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Re: Revisiting A Mopologist

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:31 am
by Gadianton
Serhiy wrote:I think we must win. I see as my community rises, my circle of friends rises, almost everyone I see and communicate is somehow shares his time and skills to this war, though we`re not on the frontline. We support our friends, who went to war since first days - by donates, by supplying all the stuff which is not provided by army but is still needed.
It's an unthinkable situation you're in. I guess when the time comes, we adapt, but it's so difficult for me to imagine. If it were just me, and I didn't have to consider how the many other billions of people of the planet feel about it, I'd say NATO should just swoop in and blast Russia to kingdom come, and take the risk of nuclear war. The world is filling up with thugs with nukes, they're all watching, and this is the first of many such confrontations where that's the only leverage they've really got.

The commitment and conviction of the Ukrainian resistance is stunning.

Re: Revisiting A Mopologist

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2022 3:40 am
by drumdude
The people of Eastern Europe remind me so much of ex-Mormons. They’ve had to deal with Russian gaslighting and abuse for so many decades, they’re completely sick of it and united against it. And despite Russia’s best propaganda efforts, it is finally coming to the point where reality has hit and they can’t hide Russias failures anymore. The emperor has no clothes. The worlds “second best army” is in shambles.

The Mormon church is experiencing a similar head on collision with truth and reality, and the anger from former Mormons who are realizing they gave their lives for a lie is palpable. The “one true church on the earth” is in shambles.

Re: Revisiting A Mopologist

Posted: Sat Jul 16, 2022 3:58 am
by Everybody Wang Chung
Well William, it’s now day 142 of Putin’s 3 day war.

That Putin sure is a master strategist.
