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LDS and stay at home moms?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 10:23 pm
by _barrelomonkeys
Is being a stay at home mother highly encouraged? Is it frowned upon that women work outside the home? I got an email today from step-son's mother. She invited me to purchase something from someone I don't know, will never know, and lives across the country from me. She asked me to order from this woman because she's doing the right and responsible thing by being a stay at home mom. This is not the first time she has forwarded these things to me. I usually ignore her. But it dawned on me that maybe this is less of a personal dig and maybe has to do with LDS?

Is this the expectation for LDS Mothers? Is this even an issue?

Posted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:10 pm
by _Gazelam
Being a stay at home mom is comparable to having to work on sundays.

Being a stay at home mom is, of coarse, the best way to do things, but if you have to work, you have to work. Not working on a sunday is a commandment of God, but if your Ox is in the mire, then you have to work on sunday.

If you can stay home and raise your kids with just hubby working, you should do so, but if you have to work, then you have to work.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:05 am
by _Polygamy Porter
Gazelam wrote:Being a stay at home mom is comparable to having to work on sundays.

Being a stay at home mom is, of coarse, the best way to do things, but if you have to work, you have to work. Not working on a sunday is a commandment of God, but if your Ox is in the mire, then you have to work on sunday.

If you can stay home and raise your kids with just hubby working, you should do so, but if you have to work, then you have to work.
Wow. Your chapel'ness didn't even show!

Over 65% of homes in Utah with children are dual income.

In the past there were some Mormon leaders and one particular president who stated that a woman's place is in the home. Of course, such prophetic statements have been reduced to "their personal opinions" as to better fit within the social norms.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:29 am
by _Scottveg3
huh. I have never understood this mentality.

In the church I was raised in, it was frowned upon for a woman to have a career. My family was looked down upon because my mother worked to keep us afloat. This was one of the reasons I left the church...

A woman can be a good mother and have a career. Just because a woman can stay home because her husband makes enough, why should she want/have to. It's her choice. Work can be stimulating, and rewarding. As long as the kids are loved, taken care of and nurtured, why does it matter. I was raised in a two income home and I never wanted for anything. Both my parents were always there and they taught me the importance of working hard...

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 1:32 am
by _Scottveg3
Besides, I went to school for 7 years to get my degree. Why on earth would I not want to use it after having children.

What type of building are you focused on?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 2:52 am
by _Gazelam
Pillars and groins and arches
All fashioned to work his will.
Men said, as they saw its beauty,
"It shall never know decay;
great is thy skill, O Builder!
Thy fame shall endure for aye."

A Teacher builded a temple
With loving and infinite care,
Planning each arch with patience,
Laying each stone with prayer.
None praised her unceasing efforts,
None knew of her wonderous plan,
For the temple the Teacher builded
Was unseen by the eyes of man.

Gone is the Builder's temple,
Crumpled into the dust;
Low lies each stately pillar,
Food for the consuming rust.
But the temple the Teacher builded
Will last while the ages roll,
for that beautiful unseen temple
Was a child's immortal soul.

- Author unknown

Matt. 6:19-21

Re: What type of building are you focused on?

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:04 am
by _harmony
Gazelam wrote:Was a child's immortal soul.

- Author unknown

Matt. 6:19-21

There is no reason to believe that a woman can't build both, Gaz.

Mexican Proverb

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:08 am
by _Gazelam
A house does not rest upon the ground

but upon a woman

Re: Mexican Proverb

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:22 am
by _harmony
Gazelam wrote:A house does not rest upon the ground

but upon a woman

Not my house. My house rests on two, a man and a woman.

Posted: Tue Jun 26, 2007 3:40 am
by _barrelomonkeys
So the consensus is....?

by the way, I think it's ideal if mothers are home with their children, but I understand that can not always be the case. And of course it depends on the mothers.