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Cooking "Rabbit Pies"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 4:54 pm
by Dr Moore
Quentin Cook gave a speech yesterday at BYU Education Week entitled Give Heed to the Words of the Prophets. ... -prophets/

His speech contained a wonderful allegory about telling, stretching and then further stretching partial truths. What a wonderfully perfect analogy for the story of church gaslighting and Mopologetics!
Cook wrote: I love and have often used the story Elder Legrand Richards, then of the quorum of the twelve, used to tell of a man living in the Southern part of the United States who sold rabbit pies. He had a significant business and produced a large number of pies. At some point, people became suspicious that the pies included horse meat. A charge was made that he was engaged in false advertising. He initially denied that the pies contained horse meat, but upon questioning admitted that, yes, there was a little horse meat. Upon further interrogation, he finally admitted that the pies were half horse and half rabbit. When asked what he meant by half horse and half rabbit, he said, one horse and one rabbit.

Re: Cooking "Rabbit Pies"

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2022 5:24 pm
by Marcus
too funny. that anecdote summarizes every experience I've ever had when following up on a mopologist footnote.

Re: Cooking "Rabbit Pies"

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2022 5:08 pm
by Rick Grunder
Thank you for a well-needed chuckle, Dr Moore!

I served my mission in France (1967-1970) where lots of rabbit - and horse meat - was consumed. And yes, I believe there is some difference between the two.