Question for LDS

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_Polygamy Porter
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Post by _Polygamy Porter »

moksha wrote:Somebody else on another forum sleuthed out the source and apparently it is on the up and up afterall. Professor Millet really said it.

Asbestosman is right, Professor Millet does not attribute this to the First Presidency.
Like that would matter? If it is not acceptable to publicly support something that any of the suits spout off, it gets quickly demoted as their own opinion. Before or after their dead and gone.
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_Polygamy Porter
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Re: Question for LDS

Post by _Polygamy Porter »

wenglund wrote:I watched the video, and from what I can tell, it is Robert L. Millett. Here is a short bio:

Robert L. Millett is a professor of ancient scripture and former dean of Religious Education at Brigham Young University. He earned a master's degree from BYU in psychology and a PhD from Florida State University in biblical studies and nineteenth- and twentieth-century religious thought. Brother Millett has served as a bishop, stake president, temple worker, and member of the Church Materials Evaluation Committee. He and his wife Shauna are the parents of six children.

Thanks, -Wade Englund-

Why do they always feel the need to include the number of kids when a Mormon leader is introduced? Like it is some measure of obedience to popping out the kids... Like any young person or "twenty something BYU students that hang out" would look up to these hardline old school buzzards?
_Polygamy Porter
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Re: Question for LDS

Post by _Polygamy Porter »

Jason Bourne wrote:
Runtu wrote:
Rollo Tomasi wrote:
Runtu wrote:I wish I was wrong. Over and over I've seen it in my 40 years in the church. Obedience to the leadership is prized above all else.

I recall, while perusing the Gen'l Conference issue of the Ensign a couple of years ago, looking through the topical index and noting that topics relating to obedience and sustaining the leaders were #1 in terms of frequency, ahead of even topics relating to Jesus Christ, or Joseph Smith, or principles and ordinances of the Gospel. That was quite an eyeopener for me.

The reason I said that is that I have indeed seen it over and over. Most recently, my bishop told me it doesn't so much matter what I believe, as long as I keep the commandments. My wife has said the same thing. It's not Jesus, and it's not Joseph Smith; it's obedience and sticking with the program.

Well in this case your wife and bishop are wrong, and rather dumb for thinking this.

Not in their minds.

This is a rampant problem at the local level, many overzealous local leaders think that they are allowed to spout of their own interpretations, which unfortunately are received by many as truth.

The last time I attended gospel doctrine class, the instructor(the previous bishop), who was an avid Farms reader, told the class that Moroni did bury the gold plates somewhere in Mexico, and god later MOVED them to be right next to the Joseph Smith home.

Of course he did! With Mexico being the obvious "land of the Lamenites" who would join a church started by a lamenite descendant known as Jose Sanchez?
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Re: Question for LDS

Post by _harmony »

This is a rampant problem at the local level, many overzealous local leaders think that they are allowed to spout of their own interpretations, which unfortunately are received by many as truth.

And yet we hammer them for forcing everything through correlation, so those overzealous local leaders' influence is lessened. Can't have it both ways.

The last time I attended gospel doctrine class, the instructor(the previous bishop), who was an avid Farms reader, told the class that Moroni did bury the gold plates somewhere in Mexico, and god later MOVED them to be right next to the Joseph Smith home.

Of course he did! With Mexico being the obvious "land of the Lamenites" who would join a church started by a lamenite descendant known as Jose Sanchez?

Now, he'd be criticized for giivng any comments outside of the standard answers in the manual, because these kinds of speculations have occurred too regularly in the past, with disastrous results.
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Post by _Gazelam »

I can't believe this video has spawned a second thread.

I have had situations where non-members ask me about dep doctrine that they've heard. You give them a brief answer, then build off of it. No you don't give them the extended long discource answer, you give them the readers digest version.

that's all that's being said here, lay the foundation before you build the house.

What is the problem here?


Here is another talk given by Brother Millet that I have enjoyed (audio)
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
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