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BYU & Orem Police cover themselves in glory again.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2017 10:12 am
by _I have a question
In 2014, Brigham Young University freshman Madeline MacDonald was disappointed — and worried about possible future allegations — when Orem police told her no charges would be filed in her sexual-assault complaint against 19-year-old Samuel Butler.

She pressed police: "If he moves to like the other side of the country and something else happens again, will they be able to find this [report]?"

Orem and BYU officers assured MacDonald that Butler was "on everyone's radar" with his name "in the system." One officer said, "The data is all . . . very easy for communication."

But since then, three other women have accused Butler, now 21, of sexual assault in reports to Utah police departments. It appears that only in the most recent case did investigators connect the allegations. ... assault-to