Please be so kind as to name ten member-made doctrines.
1. Both the Melchezideck and Levitical Priesthoods will fail to manifest themselves in the presence of the double X chromosome.
2. In 2012 God voted for Mitt Romney and in 2016 He refused to vote because Trump was on the ballot. However, God was okay with the MoTab Choir performing at the Trump Inauguration because Jackie Evancho was also performing.
3. If there was anything to global warming, God would have revealed it to his prophets, seers, and revelators.
4. Of all various mayonnaise base condiments, Fry Sauce is the most pleasing to God.
5. BMWs are the preferred automobiles by 95% of the Heavenly Host.
6. Not drinking coffee and tea is a supreme test of faith due to their being health-promoting beverages.
7. Trump will make the Constitution "hang by a thread" and it will be rescued by one of Mitt Romney's dressage ponies.
8. Satan was laughing with delight when he learned of Dieter Uchtdorf's demotion.
9. Lime green is the holiest color of Jell-O.
10. Consiglieri's award-winning podcast is a sign of the end times.