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EEK - Precipitously demoted to Telestial? One step from OD?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:40 pm
by _Nightingale
Hey. I just saw that the "suicide thread" has been sent from Terrestrial to Telestial. Why?

I didn't know that could happen.

What if a poster chooses not to participate in that forum? Having a thread moved there makes it look like that's the forum all those previous posters were in when they participated but that is not the case.

I know that to many, that doesn't matter and is perhaps even preferable but to others it actually does matter.

I don't see anything that would make it need to go there - could someone explain it to me? I think so far, from what I've seen, it's not disrespectful to the temple or giving too much detail.

I'm wondering in particular about that thread but also just in general as board policy. Could the part that degenerates, if any, be cast into the T/OD spheres but the acceptable part be left as is in the original forum?

I don't particularly avoid Telestial but don't spend much time there either. I may not have chosen to participate on that thread if it had originated there. That's pretty much all I am trying to say.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:42 pm
by _Bond...James Bond
My guess is the temple material was starting to get rather graphic. Shades tries to keep explicit temple material there. Not a judgement on a thread as a whole, but the debate tends to go in that direction when discussing penalties and such.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:49 pm
by _Mister Scratch
Bond...James Bond wrote:My guess is the temple material was starting to get rather graphic. Shades tries to keep explicit temple material there. Not a judgement on a thread as a whole, but the debate tends to go in that direction when discussing penalties and such.

There was a fair amount of f-bombs and other curses on the thread. I really think it is simple as that.

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:52 pm
by _Bond...James Bond
Mister Scratch wrote:
Bond...James Bond wrote:My guess is the temple material was starting to get rather graphic. Shades tries to keep explicit temple material there. Not a judgement on a thread as a whole, but the debate tends to go in that direction when discussing penalties and such.

There was a fair amount of f-bombs and other curses on the thread. I really think it is simple as that.

That too Nightingale. The F-Bombs will get ya :)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:07 am
by _Nightingale
Oh. I didn't see that. It must have occurred on the later pages?

I thought I read somewhere that that would be deleted in this forum but not that the entire thread would need to move. :(

Oh well. Good thing my entire rep doesn't depend on which forum I'm posting in. :)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:11 am
by _Bond...James Bond
Nightingale wrote:Oh. I didn't see that. It must have occurred on the later pages?

I thought I read somewhere that that would be deleted in this forum but not that the entire thread would need to move. :(

Oh well. Good thing my entire rep doesn't depend on which forum I'm posting in. :)

I wouldn't worry. If a thread gets bumped to the Telestial, just say 1) Bond posted in the thread or 2) Bond was thinking about posting in the thread. I don't care. I'll be the lightning rod of hate :)

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 12:39 am
by _Mercury
Bond...James Bond wrote:
Nightingale wrote:Oh. I didn't see that. It must have occurred on the later pages?

I thought I read somewhere that that would be deleted in this forum but not that the entire thread would need to move. :(

Oh well. Good thing my entire rep doesn't depend on which forum I'm posting in. :)

I wouldn't worry. If a thread gets bumped to the Telestial, just say 1) Bond posted in the thread or 2) Bond was thinking about posting in the thread. I don't care. I'll be the lightning rod of hate :)

Actually, the F bombs were my filthy mouths fault.

In a way I feel culpable for its forum shift.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:12 am
by _Dr. Shades
Mister Scratch wrote:
Bond...James Bond wrote:My guess is the temple material was starting to get rather graphic. Shades tries to keep explicit temple material there. Not a judgement on a thread as a whole, but the debate tends to go in that direction when discussing penalties and such.

There was a fair amount of f-bombs and other curses on the thread. I really think it is simple as that.

You're both right.

Explicit temple content is, like it or not, something that our Mormon friends don't want to see, so as a courtesy to them such threads go to the Telestial Forum.

Also, once a thread gets too full of "f" bombs, it just gets easier to move it to the Telestial Forum rather than having to keep editing them out.

And Nightingale, don't worry about your reputation or anything like that. Celestial, Terrestrial, and Telestial are not "above" or "below" each other; they're simply where threads (and people) are most comfortable.

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:14 am
by _skippy the dead
Dr. Shades wrote:
Mister Scratch wrote:
Bond...James Bond wrote:My guess is the temple material was starting to get rather graphic. Shades tries to keep explicit temple material there. Not a judgement on a thread as a whole, but the debate tends to go in that direction when discussing penalties and such.

There was a fair amount of f-bombs and other curses on the thread. I really think it is simple as that.

You're both right.

Nope - they're both wrong. Juliann is claiming credit for the move!

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 1:21 am
by _Dr. Shades
skippy the dead wrote:Nope - they're both wrong. Juliann is claiming credit for the move!

You've got to be joking!

How can she claim credit, when I was the one who moved it after I read its content?