Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Droopy »

Has this thread run its course yet, or has the pseudo-moral outrage and ostentatious hypocrisy not yet come to full fruition?
Nothing is going to startle us more when we pass through the veil to the other side than to realize how well we know our Father [in Heaven] and how familiar his face is to us

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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _moksha »

RockSlider wrote:Welcome to the"Celestial Twilight Zone" This eternities endless presentation of

William Spoken-of-for-good-and-evil Schryver's "Hotel California"


Yes you can checkin anytime you want, but you can NEVER LEAVE . . .

sorry to simon for the shameful lift.

Man, talk about years of denial. Well at least we can learn several foreign languages and the xylophone in the mean time.
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

It's run its course for me. I was never interested in Will's reaction, which was absolutely predictable. I was interested in the reactions of other apologists. I believe their reaction, in general, with some notable exceptions like LoaP, consists of ignore, minimize, dismiss, deflect, distract.

If Will is correct, and is not simply suffering from his normal delusions of grandeur, and he actually does become an apologist of note, I will anticipate with some glee the future exposure of Will's behavior in a public fashion. This glee is the direct result of the reaction of apologists like silver hammer.

Here's an example of what I expect to see in the future:

"Metcalfe is Butthead"

William J. Hamblin published an essay in a FARMS publication entitled Review of Books on the Book of Mormon criticizing an essay by Brent Metcalfe, a writer who criticized the Book of Mormon. The point of Hamblin's essay was that Metcalfe criticized the Book of Mormon using circular arguments and by applying uneven standards.

Hamblin's review included an "acrostic" spelling out "Metcalfe is Butthead," a reference to one of the two title characters in the popular cartoon Beavis and Butt-head that aired during the mid-1990s. (The acrostic was made up of the first letters of paragraphs spanning nine pages of the essay.) After the 1994 publication went to press and a few early issues were distributed, it was caught by a FARMS editor who stopped the press run, recalled the issues, and edited part of the acrostic out. Portions still remained, with the post-editing acrostic spelling out "METWHSFE IA BUTAHEAT."[18]

Associated Press writer Vern Anderson wrote an article concerning the matter which was published in the Deseret News:

"The salvos contained in the 566-page 'Review of Books on the Book of Mormon' come as no surprise, given the longstanding animus between scholars associated with FARMS, many of them professors at church-owned Brigham Young University, and those published by the independent Signature Books.... Recently a review by BYU history professor William Hamblin containing an encrypted message 'Metcalfe is butthead' — was hastily edited out after the 'Review' had gone to press."[19]

Upon learning of the acrostic, Metcalfe responded, stating:

"When I heard rumors that William J. Hamblin, FARMS board member and BYU historian, had a caustic encryption in his review... I summarily dismissed them. Surely no legitimate scholar would stoop to such an inane level. However, it seems that I underestimated Hamblin's 'scholarly' prowess."[20]

"Do Hamblin and Peterson's methods typify the brand of 'scholarship' FARMS, BYU Department of History, and BYU Department of Asian and Near Eastern Languages cultivates and endorses? Evidently some have shifted from apologist to misologist."[21]

Those critical of FARMS use the incident as primary evidence of the mean-spirited nature of what FARMS produces. Those supportive of FARMS counter that the critics seem unable to look beyond the incident to address the actual scholarship in FARMS publications. ... utthead.22

Yes,I think a future Deseret News article analyzing current apologia would be a fine expose. Of course, Metcalfe is a Butthead will seem quite minor in comparison. "LDS apologist has history of calling women bitches" will make far more of a splash.
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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_Will Schryver
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Will Schryver »

Doctor Scratch wrote:Will,

You seem to be changing your tune somewhat.

Changing my tune? How has my "tune" changed?

As I recall, I started out in Eb for the first two verses, then shifted to C minor for the chorus and then alternated between the Ab and Bb in the bridge, then back to Eb to close it out--resolving to the root by way of the Ab==>Ab minor. There's just something about how the 4th minor leads back to the root that I've always liked.

Anyway, my "tune" has remained quite consistent, regardless of what key I choose to play it in.

Early in the thread, questions such as these were posed: What will happen when your misogyny is more widely known?

More widely known than what? Than it is now here in the GSTP? Gee, I don't know Scratch. I just know I may not be able to sleep at night worrying about it.

Will the Maxwell Institute publish your work knowing all of the attendant issues that have come into blinding focus in this thread?

"Blinding" is quite an appropriate term to describe what goes on here.

Will the MI editors continue to support your work in light of everything that's been exposed here?

