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Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 2:48 am
by _deacon blues
This is AWESOME. I wish I had a sense of humor like these people.

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 6:07 am
by _Jersey Girl
deacon blues wrote:This is AWESOME. I wish I had a sense of humor like these people.

Hey deacon...check this MDB video out.

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 12:15 pm
by _consiglieri

I never saw that video before!

Love it!

I found myself yelling out names of posters as their avatars popped up!

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 7:07 pm
by _Kishkumen
consiglieri wrote:Whoa!

I never saw that video before!

Love it!

I found myself yelling out names of posters as their avatars popped up!


I miss Nyal. I remember getting together with him in SLC during a Kishapalooza. As often happens, eventually we had a falling out. Because religion and differences of opinion about it are so sensitive, and we are all difficult in our own way, myself included, those things are bound to happen.

Rereading this thread also makes me miss the days when DCP was here. There is something about occupying the same board for a while that really helps. BCspace, Droopy, The Nehor... there were so many people whom I have tangled with and who drive me up a wall, even, now and then, deeply disturb me. But it is better for me to have them around in all their humanity, as it is better for them to deal with me in all of mine.

I encouraged DCP to leave. He did. I regret it. Not because I would agree with him more if he were here, but because we lose something in not having the people we disagree with most in our midst.

But, it is inevitable, I think, that we will chase away active LDS people from this board. We are an unruly bunch. We can be very difficult to deal with. In our raw feelings and resentment about our Mormon experience, we lash out in ways that are shocking to most Mormons. So they go where they will not be constantly assaulted with things they don't want to experience.

Just like I have no interest in trying to walk the tightrope of MDDB. Any board that is trigger happy to ban me from a thread or from the board is not a place I will tolerate for long.

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 10:47 pm
by _Dr. Shades
Kishkumen wrote:I encouraged DCP to leave. He did. I regret it.

Did you know that encouraging someone to leave is a violation of the very first and topmost rule of this message board?

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:24 pm
by _mentalgymnast
Kishkumen wrote:But, it is inevitable, I think, that we will chase away active LDS people from this board.

And I more than you, I think, would love to have them here too. I am more of a lurker than a participant if the conditions permit. I really DON'T like being front and center at any time. If you knew me well in real life, you would know this is true. Anyway, my preference is to have other active members, smarter and more well behaved than me OBVIOUSLY :lol: , that I can learn from them. I enjoyed the days when that was so.

Kishkumen wrote:We are an unruly bunch.

No kidding!

Kishkumen wrote:We can be very difficult to deal with. In our raw feelings and resentment about our Mormon experience, we lash out in ways that are shocking to most Mormons.

I have had to more than once scroll quickly to bypass some of the 'lash out' pictures, language, and fill in the blanks, etc., that come up in too many threads. I am shocked that folks who were once members of the church don't seem to have any qualms about the sort of visuals and/or crude language that is used. I think that many active members would stay away simply because of that frequent exposure to what they would deem inappropriate material or conversation that is a bit too crude for a G or PG audience.

Kishkumen wrote:So they go where they will not be constantly assaulted with things they don't want to experience.



Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Thu Oct 26, 2017 11:39 pm
by _Kishkumen
Dr. Shades wrote:Did you know that encouraging someone to leave is a violation of the very first and topmost rule of this message board?

Do you know what the phrase “drawing reasonable inferences” means, Shades?

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:29 am
by _moksha
mentalgymnast wrote:
Kishkumen wrote:But, it is inevitable, I think, that we will chase away active LDS people from this board.

And I more than you, I think, would love to have them here too. I am more of a lurker than a participant if the conditions permit.

Additionally, it was unfair to both LDSfaqs and the Church to force him into the de facto role of intellectual spokesman for the Church by virtue of others leaving. Not saying those leave-takers would have done any better, but at least the burden could have been spread around.

Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 1:50 am
by _mentalgymnast
Kishkumen wrote:But, it is inevitable, I think, that we will chase away active LDS people from this board.

MG wrote:And I more than you, I think, would love to have them here too. I am more of a lurker than a participant if the conditions permit.

moksha wrote:Additionally, it was unfair to both LDSfaqs and the Church to force him into the de facto role of intellectual spokesman for the Church by virtue of others leaving. Not saying those leave-takers could have done any better, but at least the burden could have been spread around.

As Kishkumen and I have mentioned, I think there would still be the way critics and exmormons "lash out". Some of those ways, from what I've observed, can be through what approaches hard core language, inappropriate images (one yesterday made me wonder what some people have come to in what they see as acceptable), and the many fill in the blank statements/comments that are to be filled in with what very nearly approaches hard core swearing. It's not like the brain doesn't fill in the blank. Most people that are active LDS, including myself, don't like having those filthy words travel through our minds.

And I've seen more than my share lately :sad:


Re: Draw your favorite Poster!

Posted: Fri Oct 27, 2017 2:12 am
by _Doctor CamNC4Me
Is there any thread you post on where you don't make it about yourself?

- Doc