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Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:39 pm
by latterdaytemplar
This thread has really progressed since I was last on it. I've got a lot of reading to do! (But I enjoy reading, so it works out well for me)

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:47 pm
by latterdaytemplar
George MillerPM wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:19 pm
Equality wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 3:34 pm
The murdered corpse of William Morgan provides a counterpoint to this assertion.
Equality- Thanks for pointing out the discrepancy in the response above. The likely murder of William Morgan due to Morgan's plans to expose the Royal Arch rituals was extremely disturbing to both non-Masons and most Masons in New York and beyond. While there are still large questions as to the identify of the corpse found, the disappearance of William Morgan was shocking and the talk of the town for years.

It is, of course, in the aftermath of the Morgan Affair and the environment of the Masonic and Anti-Masonic response to the atrocity in which Joseph Smith wrote scripture. As you will see in later posts on the use of Antiquities of Freemasonry in the revision of the Adam narrative in Joseph Smith's revision of Genesis 4, the aftermath of Morgan Affair is the backdrop which connects Joseph's revision to couple of events in the life of Joseph Smith.

Of course the disappearance of William Morgan would have struck the Smith family especially hard. After all, Joseph Smith Sr. was initiated, passed, and raised to the degree of Master Mason in Ontario Lodge #23 located in Canandaigua, NY where Morgan was arrested on trumped up charges and then subsequently kidnapped. Joseph Smith Sr. would have known personally the Royal Arch Masons in Canandaigua, NY who orchestrated the kidnapping of William Morgan as they held many of the leadership positions in his own mother lodge.

When accusations that the actions of his own Masonic brothers had precipitated the accused murder of another Masonic brother, how would Joseph Smith Sr. have reacted? How would the members of the Smith family have mentally and emotionally handled accusations that the symbolic Masonic penalties had likely been made literal by their Masonic brethren?

If you are interesting in further reading on this the Morgan Affair and its effects on Freemasonry then I can highly recommend the following books.
(1) The Bright Mason: An American Mystery by Robert Berry.
(2) Morgan: The Scandal That Shook Freemasonry by Stephen Dafoe.
(3) Revolutionary Brotherhood by Steven C. Bullock
In addition to the literature recommended by George MillerPM, I would also recommend the resources had in the online library of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M of British Columbia and Yukon:

William Morgan Notes
The Morgan Affair
The Morgan Affair: What Happened to Morgan
The Confessions

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Fri Jun 24, 2022 5:26 pm
by George MillerPM
”Moses 5:10-12” wrote:[MOS 5:10 And in that day Adam blessed God and was filled, and began to PROPHESY CONCERNING ALL THE FAMILIES OF THE EARTH, saying: Blessed be the name of God, for because of my transgression my eyes are opened, and in this life I shall have joy, and again in the flesh I shall see God.
MOS 5:11 And Eve, his wife, heard all these things and was glad, saying: were it not for our transgression we never should have had seed, and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient.
MOS 5:12 And Adam and Eve blessed the name of God, and they MADE ALL THINGS KNOWN UNTO THEIR SONS AND THEIR DAUGHTERS.
Moses 5:10 records how, after the appearance of the angel, that he “began to prophecy concerning all the families of the earth”. Adam making such a prophecy “concerning all the families of the earth” is not mentioned in the Old Testament. However, a revelation to Joseph Smith published in the Doctrine and Covenants provides further potential information. This revelation recorded that “in the days of Adam'' that there was an “order of priesthood” which was to be “handed down from father to son” which was given by Adam to set apart Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah as high priests. (D&C 107:40-52) The revelation also records that, three years prior to his death, Adam convened a special assembly of these high priests at Adam-ondi-Ahman.
”D&C 107” wrote:[b[D&C 107:53[/b] Three years previous to the death of Adam, he called Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, and Methuselah, who were all high priests, with the residue of his posterity who were righteous, into the valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman, and there bestowed upon them his last blessing.
D&C 107:54 And the Lord administered comfort unto Adam, and said unto him: I have set thee to be at the head; a multitude of nations shall come of thee, and thou art a prince over them forever.
D&C 107:55 And Adam stood up in the midst of the congregation; and, notwithstanding he was bowed down with age, being full of the Holy Ghost, PREDICTED WHATSOEVER SHOULD BEFALL HIS POSTERITY UNTO THE LATEST GENERATION.
D&C 107:56 These things were all written in the BOOK OF ENOCH, and are to be testified of in due time.
This revelation in D&C 107 is similar to the narrative recorded in Moses 5:10 as it records a prophecy which “predicted whatsoever should befall [Adam’s] posterity unto the last generation”. This of course would have included the soon to come destruction of all created things by water during Noah’s flood till the destruction of the world by fire in the last days.

