Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

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Philo Sofee
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Philo Sofee »

Midgley is such a boorish blowhard. What he needs is a blowjob.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Moksha »

"Release the Midgleys!!!"
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Rollo Redux
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Rollo Redux »

Dr. Shades wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 1:42 pm
Rollo Redux wrote:
Fri Jul 01, 2022 6:16 am
Hasn’t that moron died yet? He seemed elderly when I took his class in the 80’s!
What was he like? And how did he treat or interact with his female students?
My recollection is that he didn’t interact with anyone; he just straight lectured. I really didn’t like the guy.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Gadianton »

Redux wrote:My recollection is that he didn’t interact with anyone; he just straight lectured. I really didn’t like the guy.
Would be great to have more of your recollections for the Midgley book coming out that Dr. Shades is writing.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Marcus »

Louis Midgley >

7 days ago

Philip: poor gemli does not even rise to the level of being even a bit "creepy."
:lol: no, he doesn't. You, on the other hand....
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by I Have Questions »

Doctor Scratch wrote:
Mon Jun 27, 2022 10:51 pm
I imagine that the Mopologetic gloating over the Supreme Court ruling will go on for quite some time. Naturally, being who they are, one can't expect them to behave with Christian civility and goodwill. Perhaps instead of their usual donations to the Interpreter Foundation, maybe they should consider donation to a charitable organization that (e.g.) offers support to battered women? Or women who are dealing with problematic pregnancies? Just kidding: we all know that's never going to happen.

In fact, just today, Louis Midgley has been "opining up a storm," if you want to call it that. Issuing dire threats towards one woman in particular--Gina Colvin--might be more accurate. In the midst of their frenzied commentary on news coverage of the post-Roe goings-on, Philip Leaning gives this report:
Philip Leaning wrote:Re Roe vs Wade:
You should see the garbage being spouted by the NZ media that shows absolutely no understanding of what was the real motivation for the decision (i.e. constitutional) and no inclination to make any effort to understand it.

(This on top of a 3-part hatchet job "investigation" into the Church's finances in NZ published in the NZ Herald, the country's largest newspaper, which relies heavily for its dark insinuations on the testimony of nameless apostate "former bishops" too fearful of "reprisal" to reveal their identities. And of course, Gina Colvin.)
Midgley responds with what can only be described as frightening viciousness:
Louis Midgley wrote:Philip:

Please send me this rubbish. And especially anything by Gina Colvin. I am writing an essay in which I may, for very good reasons, trash her. She deserves a good trashing. You can go to my page on Interpreter and there you will find my email address. Well, at least I can find it there.
"A good trashing"? Wow. That sounds like a threat, doesn't it? And this after Midgley openly and creepily announced that we would be "paying her a visit" in New Zealand, only to meet up with her husband instead. Does he have an obsession with her or something? In any case, Philip immediately comes through with the "dirt":
Philip Leaning wrote:I've emailed you the link. Enjoy...
And Midgley is grateful:
Midgley wrote:Thanks! Please keep me posted on anything that turns up.
It's interesting: in a separate blog entry posted today, Dr. Peterson asks, "Is my faith 'terrible for women'?" I think that's debatable, but there is apparently no question that Mopologetics is "terrible" for at least one woman. I guess now that the the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, it's going to open season on any female enemies of the Mopologists? I guess we'll see.

Meanwhile, I know that I speculated on whether "SeN" was at risk of being "cancelled." Well, perhaps this might come about thanks to Midgley's rancid behavior? Time will tell.
Peterson appears to have removed the comments section on that blog post. Perhaps in an effort to try and deny that the Midgley ever did anything wrong.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Marcus »

I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:15 am
Peterson appears to have removed the comments section on that blog post. Perhaps in an effort to try and deny that the Midgley ever did anything wrong.
Maybe Doctor Scratch could look into this, because it seems Peterson has deleted most comments on his blog for at least 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. That's when I stopped checking.

I wonder why? Is this a Patheos policy?
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by I Have Questions »

Marcus wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:50 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Tue Feb 13, 2024 7:15 am
Peterson appears to have removed the comments section on that blog post. Perhaps in an effort to try and deny that the Midgley ever did anything wrong.
Maybe Doctor Scratch could look into this, because it seems Peterson has deleted most comments on his blog for at least 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. That's when I stopped checking.

