Mormon Misogyny

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_Polygamy Porter
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Post by _Polygamy Porter »

sailgirl7 wrote:

I'm quoting from President Hinckley-

You are the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is no other organization to equal it. Walk with pride. Hold your heads up. Work with diligence. Do whatever the Church asks you to do. Pray with faith. You may never know how much good you accomplish. Someone’s life will be blessed by your effort.

Gordon B. Hinckley, “To the Women of the Church,” Liahona, Nov 2003, 113–15

If you read my other posts in the thread you will understand what I am saying.
Why Me just taught me that it's okay to have pride.

It's called sarcasm- but you have to read everything else I wrote first.
Watch out for "why me" s/he is a 30 year Mormon hypocrite.

The RS has the "number" of women in it by crooked accounting.

Every woman every baptized a member and over the age of 18 is counted as a member of the RS.

There is no other organization to equal it.... yep! No other womens organization counts non attending members like the Mormons do..

The RS is to placate the lonely women of LDS Inc.
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Post by _Blixa »

why me wrote:The family today seems to be in disarray and most of the blame if this is true can be laid at the doorstep of modern times and the concepts of what just is a modern woman.

This ideological construction you call "the family" is itself a creation of "modern times."
From the Ernest L. Wilkinson Diaries: "ELW dreams he's spattered w/ grease. Hundreds steal his greasy pants."
_Jason Bourne
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Post by _Jason Bourne »

truth dancer wrote:Hi Liz...

Ahhh that letter made me seriously cry!

It represents the lives of so many women in the church.

They put on a smiling face, don't complain, hold their head high, pretend all is well, while inside their hearts are suffering, their spirits dying.

If they mention their struggle they are told to pray harder, go to the temple, get a priesthood blessing, stop being so selfish, Satan is influencing them, their hearts are too hard... whatever.



Yes it represents some but not all nor im my experience most.
_why me
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Re: Mormon Misogyny

Post by _why me »

sailgirl7 wrote:

And our church is a child-centered church now? I thought it was supposed to be Christ- centered.

The LDS church is christ centered but it is also centered on raising children to be women and men of god. In this way, it is a child centered church, not to mention the LDS church's stance on children which is very pro-children.
_why me
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Post by _why me »

Blixa wrote:
why me wrote:The family today seems to be in disarray and most of the blame if this is true can be laid at the doorstep of modern times and the concepts of what just is a modern woman.

This ideological construction you call "the family" is itself a creation of "modern times."

It depends just how modern is modern times? right? The Bible is clear on what constitutes a family. What to do about that?
_why me
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Post by _why me »

Polygamy Porter wrote:
sailgirl7 wrote:

I'm quoting from President Hinckley-

You are the Relief Society of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There is no other organization to equal it. Walk with pride. Hold your heads up. Work with diligence. Do whatever the Church asks you to do. Pray with faith. You may never know how much good you accomplish. Someone’s life will be blessed by your effort.

Gordon B. Hinckley, “To the Women of the Church,” Liahona, Nov 2003, 113–15

If you read my other posts in the thread you will understand what I am saying.
Why Me just taught me that it's okay to have pride.

It's called sarcasm- but you have to read everything else I wrote first.
Watch out for "why me" s/he is a 30 year Mormon hypocrite.

The RS has the "number" of women in it by crooked accounting.

Every woman every baptized a member and over the age of 18 is counted as a member of the RS.

There is no other organization to equal it.... yep! No other womens organization counts non attending members like the Mormons do..

The RS is to placate the lonely women of LDS Inc.

The relief society is a wonderful organization that brings women together from diverse backgrounds and presents them with a family of sisters to be together with. Women in and outside the church have problems. No one promised the human being a rose garden.
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Post by _Gazelam »

This ideological construction you call "the family" is itself a creation of "modern times."

You get that quote out of one of your pro-homosexuality handbooks one of your friends left at your house? Is the fact that it takes a man and a woman together to create children something Nazi Scientists cooked up in WWII and now we're all stuck with? You need to lay off that bongwater and stop reading alternative press.
We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light. - Plato
_Stan Fan aka Che Dali
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Post by _Stan Fan aka Che Dali »

Raising sons in a patriarchal, pyramidal, heirarchical caste system was one thing, but when it came to raising a daughter in that same system, trying to explain to her why it is that she couldn't hold the priesthood, or why it is that her mother was unworthy to even place her hands on her own child's head while her brother's performed a priesthood blessing upon her was pretty tough.

That was always one of my wife's biggest qualms with Mormonism, that the Young Men were always being recognized for one thing or another, first it's when he does cub scouts, then boy scouts, then every priesthood advancement, blessing and passing the sacrement (even though we all knew some of the kids were anything but worthy to do so) doodie to Gawd awards, Eagle scout honors, callings, leadership opportunities, Athletics, Missions, baptisms, baby blessings, being the head of the household, women having to swear obedience to their husbands in the temple, the list goes on.....

my wife said that when she would take the vows in the temple she'd always bow her head and say, "f#*k you" instead of "yes"

I saw a bumper sticker yesterday that said,

"You can't be Pro Choice and Catholic"

Which just made me shake my head and think, "which is exactly why I'm not Catholic"

Why not just hold up a big "Eff You" symbol to the millions of Catholic women in this country who choose, wisely, to go against the mandates of the Catholic church by using birth control and to terminate unwanted pregnancies.

Basically the clear misogynist message patriarchal heirarchical, conservative religions (like Catholicism, Mormonism, Islam and Judaism) instill in women is that they are owned, body and soul by the patriarchal heirarchy. They don't have a right to make a decision about their own bodies. They don't own their own wombs, they don't decide when or if they are going to have children, it gets decided for them. Their only worth is their wombs and nurturing future patriarchal leaders and more mothers to propogate the traditional caste system that keeps women down at the bottom.

Mormonism has a long tradition of misogyny that continues today.

In our ward we had a few very vocal women who wanted to make changes in the ward. I knew the bishop very well and he would always just relegate the women to callings where they basically had zero power to affect change in the ward, in the primary or worse yet, the nursery.

When I asked to be removed from my stake calling because I was having serious doubts about the church, I got relegated to being my kid's Jr. primary teacher. I just wanted to slit my wrists to see some color every week during opening excercises I was so bored and I'm sure my kids were just as bored.

They would often ask if they could go to the bathroom and I'd let them.

Once the primary president pulled me aside after class and told me that I needed to stop letting them go to the bathroom. I asked her what she wanted me to do, let them sit there and pee their pants?

She told me I needed to take some responsibility.

WTF? I told her that she needed to take some responsibility for making the opening excercises more interesting for the kids so they would be more interested in staying than leaving.

That was about the end of my activity in Mormonism for me. I asked to be released from that calling because I couldn't teach anybody things I didn't believe, especially kids and especially not my own kids. At that point I figured if I wasn't teaching them bogus myths, then somebody else was at which point I abandoned the false hope of ever changing anything from the inside out.
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