Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

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Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

Post by Shulem »

Many of you have benefited from my first thread presented on this board about Book of Mormon geography although few people commented or added their input. But most important, nobody, not even the apologists will be able to disprove the Delmarva Peninsula model because it was the one Smith actually used. The facts and evidence bear that out. And no, I’m not talking about archeological evidence because that has and never will exist. I’m talking about the evidence that came straight out of the mouth of Joseph Smith, interpreted by me, Shulem.

Shulem Cracked the Book of Mormon Code, the Land of Nephi is now revealed! See for yourself! The Golden Key!

But now, I wish to take things to another level and reveal important information about Joseph Smith’s Book of Ether and the Jaredites. Prepare to have your mind blown or at least get shivers once again. Hold on to your seat because you’re about to go on a bumpy ride with turns and twists in the JAREDITE ZONE!

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Upon the face of this north country

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:1 wrote: And now I, Moroni, proceed to give an account of those ancient inhabitants who were destroyed by the hand of the Lord upon the face of this north country.

“Upon the face of this north country”, meaning the northern part of the Jaredite nation which would be the greatest nation on earth (1:43) and was a type for the future greatest nation, the USA. As far as Smith/Moroni were concerned there was just one ultimate country or government associated with the promised land, a land of liberty and freedom and that country was the USA. The northern regions of that country was part of the Jaredite nation but they inhabited lands to the south and even built a great city (Ether 10:20) just north of the narrow neck where Wilmington and Philadelphia are today.

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:2 wrote: And I take mine account from the twenty and four plates which were found by the people of Limhi, which is called the Book of Ether.

I addressed the “twenty and four” in another thread dealing with special numbers in the Book of Mormon. That post is found here:

Twenty and Four
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Re: Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:3 wrote: And as I suppose that the first part of this record, which speaks concerning the creation of the world, and also of Adam, and an account from that time even to the great tower, and whatsoever things transpired among the children of men until that time, is had among the Jews—


Moroni Smith supposed that other records were had by the Jews but he doesn’t know for sure, he just assumes and admits he doesn’t know. He opts to not bother with those records and does it on his own assumption rather than a direct confirmation from God who knows all things. This reminds me of when he said, “I, Moroni, write somewhat as seemeth me good”, or in other words, I’m just writing what comes to my mind according to how I like. However, the real author behind the curtain writing these things was Joseph Smith. Or in other words, Joseph Smith Jr. and the angel Moroni are one in the same! Smith appeared to himself at Cumorah when he dreamed up ideas for his novel as he stared out over the open land in deep thought and contemplation. What battles would be fought here? What treasure might be buried here and in the caves of this hill?
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Re: Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:33 wrote: Which Jared came forth with his brother and their families, with some others and their families, from the great tower, at the time the Lord confounded the language of the people, and swore in his wrath that they should be scattered upon all the face of the earth; and according to the word of the Lord the people were scattered.

Angry God swears to scatter the human race starting at the tower of Babel. Why must this God always be angry when people refuse to do what he demands? It’s as though he never grew up and learned to practice higher principles of unconditional love and mercy for mercy’s sake. With Smith's God, there are always strings attached and failure to comply makes him get angry. He just can't handle it! He loses his temper in a fit of rage.

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:34 wrote: And the brother of Jared being a large and mighty man, and a man highly favored of the Lord, Jared, his brother, said unto him: Cry unto the Lord, that he will not confound us that we may not understand our words.

What difference does it make whether the brother of Jared is “large” or small? A man is a man regardless of his size and size doesn’t make a man any better than another and should not influence God to favor one over another. What if the man was small, would Ether have mentioned that? How hardly! The truth is that a large man is what impresses Joseph Smith so he wrote it into the script.

The outward appearance may impress Mormon God & Joseph Smith, but the body is only a vessel to carry out life’s various functions. It’s the heart and mind that truly defines who a man is and Mormon God should be more concerned with that rather than physical stature or size.

Does God not like short people?
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Re: Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:35 wrote: And it came to pass that the brother of Jared did cry unto the Lord, and the Lord had compassion upon Jared; therefore he did not confound the language of Jared; and Jared and his brother were not confounded.

