Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Fri Mar 18, 2022 3:52 pm
Does anyone on this board have the connections to nominate Shulem to a Mormon History award? Should Shulem first do a Sunstone presentation?

That is a wonderful compliment and I thank you. Yes, I would love an award. Why not?

I wish more readers here on this obscure little message board would vote. I find the lack of votes to be the most disappointing factor in producing and maintaining this thread. It’s disheartening that people won’t vote. But maybe the list below is more impressive than I know. I’m afraid that I am not getting the support originally hoped for and perhaps all this will blow over and be lost in the sands of time until someone else in the future picks it up and illuminates it in new ways that motivate and enlighten people. :( In any case, I shall carry on the best I can. I will continue to rely on Joseph Smith for more inspiration. He’s my new friend. Don’t try to figure that out. It just is. ;)

Shulem wrote:
Thu Feb 17, 2022 9:22 pm
Please select which answer is the best match for the "narrow neck" as described in the text of the Book of Mormon in which the narrow neck was an important feature of the geographical terrain.

A) Panama
B) Belize-Yucatan base
C) Tehuantepec
D) Niagara Peninsula
E) Delmarva Peninsula

I believe the following is an accurate count to date. If I'm mistaken or the selection is wrong, do let me know and I will correct the list:

E) Shulem
E) huckelberry
E) Dr Moore
E) Rivendale
E) Craig Paxton
E) Rick Grunder
E) Abaddon
E) simon southerton
E) Philo Sofee
E) Moksha
E) infinityball
E) Lem
E) Doctor CamNC4Me
E) dantana
E) malkie
E) Dr Exiled
E) Tator
E) Marcus

A) Dan Vogel
A) drumdude

How do you vote?

A) Panama
B) Belize-Yucatan base
C) Tehuantepec
D) Niagara Peninsula
E) Delmarva Peninsula
Last edited by Shulem on Tue Mar 29, 2022 9:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Ride Me

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:43 pm
Sailor talk indeed!

Hey, big boy, ya wanna ride my boat! Climb aboard.

I'll take you to Zarahemla and back.


BYP wrote:This babe makes me seasick.

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Calling David Bokovoy

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Fri Mar 18, 2022 12:43 pm
Sailor talk indeed!

Seriously though, I posited that the feminine gender for ships in ancient Israel is not appropriate to the text. I could be wrong and am willing to be corrected. I know that in ancient times ships sometimes had gender assigned to them via a goddess to provide protection but Israel is a different situation because of monotheism coupled with a patriarchal system.

Philo, I have to believe that David Bokovoy would definitely have something to say on this issue and could provide an authoritative answer. Can you use your charm and notify him to this effect and see what he says?

Hey, I started a new thread here:

“Wither she did go” ??

Alma 63:8 wrote:And it came to pass that they were never heard of more. And we suppose that they were drowned in the depths of the sea. And it came to pass that one other ship also did sail forth; and whither SHE did go we know not.
Mormon 5:18 wrote:But now, behold, they are led about by Satan, even as chaff is driven before the wind, or as a vessel is tossed about upon the waves, without sail or anchor, or without anything wherewith to steer HER; and even as SHE is, so are they.
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Shulem »

Radio Free Mormon via Backyard Professor podcast chat wrote:Image Delmarva, Shmelvarva

Oh yeah? Them are fighting words!


Care to debate it? Put on your Book of Mormon apologetic hat and just try and disprove "Delmarva, Shmelvarva". I'll show you the real narrow neck when I wring it!


Grrrrr! Shulem has his ducks in a row.
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Philo Sofee »

Shulem wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 2:46 pm
Radio Free Mormon via Backyard Professor podcast chat wrote:Image Delmarva, Shmelvarva

Oh yeah? Them are fighting words!


Care to debate it? Put on your Book of Mormon apologetic hat and just try and disprove "Delmarva, Shmelvarva". I'll show you the real narrow neck when I wring it!


Grrrrr! Shulem has his ducks in a row.
Relax......RFM is hav ing fun. He likes the idea.
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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Tue May 10, 2022 2:56 pm
Relax......RFM is hav ing fun. He likes the idea.

I'm as cool as a cucumber.
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Ideas are born...

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Someday, I'll write a book about how the Indians fought wars in this place and how people from the Bible sailed across the ocean to come to the promised land. They must have built a ship and landed on the coast here in America. I'll write that book and tell the story so help me God.

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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Moksha »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Jan 25, 2022 5:14 pm
And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.
That would rule out the entirety of Middle Earth as being the location. This could open up Dan Vogel's appreciation of the Delmarva Hypothesis in influencing Joseph's story.

That illustration seemed eerie with Joseph reading a book. Usually, he is portrayed as being illiterate and sitting on the porch with his banjo, waiting for some city slickers to pass by so they could play a dueling duet.
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For Dan Vogel

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Sep 03, 2022 11:24 am
This could open up Dan Vogel's appreciation of the Delmarva Hypothesis in influencing Joseph's story.

First, Dan is going to have give into the idea that his preconceived ideas he's had all these years may be wrong. He will have to give into the idea that everyone was wrong until by chance some guy by the name Shulem (me) came along and cracked the code and did it right here on this message board with a little help from my friends.

Second, Dan is going to have to realize just how brilliant Joseph Smith really was and that he conned and fooled everyone who ever believed him.

Third, Dan is going to have to carefully read the threads I've presented on this board and come to a realization that Shulem turned the key and opened the door because it was my destiny.


Come on Dan, wake up. Shulem is shaking you! Get up!


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Re: Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

I’m still amazed at how you figured this out. Would you mind sharing your ‘aha!’ moment with us? I never in a million years would’ve put this together, and yet, you did. What happened when all the puzzle pieces came together for you? Describe that moment.

- Doc
Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
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