Considering what has been "exposed" here, and notwithstanding my obviously abundant stock of raw charisma and charm, I'm rather confident that any work I produce will be judged on its merits alone.
I thought myself the wiser to have viewed the evidence left of such a great demise. I followed every step. But the only thing I ever learned before the journey's end was there was nothing there to learn, only something to forget.
_Will Schryver
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Will Schryver »

beastlie wrote:Yes,I think a future Deseret News article analyzing current apologia would be a fine expose. Of course, Metcalfe is a Butthead will seem quite minor in comparison. "LDS apologist has history of calling women bitches" will make far more of a splash.

I think beastlie should recruit Blair Hodges and Doctor Scratch to collaborate on an article to submit to all the major media outlets in the world.

I won't be satisfied with anything less than an "above the fold" front page headline.

Incidentally, I think I'd like to reiterate, for beastlie's personal benefit, something I wrote earlier today:

My wife and I are big fans of the Steven Spielberg/Tom Hanks produced miniseries Band of Brothers. In the first episode (“Currahee”) Easy Company is being forced to run up the mountain (“Currahee”) while the other companies get a break from training. As they are running up the hill, the following conversation takes place:

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: I'm gonna say something.

George Luz: To who?

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Winters!

Richard Winters: What is it?

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Permission to speak, sir.

Richard Winters: Granted.

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Sir, we got nine companies, sir.

Richard Winters: We do.

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Well, how come we're the only one marching every Friday night, twelve miles, full pack, in the pitch dark?

Richard Winters: Why do you think, Private Randleman?

Sgt. Denver 'Bull' Randleman: Lieutenant Sobel hates us, sir.

Richard Winters: Lieutenant Sobel does not hate Easy Company, Private Randleman. He just hates you.

And so it is with me. I don’t dislike women. Not at all. I love and honor women and womanhood.

I just don’t like beastlie.
I thought myself the wiser to have viewed the evidence left of such a great demise. I followed every step. But the only thing I ever learned before the journey's end was there was nothing there to learn, only something to forget.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Will Schryver wrote:I just don’t like beastlie.


Don't forget all your usual epithets when engaging a non-submissive woman, Mr. Schryver.

Dr. Cam
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
_Kevin Graham
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Kevin Graham »

I just don’t like beastlie.

Or harmony. Or Liz. Or Kimberly. Or MsJack.

You've called them everything from liar to whore.

Am I missing anyone else?

Will reminds me of my stepfather who screamed the N-word the second Obama was announced the winner of the 2008 election on FOX News. To this day he insists he isn't a racist at all, because he loves all blacks. He just doesn't like blacks who have a better job than he does, make more money than he does, or have more authority than he does. He also thinks they come from monkeys. But he isn't a racist. I mean his "say so" should outweigh the rest of the evidence to the contrary, right?

No, of course not. And so it is with Will's denials.
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

Will Schryver wrote:
And so it is with me. I don’t dislike women. Not at all. I love and honor women and womanhood.

I just don’t like beastlie.

Of course you do. Only someone how loves and honors women and womenhood would, in the middle of a discussion about the meaning of the term "Lamanite", tell a women she's probably old and ugly with varicose veins. Why, I imagine the prophet himself would not hesitate to do the same. You would make him proud.

I can only hope that Will keeps providing more delicious quotes for some future expose. While I think Ms. Jack was generous in trying to warn apologists of the minefield ahead, silver hammer convinced me that they are undeserving of such generosity.

By the way, here's Vern Anderson's email address, in case anyone might think he may already be interested, given his previous willingness to talk about the "Butthead" incident:
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

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_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »


What's odd is Mr. Schryver claims he deliberately and very carefully reviews what he posts prior to posting. This idea that he's being defamed or maligned is nonsense because he himself is very deliberate with the things he posts. He said it, and I believe him.

No man speaks to and about women in the way he does with the consistency he does and loves them. He may feel lust toward them, and views them in a diminuitive status, but love and respect are absent.

Dr. Cam
In the face of madness, rationality has no power - Xiao Wang, US historiographer, 2287 AD.

Every record...falsified, every book rewritten...every statue...has been renamed or torn down, every date...altered...the process is continuing...minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Ideology is always right.
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Re: Mormon Apologetics & Misogyny: The Case of William Schryver

Post by _beastie »

The appearance of evil

The best counsel I ever received about staying away from the edge came when, as a young married man, President Harold B. Lee called me to be a member of a bishopric. He said, “From now on, you must not only avoid evil, but also the appearance of evil.” He did not interpret that counsel. That was left to my conscience.

Each of us must take the responsibility for the moral decisions we make in life about how close we live to the edge. Nephi states: “And because that they are redeemed from the fall they have become free forever, knowing good from evil; to act for themselves and not to be acted upon” (2 Ne. 2:26). Being acted upon means somebody else is pulling the strings. ... rance+evil
We hate to seem like we don’t trust every nut with a story, but there’s evidence we can point to, and dance while shouting taunting phrases.

Penn & Teller
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