Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr LOD »
LM I trust that you spotted all my white man racist dislike of Maori Latter-day Saints, and/or how I fashioned something that I try to force the Maori to adopt that quashes their own self-understanding, but feeds some deep needs that I have.
DP -
LOD's irresponsible deployment of his loose, weaponized accusation of "racism" is a deeply shameful and slanderous thing
I agree. It was like I was suddenly on that truly disgusting Shades thing. I had no idea that my perfectly harmless note to Gina Colvin would turn her blog into a virtual MDB. I am confident that she did not anticipate what happened any more than I did. There were some who post here who were there snorting away.
This was an interesting exchange, the more I look at things the more these two are more alike. DP just has a slightly better grasp of social boundaries than his older friend.

Louis Midgley is still but hurt about being called a racist, and being called out for his other behaviors. I wouldn't say he is the worst type of racist. He fell into it through the institutionalized racism that is present in LDS doctrine. On his mission he fell for a faith promoting story where the rich history of the Maori, was appropriated and co-opted by the LDS mission there. Professor Midgley thinks so highly his version LDS version of the Maori "seers" prophesying the arrival of LDS missionaries he states:
and then also the remarkable things that took place that brought some Maori into the Church of Jesus Christ. This is, I believe, one of the most remarkable things that has taken place following the recovery of the Book of Mormon and the subsequent restoration.
So Midgley sees this one "event" only slightly less important than the "First Vision" or the "Book of Mormon." I don't remember in my lifetime where this event was mentioned in a General Conference talk. They did include it in "Saints" VII but their version was downplayed and actually did cite the book Mormon and the Maroi that Midgley seems to detest because it does not present his version.

So what Midgley is doing by this is appropriating Maori culture to support his narrow religious beliefs. He will even attack a Maroi individual if they say anything counter. Hence his cyber stalking of Gina Colvin.

His racism does not end there. He mentioned in his Interpreter article about "Muddling the Maroi with the Lamanites." Which better stated is that Polynesians are not Lamanites they are Nephites and better. Maroi are even the better bunch because they are more white and delightsome. So he is prejudiced and racist towards those he considers "Laminites" according to his own words.

I usually give his generation a pass on their bigotry, usually because of loss of filters with senility. Our next door neighbor who is about Midleys age when we invited him over for dinner proceed to plant himself in a number of racist sayings. My favorite was his description of his visit to my wife's reservation where the only thing he mentioned was the drunks, and having something stolen from his unlocked car. My wife shot back with "they still have a long ways go to make up for all the land that was stolen, don't they?"

To Dan Peterson, it is not a "loose accusation" it is very targeted and documented accusation, of Professor Louis Midgley's problem with cultural appropriation and racist thought and action. And I didn't even bring up the legendary MLK meltdown.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Midgley is trying to AGAIN troll gemli into doxxing himself:

“My hunch is that gemli cannot now recall what he read about what he calls "scientific method" back then. And that his fiddling with rats or mice, after that amazing fish refused to cooperate, did not result in any of the assertions he now makes about how things really are. If I am wrong about this, gemli can right now easily provide us with access to his thesis. I am next to certain that we will never get access to his thesis. And this will not be because it does not exist.”

How about Midgley provide us with his DD-214 verifying his miraculous tour of duty with the US Army? I also want to see Midgley’s academic transcripts.

- Doc
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _MrStakhanovite »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Apr 27, 2020 10:01 pm
Well, let’s not forget Louis Midgley is rather ‘degenerative’ himself, what with stolen valor lies and all that jazz:


- Doc

A junior enlisted kid is tasked with writing a "Missions and Functions" policy? That's a new one, usually people telling tall tales try to go with something sexier. I mean if you want to tell a B.S. story, at least make it interesting as well as wildly implausible.
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Apr 28, 2020 6:26 pm
Midgley is trying to AGAIN troll gemli into doxxing himself:

“My hunch is that gemli cannot now recall what he read about what he calls "scientific method" back then. And that his fiddling with rats or mice, after that amazing fish refused to cooperate, did not result in any of the assertions he now makes about how things really are. If I am wrong about this, gemli can right now easily provide us with access to his thesis. I am next to certain that we will never get access to his thesis. And this will not be because it does not exist.”

How about Midgley provide us with his DD-214 verifying his miraculous tour of duty with the US Army? I also want to see Midgley’s academic transcripts.

- Doc
And further:
Louis Midgley gemli • an hour ago • edited

gemli: You don't need to have your own copy to provide evidence that you once were granted a degree in experimental psychology where human soul--think of the Greek word psyche, which like penuma (started out meaning breath, as in "breath of life," but soon came to mean soul or mind). You can easily demonstrate or even prove that you have such a thing by merely passing on to me or Professor Peterson privately through email to us, and we will get your thesis through what is called inter-library loan. And I promise you that we will make a copy of it, and mail it to you, without revealing your name or where you got this degree on Dan's blog.

We might, however, after reading what you wrote, comment on your thesis. But even that is highly unlikely.

Since those who bluster on Dr. Shades demonic board are constantly going over what gets posted here, please keep in mind that I am not the least bit interested in outing gemli.

DanielPeterson Mod Louis Midgley • 37 minutes ago • edited

LM: I am not the least bit interested in outing gemli.

