Leadership of the Pope versus the Rusty

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Leadership of the Pope versus the Rusty

Post by drumdude »

In July of last year, Pope Francis issued a historic apology on behalf of his church:
Pope Francis issued a historic apology Monday for the Catholic Church's cooperation with Canada's "catastrophic" policy of Indigenous residential schools, saying the forced assimilation of Native peoples into Christian society destroyed their cultures, severed families and marginalized generations in ways still being felt today.

"I am sorry," Francis said, to applause from school survivors and Indigenous community members gathered at a former residential school south of Edmonton, Alberta, the first event of Francis' weeklong "penitential pilgrimage" to Canada.
https://www.npr.org/2022/07/25/11133789 ... us-schools

In May of 2018, the Internet created a fake apology to highlight the fact that Rusty chose not to apologize on the 40th anniversary of the 1978 revelation:
“President Nelson Meets With NAACP; Offers Apology for History of Racism,” the headline announced. The statement included what was described as a statement Nelson would deliver at the meeting with the NAACP. “I offer a full unqualified apology for the error of racism which was taught from this office and in the tabernacle and over the pulpits of our churches the world over,” the statement read, before a detailed repentance of the church’s wrongs toward black members. “Our souls are harrowed up by the memory of this sin.”
https://slate.com/human-interest/2018/0 ... mbers.html

I don't think anyone expects Rusty to apologize on the 50th anniversary either, if he makes it there.

Why is it that the Mormon leadership can't apologize? DCP explains:
DCP wrote:Mr. Bustlefield: "When I think of jet setting Church leaders hob nobbing around the globe with powerful world leaders . . . "

You would prefer that they travel on foot or by cart, and that they do little or nothing to advance the legal and international-political reach of the Church.
Put simply, apologizing doesn't advance the legal and international-political reach of the Church.
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