Moses 5:12 also recorded that Adam and Eve “made all things known unto their sons and their daughters” thus conveying gospel truths and the prophecy of coming events with their progeny. This mirrors the revelation in D&C 107 which recorded that “the residue of [Adam’s] posterity that were righteous” were called to the Valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman where Adam “bestowed upon them his last blessing.”

The doctrine of a priesthood order administered by Adam nor the anointing of Adam’s progeny to the priesthood office of High Priest is recorded in the Bible. Neither is a meeting of Adam and his posterity with an accompanying prophecy about the entirety of human history mentioned in the Old nor New Testaments. The absence of these events is attributed to their being written in the book of Enoch which the revelation claims will be “testified of in due time”.

While these narrative elements of Moses are not recorded in the Bible, similar elements appear in Antiquities of Freemasonry. While a priesthood order is indirectly discussed, a Masonic order is directly discussed extensively in Antiquities of Freemasonry. It recorded that in “every society, however constituted, some form of government is necessary” and that “in this respect also Masonry supports its claim to veneration” with its “excellence in government” which is “founded upon a pattern the pure and perfect; the government of the Jewish and Christian churches.”

It goes on to discuss how at the time of Moses the Masonic governance reached its maturity for it was not “until the Mosaic dispensation” when “religion was conducted by three distinct officers, or orders of men.” For it “was not until the erection of the tabernacle that our craft was reduced to the perfect form which it has ever since retained.” Antiquities of Freemasonry further explains that, “Moses, when, by the revelation of God, he was dividing the priesthood into three distinct heads, modeled Masonry after the same fashion.” What were these three distinct heads? George Oliver explains these three distinct heads/offices by explaining how in the Christian dispensation these offices were combined into one.

George Oliver explained that the number three “constitutes perfection” for the “Christian church, of which all other dispensations were only types and shadows, has been placed under the same system of government”. Oliver then explained that Jesus Christ, who according to the Christian catechism was a prophet, priest, and king, “united the threefold office of the ancient patriarchs in his own person” as Christ “was a priest for ever, after the order of melchizedec”. Oliver then went on to explain that Melchizedek was, “no other, according to the best authorities, than the patriarch Shem, the son of Noah, who was king, priest, and prophet of his family”. Thus the governance of the God’s kingdom was accomplished under the three orders of prophet, priest, and king.

George Oliver also explained that the many orders of Freemasonry, like the ancient Jewish and Christian churches, were likewise always governed by a triumvirate. To make the parallel perfect Antiquities of Freemasonry then points particularly at one order of Freemasonry - The Royal Arch. “Hence if the government of the Jewish church, established under the immediate superintendence of God, or if the Christian church, modelled by Jesus Christ, be considered a specimen of perfection, the same must be admitted of Free-Masonry; as one its orders, confessedly not christian, is governed by a king, a priest, and a prophet, invested with an equal dignity; and the rest of Masonry, which inculcates the only true religion, is directed by a mode of government equally perfect, and equally unobjectionable.”

Royal Arch Chapters in Britain are governed by three officers which in descending order of authority are: King, High Priest, and Scribe. Due to politics in America, Royal Arch Chapters are governed instead by officers in the following descending order of authority: High Priest, King, and Scribe. However, it should be noted that amongst these officers the title of scribe, not prophet, is listed. George Oliver’s argument suggests that he was equating scribe and prophet and scribe together. In fact, his text suggests as much when Antiquities of Freemasonry notes that, “after prophecy had ceased” that the “teachers of Israel continued to be distinguished under three several appellations” and that one of these was scribe. Reverend Oliver then backs up this claim by appealing to 1 COR 1:20 as justification. Thus Antiquities of Freemasonry made the claim that there is a similarity of priesthood in Masonry in that they were modeled on each other and thus “Masonry supports its claim to respect and veneration” due to “the excellence of its government, which founded upon a pattern most pure and perfect; the government of the Jewish and Christian churches.

Antiquities of Freemasonry not only claimed that the model of priesthood and Masonry with men called as prophets, priests, and kings existed in the Jewish and Christian, but that the pattern existed amongst Adam and the patriarchs. “In the early ages of the world, every head of a family united in his own person the threefold office priest, prophet, and king” and that “Masonry, in like manner, was transmitted, during the antediluvian ages; and it was not until the mosaic dispensation was revealed that the concerns of religion were conducted by three distinct orders of men. Masonry, in like manner, was transmitted, during the antediluvian ages.” George Oliver even claims that Adam himself held the offices of prophet, priest, and king. “Adam, however, was yet living, and his authority was sufficient to restrain the race over which he possessed the supreme government, as king, priest, and prophet, from those rash and violent deeds.” Thus Moses 5 and Antiquities of Freemasonry both proposed the non-biblical view that the antediluvian patriarchs held priesthood titles such as high priest or priest.
”Antiquities of Freemasonry” wrote:IN EVERY SOCIETY, HOWEVER CONSTITUTED, SOME FORM OF GOVERNMENT IS NECESSARY to preserve a spirit of subordination amongst its members; and prevent it from degenerating into contempt or oblivion. IN THIS RESPECT ALSO MASONRY SUPPORTS ITS CLAIM TO RESPECT AND VENERATION. An argument favourable to its beneficial tendency may be deduced from the EXCELLENCE OF ITS GOVERNMENT; which is FOUNDED UPON A PATTERN MOST PURE AND PERFECT; THE GOVERNMENT OF THE JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN CHURCHES.