I wonder why? Is this a Patheos policy?
Not sure. I can’t see anything in their terms of service that covers it. However I did find this:
C. You agree not to use any part of the Patheos Site to:

i. aggressively and/or repeatedly attempt to proselytize or convert others to what you believe;

ii. to ask for money for yourself, for another individual, or for any for-profit cause;

iii. promote on-line or off-line sites, products or services;

So when Peterson promotes Cruise Lady tours, or asks people to donate to Interpreter movies etc, he seems to be in breach of the Patheos terms of service.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

This morning, when I was taking my constitutional around the lake, a light drizzle swept over the ancient mountains in which my little abode is nestled, and I couldn’t help but be reminded of this thread as cold beads of water streamed down my arms and fell gently into the street. As I was perambulating I thought, “It couldn’t be, I thought that old doddering fool was dead! How cruel the universe must be to create such an embittered ape. Oh woe is unto the goodheart who must endure these petty injustices!”

Be that as it may, and with these chilly musings till bouncing around my noggin, I ascended the wooden steps to my cabin, entered into the warm embraced of heated air generated by my Carbolite variable speed furnace yielding consistent temperatures throughout the home, a drying, baking, sterilizing, heat treating, evaporating, annealing warmth with exceptional control accuracy.

I fired up my Concordia 6 Xpress Touch Superautomatic Espresso Machine, giddy with anticipation- I knew I was *this close* to changing my mood as I selected the coffee beans grown by Benedictine monks of Our Lady of Guadalupe Monastery and adjusted the Baratza Encore grinder settings to achieve the ideal particle size for espresso extraction.

It should be noted coffee is literally the most complicated food on the planet. I think at last count there were about 900 potential volatile compounds in roasted coffee that contribute to aroma and flavor. It can taste like anything from dark chocolate and oak to blueberry wine. So "good coffee" is whatever you like. That being said "specialty coffee" is coffee that is grown, harvested, processed, roasted, and brewed by people who care about bringing out the fullest potential. Not only in flavor, but also in its environmental and socioeconomic effects. That being said, if you like darkly roasted or artificially flavored coffee brewed in a container that's terrible for the environment, then enjoy.

Anyway, I weighed out a precise amount of coffee grounds, ~18-20 grams obviously, distributed the grounds in the stainless steel portafilter basket, using techniques like tapping and distribution to create a level bed, and applied consistent pressure while tamping the coffee grounds to ensure uniformity and proper extraction.

I preheated the espresso machine and portafilter to stabilize temperature and optimize extraction and then locked the portafilter into the machine and initiated the extraction process, aiming for a total extraction time of around 25-30 seconds.

Throughout the extraction, I monitored the flow rate and appearance of the espresso, making adjustments if necessary to achieve the desired flavor profile. Once the shot was extracted, I evaluated the crema, aroma, taste, and mouthfeel to ensure it meet a high standard of quality.

My verdict? It was good!

With that, my head was cleared of the visceral images of The Midge slapping women’s backs as hard as could get away with, and was gently reminded by the Great Universal spirit as sung to me by a kind and lovely Saraswati to the tune of Saraswati Vandana by Shemaroo Bhakti:

In shadows deep, a bitter man did dwell,
His heart consumed by bitterness, a bitter shell.
He walked alone, with burdens heaped so high,
His soul weighed down by sorrow, beneath the starry sky.

But in the end, his bitter heart did cease,
As death embraced him, granting sweet release.
And in his passing, a miracle unfurled,
For peace descended upon the troubled world.

- Doc
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Gadianton »

With that, my head was cleared of the visceral images of The Midge slapping
Hey, the apologists don't have a problem with that! At least he wasn't enjoying a cup of coffee. If you want to know what bad is, that's bad. Drinking a hot drink is what's bad.
Social distancing has likely already begun to flatten the curve...Continue to research good antivirals and vaccine candidates. Make everyone wear masks. -- J.D. Vance
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