun Jan 22, 2023 4:04 am
I wonder, seriously, how many boys and men has Bednar questioned regarding whether and if they touch their privates?

Have you touched your privates?


Are you worthy? Do you have clean hands like me?
When I was Dave's home teacher, he fully intended, when his boys were older, to interrogate then about their personal practices and submit reports to their bishop.
It's funny how the fanatics rise to the top. One of Benson's sons, Steve Benson's father, was in my stake when I was growing up and his family seemed to have a rule for everything, extra rules that they would let those in their ward and the stake know, so they could be viewed as a cut above probably. If I remember correctly, they couldn't change out of their sunday clothes on the sabbath. This nutty rule and those like Bednar's invented "no questions on the sabbath" are just for show. Of course because discernment is a bunch of horse ____ there has to be some other way to make oneself known to the brethren for advancement purposes. Doing well in business only gets you part of the way there.

It's not surprising Bednar would want to rat out his sons. Who rules anyway? Parents don't. One must submit to the almighty Fund.
Myth is misused by the powerful to subjugate the masses all too often.
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Re: BYP Responds to Elder Bednar - It is Inappropriate to Ask Questions on the Sabbath After the Sacrament

Post by wenglund »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:47 am
It should be noted that quite a few scientific and medical advancements were originally considered as crackpot or fantasies, and were mocked and ridiculed, including, Copernican revolution, Darwin's theory of evolution, Newton's celestial mechanics, antiseptic handwashing, Einstein's general relativity, plate tectonics, bone marrow transplants, etc.

Of interest is the number of modern inventions that were inspired by science fiction and fantasy: ... 128080674/

Not a few of the technologies which are commonplace today would have been considered absurd or fantastical in times past.

What differentiated the mockers and scoffers from scientists who went on to innovate, is that the pride and dogmatism of the mockers prevented them from thinking beyond the narrow confines of their world view at the time, whereas the humility and open-mindedness of the innovators allowed them to be visionary and creative.

Does this sound familiar? ;)

Thanks, wade Englund-
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