Elder Holland tells Europeans that his family is special, but he doesn't know why.

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Elder Holland tells Europeans that his family is special, but he doesn't know why.

Post by IHAQ »

Speaking to Latter-day Saints under the age of 35 on Friday, November 4 — the first day of a three-country global ministry visit to Europe — Elder Holland turned his thoughts to his wife, Sister Patricia Terry Holland, who has ancestry in this part of Europe and who, a few years ago, was so ill doctors did not expect her to live.

“Maybe it is appropriate that in these lands, in the language of her roots and her origin, that she can be with us tonight — a testimony of the power of the priesthood, the love of God and answers to prayers,” Elder Holland said.

In the fall of 2014, Sister Holland went to bed with a chest cold and woke up the next morning unable to breathe.
Elder Holland and his children sat with Sister Holland for days as her lung capacity deteriorated to 15 percent. A pulmonologist who was also a Latter-day Saint asked Elder Holland to bring his family together. “We had doctors there, we had nurses there, we had technicians there, we had everybody there. They were all crying, except for her.”
Sister Holland was ministering, helping everyone she loves deal with what she thought would be an inevitability.
Elder Holland is not sure why his wife recovered and other people equally ill do not, why he and his family were granted the answer to their prayers. Or why some families do not experience a similar miracle.
https://newsroom.churchofjesuschrist.or ... in-germany

Why didn't the Hollands have the faith for Sister Holland not to be healed?

He's telling this story, about his wife's good fortune and attributing that good fortune to prayers being answered, at a time and place when not too far away a war is raging and people are dying despite prayers being offered.


Read the room Jeff, read the room...

I thought this was an interesting comment within the article:
Eliza Staiger came to the meeting with a prayer in her heart and the desire to be brave. “So many of our friends are leaving the Church right now,” she said, expressing her hope to “know how to help them.”

She drew strength from Elder Holland’s testimony. “He testified of things I also know to be true,” she said. “You could feel his love for the gospel, for Jesus Christ and for the whole Church.”
With inept self-absorbed leaders like Holland, is it any wonder?
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