It seems the Lord only has compassion on those why cry to him and beg him for whatever it is they desire. How about God just show mercy, love, and compassion for the sake of being gracious without expecting cries on bended knee? It seems that prayers are a requirement or prerequisite in order for God to shower down blessings.

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:36 wrote: Then Jared said unto his brother: Cry again unto the Lord, and it may be that he will turn away his anger from them who are our friends, that he confound not their language.

It takes extra prayers and more crying on bended knee in order to get God to get rid of his anger against one’s friends.

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:37 wrote: And it came to pass that the brother of Jared did cry unto the Lord, and the Lord had compassion upon their friends and their families also, that they were not confounded.

See, it takes tearful prayer to get God to have compassion on your friends. Without that there is no compassion. That seems to be the lesson God is teaching man in the Book of Ether. Compassion must be earned!

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:38 wrote: And it came to pass that Jared spake again unto his brother, saying: Go and inquire of the Lord whether he will drive us out of the land, and if he will drive us out of the land, cry unto him whither we shall go. And who knoweth but the Lord will carry us forth into a land which is choice above all the earth? And if it so be, let us be faithful unto the Lord, that we may receive it for our inheritance.

Whatever gave Jared the idea that he deserved to inherit a promised land? What makes him so special? Is that something he just made-up out of thin air? Interesting that Jared thinks that God can “drive them out of the land” as if they are in a golden carriage being pulled by a team of prized horses. Even more interesting is that Jared has allusions that the Lord himself “will carry us forth into a land” as if they are passengers on a ship taking a royal cruise across the ocean to reach that land. It seems that Jared has it all worked out so he’s sending his brother to cut a deal with the Lord.
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Re: Shulem Cracks the Book of Ether! Jaredite Expedition & Geography is Revealed!

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:41 wrote: Go to and gather together thy flocks, both male and female, of every kind; and also of the seed of the earth of every kind; and thy families; and also Jared thy brother and his family; and also thy friends and their families, and the friends of Jared and their families.

Along with the hopes of being carried to a promised land they are now asked to gather up flocks, male and female of every kind and prepare their seeds because they are heading to the promise land – families, friends, and all!

This almost sounds like a repeat of Noah and the ark!

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:42 wrote: And when thou hast done this thou shalt go at the head of them down into the valley which is northward. And there will I meet thee, and I will go before thee into a land which is choice above all the lands of the earth.

Jared is to lead the party as they leave the land of the great tower and head down into a valley “northward”. God is taking them to a choice land above all the lands of the earth and that land according to Joseph Smith would be none other than the future land possessed by the government of the United States of America.

THE BOOK OF ETHER 1:43 wrote: And there will I bless thee and thy seed, and raise up unto me of thy seed, and of the seed of thy brother, and they who shall go with thee, a great nation. And there shall be none greater than the nation which I will raise up unto me of thy seed, upon all the face of the earth. And thus I will do unto thee because this long time ye have cried unto me.

Lucky for Jared because he’s going to be blessed without measure on the promised land and his descendants will form the greatest nation on earth and therefore the civilization in the New World would more than rival anything in the Old World. All this because Jared cried to God on bended knee.

The things one must do to appease their god...
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Northward they go

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 2:1 wrote:And it came to pass that Jared and his brother, and their families, and also the friends of Jared and his brother and their families, went down into the valley which was northward, (and the name of the valley was Nimrod, being called after the mighty hunter) with their flocks which they had gathered together, male and female, of every kind.

So, Jared and the entire entourage saddled up and left Babel and the land of Shinar and went northward into a valley named after Nimrod. Who can say how long the valley was and how far north it led?

Thus, we shall see, in good time. ;)
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Chicken sandwiches & fish and chips

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 2:2 wrote:And they did also lay snares and catch fowls of the air; and they did also prepare a vessel, in which they did carry with them the fish of the waters.