At the Flood there is an appearance of something like a regular government, consisting of three distinct officers, who unitedly formed the head of the establishment, when organized in DUE FORM. BUT IT WAS NOT UNTIL THE ERECTION OF THE TABERNACLE THAT OUR CRAFT WAS REDUCED TO THE PERFECT FORM WHICH HAS EVER SINCE RETAINED. MOSES, WHEN, BY THE REVELATION OF GOD, HE WAS DIVIDING THE PRIESTHOOD INTO THREE DISTINCT HEADS, MODELLED MASONRY AFTER THE SAME FASHION; himself being grand master, and Bezaleel and Aholiab grand wardens. ...

AFTER PROPHECY HAD CEASED THE TEACHERS OF ISRAEL CONTINUED TO BE DISTINGUISHED UNDER THREE SEVERAL APPELLATIONS, each possessing distinct attributes; viz wisemen, SCRIBES, and disputers. These were comprized by St. Paul in a single verse, when writing to the Corinthians: “Where is the wise? WHERE IS THE SCRIBE? Where is the disputer?”

THIS NUMBER, IT SHOULD SEEM, CONSTITUTES PERFECTION; for THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH, OF WHICH ALL OTHER DISPENSATIONS WERE ONLY TYPES AND SHADOWS, HAS BEEN PLACED UNDER THE SAME SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT. JESUS CHRIST UNITED THE THREEFOLD OFFICE OF THE ANCIENT PATRIARCHS IN HIS OWN PERSON, FOR HE WAS A PRIEST FOR EVER, AFTER THE ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEC; who was no other, according to the best authorities, than the PATRIARCH SHEM, the son of Noah, who was KING, PRIEST, AND PROPHET of his family; and that capacity blessed Abraham, who was his child in the ninth generation. These offices, however, were distributed by our Savior; who divided the priestly dignity amongst three distinct orders of men, in imitation of the temporary dispensation of Moses.

Hence if the government of the Jewish church, established under the immediate superintendence of God, or if the Christian church, modelled by Jesus Christ, be considered a specimen of perfection, the same must be admitted of Free-Masonry; as ONE ITS ORDERS, CONFESSEDLY NOT CHRISTIAN, IS GOVERNED BY A KING, A PRIEST, AND A PROPHET, invested with an equal dignity; and the rest of Masonry, which inculcates the only true religion, is directed by a mode of government equally perfect, and equally unobjectionable.
(AoF 274-277)

Before Enoch assumed the superintendence of our Order, there appears to have been some intermixture of the two lines of Seth and Cain, for the world does not exhibit so bright an aspect as during the last period. ADAM, HOWEVER, WAS YET LIVING, AND HIS AUTHORITY WAS SUFFICIENT TO RESTRAIN THE RACE OVER WHICH HE POSSESSED THE SUPREME GOVERNMENT, AS KING, PRIEST, AND PROPHET, from those rash and violent deeds, which, after his death, deformed the face of nature. (AoF, 86)
In a similar manner, Antiquities of Freemasonry also suggests that Adam prophesied concerning all the families of the earth. Speaking of antediluvian Masonry it records, “The great and prominent truth to be illustrated in these views of antient Masonry, is, the religion or the genuine worship of God, was the chief object of Masonic practice in primitive ages of the world.” It continues by explaining that one of Adam’s chief pupils was Enoch. “Enoch prosecuted his scientific researches with indefatigable industry, and communicated his discoveries to his brethren”. Thus through Masonic instruction all of Adam and Eve’s progeny would have been instructed in all things. Thus the line of Seth “practiced very successfully the speculative science which form a constituted part of Masonry.” George Oliver proposed that the “celestial bodies were objects of their constant investigation” and the in “the science of astronomy Enoch made many improvements”. Not only astronomy, but “[o]ther sciences were invented and perfected by Enoch, which tend to illustrate God’s attributes and perfection”. So great was Enoch’s study of the attributes of God and the universe that Antiquities of Freemasonry notes that, “Enoch practiced Masonry, of which he was now installed Grand Master, with such effect, that God vouchsafed by immediate revelation, to communicate to him some peculiar mysteries, in token of approbation.” The most valuable of these, according to old traditions, was "that SACRED NAME OR WORD, which demands uttermost veneration”. In stating this, George Oliver was elaborating on Masonic rituals to make the claim that the early patriarchs, including Enoch, obtained the sacred name of God.

