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Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:15 pm
by _Kishkumen
lemuel wrote:Of course, one could make the argument that the Nauvoo temple was never complete...

Excellent point, lemuel. Somewhat finished by BY and crew and sold in 1848.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:21 pm
by _Kishkumen
consiglieri wrote:I was just doing a little on-line research and it appears there was another somewhat important "addition" to the History of the Church.

First, it looks like the lion's share of the work was done by none other than our friend Willard Richards.

Second, it involves the oft-heard quote from Joseph Smith about finding fault with church leaders being the first sign of apostasy.

Only it looks like maybe Joseph Smith never really said this.

Yep. I tell ya. Brigham really changed the tenor of authority in the LDS Church. It may be that in the chaotic times of late Nauvoo he concluded that the prophet and other top leaders needed to strengthen their authority. After the assassination, he had the chance to change the Church and the historical record to make that happen.

I recall reading about certain statements of loyalty from the Mormon Reformation period in which one had to assent to the fact that Joseph was a prophet, that Brigham Young was his successor, and so forth. Failure to do so was apostasy. I don't recall anything of the sort in Joseph Smith's time, but maybe I am mistaken.

In any case, that sort of authoritarian attitude left a strong imprint on the Church.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:24 pm
by _Kishkumen
consiglieri wrote:And here is an interesting side note regarding a fellow named Charles Wesley Wandell, who was charged with assisting Willard Richards in his compilation of the History of the Church, who became disenchanted with the project and left the LDS church.


Here is a quote from Wandell:

"I notice the interpolations because having been employed (myself) in the Historian's office at Nauvoo by Doctor Richards, and employed, too, in 1845, in compiling this very autobiography, I know that after Joseph's death his memoir was 'doctored' to suit the new order of things, and this, too, by the direct order of Brigham Young to Doctor Richards and systematically by Richards." (See Marjorie Newton, Hero or Traitor: A Biographical Study of Charles Wesley Wandell, John Whitmer Historical Association).

The evidence of doctoring and monkeying around with the historical record piles up. No wonder it was so easy for the Reorganized Church to represent Brigham as the man who distorted Joseph Smith's legacy. In some ways, that is indisputably true.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 6:40 pm
by _Maksutov
Kishkumen wrote: No wonder it was so easy for the Reorganized Church to represent Brigham as the man who distorted Joseph Smith's legacy. In some ways, that is indisputably true.

Reverend, where should I go to get a detailed, scholarly description of the crisis from the RLDS side? Would like to see more on their views on Young and the apostles and the diaspora. :wink:

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 8:25 pm
by _consiglieri
Kishkumen wrote:[quote
The evidence of doctoring and monkeying around with the historical record piles up. No wonder it was so easy for the Reorganized Church to represent Brigham as the man who distorted Joseph Smith's legacy. In some ways, that is indisputably true.

Part 2 of the podcast goes up Sunday.

I didn't have time to get to the unsigned affidavit written for the Twelve Apostles in the handwriting of Orson Hyde, so may have to do a part 3 and throw in some of this other information to boot.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:56 pm
by _Kishkumen
Maksutov wrote:
Kishkumen wrote: No wonder it was so easy for the Reorganized Church to represent Brigham as the man who distorted Joseph Smith's legacy. In some ways, that is indisputably true.

Reverend, where should I go to get a detailed, scholarly description of the crisis from the RLDS side? Would like to see more on their views on Young and the apostles and the diaspora. :wink:

Excellent question, Mak. To be honest, I know about the general tenor of the anti-polygamy argument. I know the Reorganites used to attribute polygamy and secret temple rituals to Brigham Young. But I honestly have not read the kind of history you are looking for. I'll look around to see what I can find.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 4:09 pm
by _Kishkumen
There is an interesting little piece by Launius in the JWHA journal on Joseph Smith III opposition to polygamy. It includes his efforts to fight it in Utah, and in the sphere of the federal government. The article notes early on that he sought to associate certain things with Brigham as a usurper of the church.

Re: The Lost Patriarchal Order and the Apostolic Coup

Posted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 9:05 pm
by _Maksutov
Kishkumen wrote:There is an interesting little piece by Launius in the JWHA journal on Joseph Smith III opposition to polygamy. It includes his efforts to fight it in Utah, and in the sphere of the federal government. The article notes early on that he sought to associate certain things with Brigham as a usurper of the church.

Very interesting. Thank you! :smile: