Racist patriarchal blessings mentioning white skin

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Racist patriarchal blessings mentioning white skin

Post by drumdude »

“LW” wrote: Concerning institutional racism in the Church, I think it's best if the Church just owns it and apologizes. My patriarchal blessing states that I have a beautiful white skin due to my valiance in the preexistence, and so that I could receive the priesthood. This alludes to the two underpinning former doctrines justifying the priesthood and temple ban. Since I was 12, this has always made me feel like I'm sitting in the crosshairs of this issue; consequently, I took a few pretty awful steps back in the day in support of the Ban, and now I spend my days walking them back. I have to own up to my former racism, without qualification, and just wish the Church would, too. I don't blame the Church for my defending this doctrine back in the day, because I recognize I should have known better, and I must shoulder the responsibility for my own actions. I'm deeply sorry for my former attitudes and actions. I was wrong. It feels good to recognize it and say it.
My patriarchal blessing states that I have a beautiful white skin due to my valiance in the preexistence, and so that I could receive the priesthood. “

Lane, I wonder if we had the same Patriarch? My blessing has very similar language about the color of my skin.
2 recent comments at SeN. Anyone else have similar language in theirs?
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