Antiquities of Freemasonry further claimed that Enoch “called a special assembly of Masons” and that “in the presence of Adam, Seth, Jared his father and Methusaleh his son, he enumerated the accumulating wickedness of man, and the enormous evils which were desolating the earth; and implored their advice and assistance in stemming the torrent of impiety which threatened an universal corruption.” It was at the special assembly of Masons holding the office of priest that an important prophecy was given. “It was here Adam communicated that terrible prophecy, that all mankind, except a few just persons, should so far swerve from allegiance to God, as to cause the destruction of all created things by water and fire.” Here the text records that “Adam communicated that terrible prophecy” about “all mankind” which included a “destruction of all created things by water” in reference to the pending event that would become known as Noah’s flood. However, according to Antiquities of Freemasonry, Adam prophecy about “all mankind” also foretold of another event which would entail the “destruction of all created things” with the exception of “a few just persons”, not by water, but by “fire”.

Thus both Antiquities of Freemasonry and Joseph Smith’s inspired translation of Genesis make the extra biblical claim that before his death Adam made a “prophecy concerning all the families of the earth” spanning from those which would soon pass away due to a flood and those in the far future that would pass away at the second coming of Jesus Christ when the earth would be burned with fire.
”Antiquities of Freemasonry” wrote:THE GREAT AND PROMINENT TRUTH ILLUSTRATED IN THESE VIEWS OF ANTIENT MASONRY, IS, THAT RELIGION OR THE GENUINE WORSHIP OF GOD, WAS THE CHIEF OBJECT OF MASONIC PRACTICE IN THE PRIMITIVE AGES OF THE WORLD. And this may be deduced from the existence of pure Masonry at the present day; for had it been erected on any other foundation but the glory of God; had it been instituted solely to exalt human wisdom, or to promote greatness; it would have been but a flitting sunbeam, which passeth away and leaves no trace behind.

Religion was the only foundation on which our order could be securely placed; for no institution can be firm or permanent, which is not supported by the favour and protection of the Deity. Every thing merely human must inevitably decay and crumble to ruins before the all-devouring hand of time. ...

But the word of God, and every thing founded on the basis, shall never pass away. Even “the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat; the earth also, and the works that are therein, shall be burnt up;” (2 PET 3:10) but Masonry, pure and uncontaminated with earthly abominations, shall triumph over the general and universal dissolution, and shall cement the Host of Heaven in a holy union and communion to all eternity.

Before Enoch assumed the superintendence of our Order, there appears to have been some intermixture of the two lines of Seth and Cain, for the world does not exhibit so bright an aspect as during the last period. Adam, however, was yet living, and his authority was sufficient to restrain the race over which he possessed the supreme government, as king, priest, and prophet, from those rash and violent deeds, which after his death, deformed the face of nature.

ENOCH PROSECUTED HIS SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES WITH INDEFATIGABLE INDUSTRY, AND COMMUNICATED HIS DISCOVERIES TO HIS BRETHREN. The LINE OF SETH were indeed less eminent than the Cainites for mechanical arts, because their attention had been devoted to more sublime pursuits. THEY PRACTICED VERY SUCCESSFULLY THE SPECULATIVE SCIENCES WHICH FORM A CONSTITUENT PART OF MASONRY. THE CELESTIAL BODIES WERE OBJECTS OF THEIR CONSTANT INVESTIGATION. IN THE SCIENCE OF ASTRONOMY ENOCH MADE MANY IMPROVEMENTS; and it is thought that he was acquainted with the grand period of six hundred years, at the expiration of which, the sun and moon return to the precise situation which they occupied at the beginning of it. OTHER SCIENCE WERE INVENTED AND PERFECTED BY ENOCH, WHICH TEND TO ILLUSTRATE GOD’S ATTRIBUTES AND PERFECTIONS; and hence this extraordinary Patriarch earned a distinguished reputation, which endure, both amongst Masons and Christians, until the frame of this world shall be shook in pieces by the voice of the Archangel and the trump of God.

But the study of human science was not the sole intention of God in the creation of man. He formed him for a noblet purpose; and these studies were but secondary considerations, springin as natural effects from natural causes. Of this truth we have had abundant proofs, in the view we have already taken of the origin of the sciences. For it appears that the idolatrous nations were not deficient in scientific knowledge, though they had renounced their allegiance to the true God.


(AoF 85-89)
Moses 5:10-12 echoes Antiquities of Freemasonry in this passage in three aspects. First, both sources relate that Adam prophesied concerning all of the families of the earth which would have included foretellings of the soon to occur flood of water from which only Noah would have survived till the end of the world in fire. Second, both texts suggest that Adam, who “blessed the name of God” and his progeny such as Enoch to whom Adam and Eve made “made all things known” knew the sacred name of God. Third, both sources claim the extensive teaching of Adam’s progeny “all things” which in Antiquities of Freemasonry is explained to include the arts and sciences.

The number of aspects Antiquities of Freemasonry is echoed in Joseph Smith’s scriptural account increases when we explore the parallel account of Adam giving the prophet to his progeny as discussed in D&C 107. We learn from D&C 107 of the key role of Enoch in the prophecy for it is “the book of Enoch” that the prophecy is recorded. This echoes the key role that Enoch plays in Antiquities of Freemasonry in both research into the Arts and Science as well his missionary efforts to reclaim his fallen brethren.

More extraordinary is the echoing in D&C 107 of non-biblical claims by George Oliver of priesthood offices held by Adam’s posterity. Antiquities of Freemasonry makes the claim of a similarity in the priesthood governance of both the Jewish and Christian churches (i.e. Priesthood) and Freemasonry and emphasizes the roles of prophet, priest, and king in both. It should be noted that attribution of all three titles (prophet, priest, and king) to anyone else but Jesus Christ was prohibited by most Christian creeds of the day. As such, the attribution of all three of these Masonic titles to others such as the early Patriarchs was doctrinally highly problematic as was the later giving of all these titles to Joseph Smith and others in the Nauvoo period. It is perhaps in light of George Oliver's teaching that Masonry's leadership structures should be compared to the leadership of the Christian and Jewish churches that Heber C. Kimball’s attribution to Joseph Smith of the teaching that “there is a similarity of priesthood in masonry” ought to be interpreted.

Note that some apologists have tried to draw a distinction between Joseph Smith's priesthood and Freemasonry. They have simply assumed that no Freemason would claim a similarity. However, as shown above, a careful reading of Antiquities of Freemasonry shows that Freemasons in Joseph Smith's time were make just such a connection. As such, this type of apologetic falls flat for those that are familiar with Masonic interpretations of their own rituals in the first half of the 19th century. Furthermore, this apologetic claim is simply inconceivable for Mormon-Masonic scholars who are aware of the Order of High Priesthood degree in which a man plays the role of Abraham as he finally obtains the triumvirate offices of prophet (scribe), priest, and king and is washed, anointed, and crowned by Melchizedek.

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 12:57 am
by Philo Sofee
Sooooooo, when are we supposed to cry "Uncle!" :lol: :lol: :lol:

This is an amazing thing you are presenting! So Adam had the Gospel and prophesied for and to all his posterity, and yet Joseph didn't use Masonry... Mormons today against Masonic influence are just so lost. Thank you for presenting all this! I have been rifling through Pike's books Esoterica & Morals & Dogma, as well as Nibley's One Eternal Round, and Temples of the Ancient World, for my Sunday Show,. and have found MUCH in your materials here which will make a spectacular addition to my Mormonism/Masonic series! You are to be congratulated good Brother, for all your excellent work and elaboration.

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Sat Jun 25, 2022 1:02 am
by Philo Sofee
latterdaytemplar wrote:
Thu Jun 23, 2022 3:47 pm
George MillerPM wrote:
Tue Jun 21, 2022 4:19 pm

If you are interesting in further reading on this the Morgan Affair and its effects on Freemasonry then I can highly recommend the following books.
(1) The Bright Mason: An American Mystery by Robert Berry.
(2) Morgan: The Scandal That Shook Freemasonry by Stephen Dafoe.
(3) Revolutionary Brotherhood by Steven C. Bullock
In addition to the literature recommended by George MillerPM, I would also recommend the resources had in the online library of the Grand Lodge A. F. & A. M of British Columbia and Yukon:

William Morgan Notes
The Morgan Affair
The Morgan Affair: What Happened to Morgan
The Confessions
Outstanding! Thank you so much for sharing these links.

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Sun Jun 26, 2022 9:28 pm
by Rick Grunder
Some secondary works perpetuate old apologetics calculated to suggest that William Morgan was not murdered - or perhaps even abducted at all. (And a twentieth-century pro-Masonic artist's conception of a scurrilous-looking Morgan which I see in some of those books and web pages is easily negated by George Washington Harris' careful 1827 description of how high up on his face Morgan shaved.)

Extensive data, on the other hand, and commentary from special prosecutors and court cases of the time are both clear and available. Here is one of my entries on that subject for anyone who has the patience to glance through it:


Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Mon Jun 27, 2022 2:39 pm
by George MillerPM

The first twelve verses (Moses 5:1-12) of the fifteen verse insertion at the beginning of Genesis 4 focus mainly on Adam and his righteous posterity. As has been demonstrated, these verses echo in many respects the retelling of the Genesis account as it appears in the Masonic text Antiquities of Freemasonry. In addition, Reverend Oliver’s work gives the added information that Adam and his righteous posterity were Masons who participated in Masonic rituals including those related to the Royal Arch ritual with its offices of prophet, priest, and king.

