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God paging Ezra Taft Benson...

Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 12:44 am
by _Notoriuswun
Hey there EB,

How's it going? I recently beat JC on the back nine of the infamous Hell's Kitchen golf course. Bastard deserved it to. You should have seen the look on his face when I yelled "Who da man now bitch?" and threw my golden putter at him. It was almost like when I told him that Joseph was really his dad!

Anyways, I know I haven't been in touch with you for a while. I have been really busy with my 23 other wifes taking care of spirit babies. Do you know how much formula I have to buy!?! Also, Estelle is trying to sue for back payment of child support. I knew I shouldn't have got with her when that Syphillis test came back. Damn. Right now I wanted to make sure the line is still open between us. I paged you back in '75, but it took you 3 FULL YEARS to finally implement the changes I wanted. Whats up with that?

Also I just wanted to warn you about something called DARPA. It is a defense project that will eventually result in something called the internet. The internet will be used by millions of people to look up information about your church, and could eventually destroy your organization. You must destroy DARPA at all costs. I will send down a couple of angels once I hear back from you (hopefully it will be sometime this decade...sheesh).

Take Care,


Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 1:31 am
by _Notoriuswun
ps Joseph sends his love, and is calling for dibs on your wife when she gets here. You two will have to figure it out once you get here.