Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

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Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Doctor Scratch »

I imagine that the Mopologetic gloating over the Supreme Court ruling will go on for quite some time. Naturally, being who they are, one can't expect them to behave with Christian civility and goodwill. Perhaps instead of their usual donations to the Interpreter Foundation, maybe they should consider donation to a charitable organization that (e.g.) offers support to battered women? Or women who are dealing with problematic pregnancies? Just kidding: we all know that's never going to happen.

In fact, just today, Louis Midgley has been "opining up a storm," if you want to call it that. Issuing dire threats towards one woman in particular--Gina Colvin--might be more accurate. In the midst of their frenzied commentary on news coverage of the post-Roe goings-on, Philip Leaning gives this report:
Philip Leaning wrote:Re Roe vs Wade:
You should see the garbage being spouted by the NZ media that shows absolutely no understanding of what was the real motivation for the decision (i.e. constitutional) and no inclination to make any effort to understand it.

(This on top of a 3-part hatchet job "investigation" into the Church's finances in NZ published in the NZ Herald, the country's largest newspaper, which relies heavily for its dark insinuations on the testimony of nameless apostate "former bishops" too fearful of "reprisal" to reveal their identities. And of course, Gina Colvin.)
Midgley responds with what can only be described as frightening viciousness:
Louis Midgley wrote:Philip:

Please send me this rubbish. And especially anything by Gina Colvin. I am writing an essay in which I may, for very good reasons, trash her. She deserves a good trashing. You can go to my page on Interpreter and there you will find my email address. Well, at least I can find it there.
"A good trashing"? Wow. That sounds like a threat, doesn't it? And this after Midgley openly and creepily announced that we would be "paying her a visit" in New Zealand, only to meet up with her husband instead. Does he have an obsession with her or something? In any case, Philip immediately comes through with the "dirt":
Philip Leaning wrote:I've emailed you the link. Enjoy...
And Midgley is grateful:
Midgley wrote:Thanks! Please keep me posted on anything that turns up.
It's interesting: in a separate blog entry posted today, Dr. Peterson asks, "Is my faith 'terrible for women'?" I think that's debatable, but there is apparently no question that Mopologetics is "terrible" for at least one woman. I guess now that the the Supreme Court has overturned Roe v. Wade, it's going to open season on any female enemies of the Mopologists? I guess we'll see.

Meanwhile, I know that I speculated on whether "SeN" was at risk of being "cancelled." Well, perhaps this might come about thanks to Midgley's rancid behavior? Time will tell.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by drumdude »

Midge is proof that only the good die young.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Rivendale »

Hey Midge:

Mormon trauma creates an environment where it is OK to be:
Nice, but not kind
Disciplined but not regulated
Curious but not open
Service oriented but not care oriented
Devout but not holy
Religious but not spiritual
Studied but not thoughtful
Worthy but not good
Confident but not integrated
Gratified but not delighted
Sacrificing but not openhearted
Obedient but not teachable
Repentant but not merciful
Self-absorbed but not self-reflexive
Doctrinal but not theological
Certain but not whole
Dependable but not safe
Accomplished but not formed.

Courtesy Gina.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Gadianton »

Midgley's threats are unsurprising. It's not even surprising that he shows his true colors after insisting that his intentions with Colvin were pure, when he travelled to New Zealand to confront her.

So, he's writing this essay, and he's admitting that in the essay he's planning to "trash" Colvin -- where does he intend to publish this attack? Could it be anywhere but Interpreter?

Does this mean we're waiting for Interpreter to publish and exhaustive hit piece on Colvin by Midgley?
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr. Peterson asks, "Is my faith 'terrible for women'?"
Yes, and some of your friends are too...

(I think I figured out why Peterson will never apostatize...Midgley would attack him mercilessly, and Dan could not take it, being the loving, gentle, sensitive soul that he is.)
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:05 am
Midgley's threats are unsurprising. It's not even surprising that he shows his true colors after insisting that his intentions with Colvin were pure, when he travelled to New Zealand to confront her.

So, he's writing this essay, and he's admitting that in the essay he's planning to "trash" Colvin -- where does he intend to publish this attack? Could it be anywhere but Interpreter?

Does this mean we're waiting for Interpreter to publish and exhaustive hit piece on Colvin by Midgley?
I assume so. Normally they at least try to maintain the pretense of being “scholarly,” so it’s interesting to see Midgley being so candid about his aims.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Gadianton »

Especially when we'll be able to link any polemics back to this comment explicitly stating his intent to trash her, rather than to perform a scholarly analysis.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Philo Sofee »

Midgley doesn't have the scholarly acumen to "trash" anything. He could pout his way through something that thinks differently than his lame brainwash, and comes to different conclusions than his sinister brainwash he imagines is some kind of Gospel from some kind of deity or something like that. And, he imagines adding footnotes makes him a scholar... :roll: To me, that is more evidence of brainwash.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Moksha »

Gadianton wrote:
Tue Jun 28, 2022 12:05 am
So, he's writing this essay, and he's admitting that in the essay he's planning to "trash" Colvin -- where does he intend to publish this attack? Could it be anywhere but Interpreter?
I think it would be wise to check with Kirton McConkie first to see how low they can go. The Church probably has an international incidents payoff fund in place for such eventualities, but it would be nice to do a CYA before Midgley gives it his worst.
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Re: Louis Midgley Issues Another Threat to Gina Colvin: "She deserves a good trashing."

Post by Dr Exiled »

Gotta love the Midge, stalker en chief. I can't wait to see his angry old man piece about how Ms. Colvin ruined his narrative with the truth. The Maori were always viewed as less than by the very missionaries that preached to them, an attitude embraced by the Midge, although denied by him. Sorry buddy, your narrative or made up nonsense did the Maori no good at all.
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