As we turn to the final three verses of the insertion into Genesis (Moses 5:13-15), the narrative switches from a discussion of Adam’s righteous posterity to a more sinister tale about how a portion of Adam’s posterity became unrighteous. Here the Moses text transitions from a pure divine religious tradition to an impure diabolic religious tradition. As before, the text of Moses echoes Antiquities of Freemasonry. George Oliver’s creative expansion and retelling of the biblical story narrative extensively discusses the existence of two Masonic traditions- the pure Divine tradition and the impure Diabolic tradition.


Speaking of Freemasonry, the Reverend Oliver explained that “our science existed before the creation of the globe, and was diffused amidst the numerous systems with which the grand empyreum of universal space is furnished. The great Architect of the universe was the founder of Masonry” this placed the origins of Masonry with God as its’ founder before the creation of the universe. ( AoF, 28)

God made sure the “principles of speculative Masonry” were “communicated to Adam in Paradise” and these universal principles of Masonry “were never by him forsaken”. Thus Adam was initiated, passed, raised, and exalted in the Masonic system until he became a prophet, priest, and king. As Adam’s “progeny increased, he communicated to them the divine precepts and injunctions which were enfolded in that pure and sublime science.” ( AoF 46)

Through his Masonic initiations and teachings the patriarch Enoch “excelled his brethren in wisdom and knowledge” and Enoch was installed “Grand Superintendent” and then Grand Master. ( AoF 54 ).

Masonic teachings and leadership would continue through Noah’s righteous progeny until the time of Abraham who endeavored to “advance the interests of true Masonry and religion amongst mankind”. ( AoF 155 ).

Throughout George Oliver’s text he makes the case that this divine Masonic tradition was propagated by the ancient patriarch and that this tradition remained alive in the Masonic institution of Reverend Oliver’s day.

Antiquities of Freemasonry also claims a less pure tradition which began, not with God, but instead with another order of diabolical beings. It records that, “The angels, who kept their first estate, continually offer up their praises to the eternal I AM” and in “pure Masonic employment were the angels engaged before the creation of the world”. While the angels all practiced Masonry, there “existed another order of beings before the earth was created, who had once been angels of light, and were expelled from the society of heaven for disobedience.” ( AoF 30-32 )

Amongst these Masonic angels expelled from the heavenly fraternity was being a knownst as Satan. “When men became numerous upon the earth, the evil spirit of darkness was very busily engaged in the corruption of their morals; and succeeded in working up the malevolent passions in the heart of Cain, until he apostatized from Masonry, and slew his brother Abel.” ( AoF 46 )

Cain’s progeny continued to propagate this diabolical Masonic order; and with their operative Masonic skills they built the city of Hanoch. “Lamech, who appears to have possessed great influence in the city Hanoch, introduced the the evil of bigamy; and the effects of his example increased to such a degree, that, before the flood, there existed amongst his posterity an indiscrimitant community of wives”. Reflecting on their atrocities Oliver noted that, “ Their hostility to the divine Author of their being announces the decay of primitive Masonry amongst them” and that “Holy Scripture has not recorded their monstrous enormities”. ( AoF 48-51 )

After the flood, “The idolatrous mysteries date their origin” from the Egyptians “and Thoth, who were certainly Masons; but, forsaking the pure channel of God’s worship, sunk into the grossest defilements of idolatry, and founded, on the pattern of our craft, an institution calculated to make the worship of imaginary deities fascinating and permanent.” ( AoF 100 )

Smith’s revision of Genesis echo’s the claim in Antiquities of Freemasonry that two traditions - one divine and the other diabolical - existed during the time of Adam.

Before continuing, I need to spend a moment on a matter of nomenclature. Throughout Antiquities of Freemasonry George Oliver struggles not only with how to represent and discuss the less than pure Masonic tradition and specifically what to call it. Oliver wanted to compare the ancient pagan mystery traditions to modern Masonic practices as evidence of the antiquity of Freemasonry. In fact, he spent an entire chapter (On the Idolatrous Mysteries) on the topic.

As a religious preacher by profession and an active Freemason, Reverend Oliver had to walk a complex line in providing evidence for the antiquity of the fraternity that he loved while not denigrating it by association with pagan idolatrous practices. In addition, in reviewing the mystery traditions he struggled with the complexity that confronted him with some traditions, at least in his eyes, being purer than other traditions.