Supplies and flocks were not enough for this wandering party. They set traps to catch birds of the air and therefore must have built mobile cages in which they could raise fowl and provide a ready food source. Birds on the go provided fast food in ancient times! They also built a large fish tank or an aquarium of some sort in which they could stock freshwater fish and carry it about as they traveled. Smith no doubt envisioned a cart on wheels to haul such a marvelous contraction. A vessel holding fish would have been very precarious and the construction must be extremely durable and strong. A gallon of water weighs 8.3 lbs., thus a vessel 6’ x 3’ x 3’ filled with water would weigh easily 500 lbs., and a vessel even larger could potentially weigh thousands of pounds. Smith was a farmer and he certainly knew the heft and weight of a barrel of water! Imagine pulling a cart with such a vessel equipped on top of it. One shock produced by a bump in the road or a bad rut could certainly cause the vessel to rupture or perhaps break an axil. The construction and materials used by primitives in making such a watertight device is anyone’s wild guess. The story seems so unbelievable that it’s fit for a cartoon to serve the make-believe imagination of children or, Mormons! It’s not grounded in reality.

Note that the text says “vessel” leading us to conclude that Smith imagined a single vessel, probably a rather large vessel at that. The text says they “did carry” the vessel containing the fish but it’s inconceivable to think that they literally carried it upon poles or a mechanical contraction built upon human shoulders. They must have employed a wheeled cart which sounds fair enough considering the ancients in that region employed carts. It was an amazing invention in transporting people and things. But why doesn’t the record mention the WHEEL in describing their mode of travel? It’s a hole in the script! The wheel would have been mentioned with much pride.

How they also managed to maintain the water in the tank and keep oxygen levels and ammonia levels at safe conditions for fish is anyone’s guess. The whole idea sounds like a fantasy for a children’s cartoon.
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Re: Honey Bee

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THE BOOK OF ETHER 2:3 wrote:And they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee; and thus they did carry with them swarms of bees, and all manner of that which was upon the face of the land, seeds of every kind.

First and foremost, we can be reasonably confident that at some point in Joseph Smith's youth or early adulthood he had witnessed the art of beekeeping within the regions of his homeland, whether in Vermont or New York. Beekeeping is a fascinating branch of agriculture and any young man who witnesses it first hand will never forget those experiences.

The Smith family enterprise centered around farming and everything that had to do with the land to include crops and animals. Beekeeping is something the Smith family would have been familiar with to some degree or at least aware of those who were in the business. I'm sure there was honey on the Smith family table and they acquired that honey from merchants or farmers involved with beekeeping. Young Joseph was keenly aware of the fact that the biblical land of promise is a land flowing with milk and honey.

Notice how Smith says the Jaredites upon leaving Babel for the valley of Nimrod "did carry with them swarms of bees" indicating that these people knew how to handle bees, transport them, and maintain hives.

The following authentic depiction of beekeeping is something Smith may have witnessed while growing up. Notice how they handled the bees and could carry their hives:

Beekeeping in 1772

Little wonder that Smith included bees in his novel.

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Post by Shulem »

THE BOOK OF ETHER 2:3 wrote:And they did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee

First, let's look at an apologetic website (Book of Mormon Central), a website that is as black as night and filled with lies and deception.

Where Does the Word “Deseret” Come From?

Book of Mormon Central wrote:When the Brother of Jared and his companions traveled, they “did also carry with them deseret, which, by interpretation, is a honey bee” (Ether 2:3). This is the only time in the Book of Mormon where the text gives a definition for a Jaredite word.

Then we can expect that if Smith is truly translating a language from that region of the earth that it will correspond with what we know about ancient languages today. But it doesn't.

Book of Mormon Central wrote:But it has proven difficult to know where in the ancient Near East the word came from. “Until possible language affinities for Jaredite names can be determined, all suggestions for etymologies of Jaredite names must remain more speculative than substantive.” In addition, the word “deseret” does not translate as “bee” in any known ancient Mesopotamian language.

Notice the first word of the paragraph above is, "BUT". This is a red flag to let you know that if ifs & buts were candy and nuts then bees were called deseret in the land of Babel, but it ain't so, so prepare for ifs & buts instead.

It's not that "it has been proven difficult to know" where the word deseret came from in the Near East! It's been proven ***IMPOSSIBLE!*** The difference between difficult and impossible is infinite. The writer confesses that the word deseret doesn't translate into "bee" in any language, period, and linguists know the languages of the earth. But the apologists want to speculate in the unknown because that's all they have left to do since it's been proven that deseret is not a real word in any language for a "bee".

more to come...
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