Nor, for the record, am I. I once knew his name -- it was easy enough to find him -- but have forgotten it. I could probably come up with it again, but I don't care that much and wouldn't make any use of it if I did, just as I made no use of it when I knew it the first time.
Of course Midgley has no intention of mis-using personal information he ferrets out.( Insert massive eye roll. )

Gemli seems to get it, however, and is just toying with Midgley:
Louis Midgley Jack • 19 hours ago

NO! He tried to do something to a remarkable fish but that thing would not agree, so he studied the human soul, if he really has an MA degree, by fiddling with mice or rats. But we are not permitted to have a peek at the product because gemli will not agree to have us work our magic on his MA degree, if he really has such a thing. If he did actually complete an MA, I am certain that he was not able to find any support for his atheism..

gemli Louis Midgley • 13 hours ago

Of course, gemli does not have an MA degree, but an MS degree, which required an understanding, application and appreciation of the scientific method. Spirit worlds were not part of the curriculum, and he was not required to believe in them, or that mice, rats, fish or humans lived after they died. It turns out that they're all made of exactly the same components in slightly different arrangements, and that life is a self-sustaining chemical reaction that ultimately ends when the parts wear out. Some people can't accept that confirmed, inevitable and unpleasant fact, but without death there would have been no evolution, and we wouldn't be here to pretend that we don't die.

The post of the day award, however, goes to our own Moksha:

Moksha Louis Midgley • 10 hours ago

NO! He tried to do something to a remarkable fish but that thing would not agree...
Was Gemli trying to get a whale to swallow a story?

Louis Midgley Moksha • 8 hours ago
_Doctor Scratch
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor Scratch »

Has anyone directly questioned Midgley about his alleged military service? How long do you suppose that would last on "Sic et Non"? Surely there must be some way to verify or disprove his claims.....
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _MrStakhanovite »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:41 am
Has anyone directly questioned Midgley about his alleged military service? How long do you suppose that would last on "Sic et Non"? Surely there must be some way to verify or disprove his claims.....
You can request certain files from the government meant to verify his service. It wouldn't take too much work to put in a request for a redacted DD214 that would give the dates of his service, training received, awards, and stations.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

Oh, ho, ho, hooo. Louis Midgley is desperate to out gemil and totes pinky swears he won't out him:

"gemli: You don't need to have your own copy to provide evidence that you once were granted a degree in experimental psychology where human soul--think of the Greek word psyche, which like penuma (started out meaning breath, as in "breath of life," but soon came to mean soul or mind). You can easily demonstrate or even prove that you have such a thing by merely passing on to me or Professor Peterson privately through email to us, and we will get your thesis through what is called inter-library loan. And I promise you that we will make a copy of it, and mail it to you, without revealing your name or where you got this degree on Dan's blog.

We might, however, after reading what you wrote, comment on your thesis. But even that is highly unlikely.

Since those who bluster on Dr. Shades demonic board are constantly going over what gets posted here, please keep in mind that I am not the least bit interested in outing gemli."

That'd certainly make a nice little addition to Louis' gemil-dossier, no?

- Doc
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Dr LOD »

The poster Charles poses this question
Louis, "I urge everyone, including those who are beset with doubts, to take N. T. (Tom) Wright very seriously."

in my opinion, many people "beset with doubts" will be turned off and have a visceral reaction against N. T. Wright's very public views regarding homosexuals. Louis, you might be surprised to find out how much differently the younger generation of Mormons feels about the treatment of homosexuals than your generation.

Louis, in your opinion as an apologist, I would like to hear your answer about modern miracles. I've heard of "miracles" happening in the church, but none that are special enough to garner national attention or that could not be quickly written off as a coincidence or happen chance. Do we no longer have miracles in the church today, and, if not, why?

We've had 17 modern-day prophets from 1830 to 2020, and yet none, to my knowledge, has performed a miracle that gained national attention as did many miracles we read of in the Bible. And no, I'm not looking for a sign, just a pattern between Mormon modern-day Prophets and Prophets of the Bible.

I would think at least one miracle performed by one of these men would gain national attention by now if comparing these modern-day prophets with prophets of the Bible. Take for example the healing of a blind man. The medical community has declared the man's case to be incurable. Then a modern-day prophet restores this man's sight. Would the possibility exist for this man to exclaim to the world what happened out of sheer joy and excitement? And at that point, would the medical professionals not review his claim to ensure he was indeed lost case? And then wouldn't the journalists and news outlets share his story? Seems like after 17 modern-day prophets, this would have occurred at least once in 200 years.

Thoughts, Louis?
In rapid succession Kiwi57, Daniel Peterson, and Louis Midgley give honest tries at this question. Then about two hours this pops up from Louis Midgley
Charles: We have already been through this before, have we not? Why keep bringing it up? Is it because you judge everything on the basis of your own choice of this one issue?

Now if people beset with doubts have doubts merely because of certain passions they wish to gratify, then that merely explains the source of their doubts but not the competence of serious scholars.

I am, of course, very much aware that in about a decade the gay community has managed to dominate the popular culture. This has exactly nothing to do with how, as you put it, my generation treated gays. Instead, what you claim is that your generation has come to be dominated by a different ideology, which I grant.

Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not? And also that recovery of the Book of Mormon and what followed happened because those early Saints were gays, would it not?
Midgley really turned that off on a strange tangent rather quickly. I looked back on earlier comments by Charles and couldn't find any background to have Midgley think what he wrote would be an appropriate reply. As always Midgley reveals more about his inner workings in his accusations of others.
_Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Doctor CamNC4Me »

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Re: Rules of Patheos: Midgley appears to violate TOS 10x

Post by _Lemmie »


Finally, for your rather strange idea that miracles are somehow linked to the amount of gay sexual gratification that is taking place would require that primitive Christianity was launched by gay sex, would it not? And also that recovery of the Book of Mormon and what followed happened because those early Saints were gays, would it not?
Wow. How did it even occur to Midgley to link those two things? Let alone arrive at the historical conclusions he did? What an odd juxtaposition.
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