In his later works Oliver settled on Spurious Masonry as a term for these impure Masonic traditions which he contrasted with Speculative Masonry which was his term for the pure tradition. However, using the terms Speculative Masonry vs. Spurious Masonry was problematic as the term Speculative Masonry (meaning the intellectual and spiritual pursuit inculcated in Masonry) had a long history of being contrasted instead with Operative Masonry (meaning the physical skills needed for building physical structures). Antiquities of Freemasonry would sometimes alternately use the term Idolatrous Masonry to differentiate the divine and diabolic traditions; however, there was no easy contrasting term for the divine tradition. To avoid the semantic problems of nomenclature in differentiating these two traditions, in this work I will take a different tack - one provided, though probably inadvertently, by the book of Moses.

Joseph Smith’s translation of Genesis 4 introduces a second addition of eight verses discussing a secret oath made between Satan and Cain (Moses 5:24-31). The verse that has drawn the most interest by Mormon historians has been Moses 5:31. In this verse, Cain claims the title of Master Mahan.

As multiple Mormon historians have noted, this title seems to be a linguistic bastardization of the term “Master Mason.” The term Master Mason comes from Freemasonry and describes a man who has been initiated an Entered Apprentice in the first degree, passed to the second degree of Fellow Craft, and raised to the sublime third degree of Blue Lodge Masonry. Lodges of Freemasons are also usually presided over by the Worshipful Master, also referred to as the Master of the Lodge.

Since I will be discussing the diabolic system of Masonry practiced by Cain, it is helpful to have a term for the diabolical system to differentiate it from the normal system of Masonry. As discussed before, terms introduced by George Oliver are problematic and have specific Masonic meanings; and, thus they are easily misused by Mormon-Masonic scholars. Thus, I will be introducing my own novel term for this diabolical tradition. In the Book of Moses, technically Cain claimed not to be a Master Mason, but instead a Master Mahan. There has been some slight disagreement amongst Mormon historians about whether or not the phrase “Master Mahan” is a Masonic allusion. However, close reading combined with historical source criticism of these verses in later posts will provide compelling evidence that the phrase “Master Mahan” was meant as a Masonic allusion; and, this passage was meant to be read through a Masonic lens.

Although the spelling of Master Mahan may be just an allusion to Master Mason, I will be co-opting the term. Throughout the remainder of my posts, I will frequently use the terms Mason, Masonry, Masonic, and Divine Masonry to describe the Masonry as described in Antiquities of Freemasonry which originated with God, was taught to Adam, was passed down amongst Adam’s righteous progeny, and as suggested by George Oliver existing in his day. In contrast, I will use the terms Mahan, Mahanry, Mahanic, and Diabolic Mahanry to refer to the diabolic system instituted by Satan and practiced by Cain and his wayward descendants

In the past I have, understandably, been criticized by a few Mormon apologists and critics for my introduction of Divine Masonry and Diabolical Mahanry into historical discussions of the Mormon-Masonic connections. A couple of scholars on both sides have posited me as an apologists for Masonry or Mormonism and have suggested my division of Freemasonry into the Divine Masonic and Diabolical Mahanic traditions is polemically driven. However, I have NO desire to be an apologist for either Mormons or Masons- I am a historian chasing the best historical reconstruction of the past. To understand Joseph Smith’s use of Masonic ideas in Mormonism one must swim in and be familiar with the intellectual currents of Masonic thought in the early 19th century. Confusion about my own historical reconstructions of the Mormon-Masonic connections has also been exacerbated by my reluctance to discuss in depth my source for this concept - Antiquities of Freemasonry - until Method Infinite was released. As it turns out, Joe Swick originally pointed me to this source as a book that “might prove insightful”. His admonition was to say the least understated. I have not invented the distinction between Divine Masonry and Diabolical Mahanry. This concept was mainstream Masonic thought in the early 19th century and was most fully fleshed out by George Oliver.

The existence in Masonic thought of both Divine Masonry and Diabolical Mahanry has serious implications for previous interpretations of Diabolical Mahanry as it appears in the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith’s Translation of the Bible, the Book of Abraham, and Joseph Smith’s revelations. Critics have commented extensively about the Anti-Masonic sentiments of Joseph Smith as expressed using evidence of Diabolical Mahanry in Smith’s revelations. However, if the mainstream Masonic tradition posited both Divine Masonry and Diabolical Mahanry in Joseph Smith’s day, then the Anti-Masonic interpretation of Joseph Smith is suspect.

Would an Anti-Mason canonize Masonic traditions of Diabolical Mahanry? Would an Anti-Masonic Joseph Smith revise the text of Genesis to add elements from Divine Masonic tradition as contained in Antiquities of Freemasonry? Would an Anti-Masonic Joseph Smith work to incorporate Masonically inspired architectural features largely based on the Royal Arch into the Kirtland temple as described in a portion of Chapter 8 from Method Infinte available free for preview HERE? Would Joseph Smith promote the Danite bands with their Masonic based oaths in Kirtland and Missouri before he became a Freemason? Yes I just said Kirtland! Would an Anti-Masonic Joseph Smith have become a Freemason in Nauvoo and encouraged every man in Nauvoo to become a Mason? The Anti-Masonic hypothesis does not adequately explain Joseph Smith’s actions. The alternate hypothesis - A Masonically Inclined Joseph Smith - does explain all of these happenings. It also explains why he would reveal, revise, and reintroduce Masonic legends of Diabolical Mahanry and canonize them as Mormon scripture.

A careful examination of the Diabolic Mahanic tradition within Mormon scripture reveals an organization directly run by Satan himself. Mormon scripture suggests that the design of Diabolical Mahanry was to make men carnal, sensual, and devilish and to lead them by a cable-tow of flaxen cord down to hell. According to the Joseph Smith as Anti-Masonic hypothesis, Joseph Smith felt comfortable implying his brother Hiram Smith, his father Joseph Smith Sr., and his uncle John Smith had joined a Diabolical Masonic organization. Joseph Smith would have been dictating his Anti-Masonic scriptures to Oliver Cowdery who was also likely a freemason and whose family members were Royal Arch Masons. According to the Anti-Masonic Joseph Smith hypothesis Joseph felt comfortable maligning many of his most faithful followers such as Heber C. Kimball as hoodwinked followers of the devil. And yet, in 1843, Joseph Smith would condone and encourage almost every brother in the gospel to become brothers in the Masonic order and model his most sacred rituals on a Diabolic Mahanry. In contrast, Joseph Smith’s actions are cogently cromulent under the hypothesis of a Masonically-Inclined Joseph Smith who knew and could have explained the Masonic tradition of the dual Devine Masonic and Diabolical Mahanic traditions.

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:48 am
by Philo Sofee
Fantastically interesting on finding a dual masonry and seeing how Joseph Smith had also just such a conception. Wow, I mean hats off to this kind of discovery man, you have dug far deeper than I ever have. I was thinking of fleshing out the Hermetic ideas in Masonry as I have discovered them in Pike, but this is electric man! I do think there is more Hermeticism than Pike let on, and I have found some additional materials which have occurred since Pike's research and so I think the layers are more grand and interesting than even Pike had realized. Hermeticism in Joseph Smith and Mormonism is more problematic, but the Masonic is not, so it makes sense that Brooke (The Refiner's Fire), saw parallels with Hermeticism, and properly so, but I think Hermeticism was a secondary parallel(s) than the Masonic. Hermeticism is what is behind it all, not in the forefront, and I suspect Brooke wanted it to be more in the forefront, but that didn't wash, and rightly so, but there was definitely no vacuum of influence. It was there in the background, especially the divinization of mankind, though Smith's twist is fascinating to contrast and compare. That definitely is not Hermetic. I will share more as I have time! Great posts in this thread from LatterDayTemplar and yourself.

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:57 pm
by latterdaytemplar
I'm currently awaiting Method Infinite (once they start to ship that one out), Antiquities, and Star in the East to arrive in the mail.
George MillerPM wrote:
Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:50 pm
Dear Brother- Your analogy to George Oliver being the Arturo de Hoyos of the early 1800s in a very astute comparison. He was consider the preeminent scholar on Freemasonry in his day; although he is virtually unknown today amongst Masonic scholars. Reading his works gives a good outlook on the views of Freemasonry in the early 19th century. I have included some links to his works below of the volumes published during Joseph Smith's lifetime.

1823 The Antiquities of Freemasonry
1825 The Star in the East
1826 Signs and Symbols
1829 History of Initiation
1840 The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry
1841 The History of Freemasonry
I'm just noticing that your link for Antiquities is the same as your link for History, both leading to the 1823 version of Antiquities. I tried to do a search in Google Books of History, but I am having difficulty finding it. Do you mind providing a link to it here?

Re: The Church and Freemasonry

Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2022 3:31 pm
by George MillerPM
latterdaytemplar wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 2:57 pm
I'm currently awaiting Method Infinite (once they start to ship that one out), Antiquities, and Star in the East to arrive in the mail.
George MillerPM wrote:
Wed Jun 08, 2022 3:50 pm
Dear Brother- Your analogy to George Oliver being the Arturo de Hoyos of the early 1800s in a very astute comparison. He was consider the preeminent scholar on Freemasonry in his day; although he is virtually unknown today amongst Masonic scholars. Reading his works gives a good outlook on the views of Freemasonry in the early 19th century. I have included some links to his works below of the volumes published during Joseph Smith's lifetime.

1823 The Antiquities of Freemasonry
1825 The Star in the East
1826 Signs and Symbols
1829 History of Initiation
1840 The Theocratic Philosophy of Freemasonry
1841 The History of Freemasonry
I'm just noticing that your link for Antiquities is the same as your link for History, both leading to the 1823 version of Antiquities. I tried to do a search in Google Books of History, but I am having difficulty finding it. Do you mind providing a link to it here?
The links above and in the original post should now be fixed. I hope that helps.