“Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Kishkumen »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 6:48 pm
The problem is, as you state, that you’ve never read anything from the NNL blog. Parker drones on and on about lying and duplicity, yet he himself appropriated the persona of a black LDS man from Birmingham, AL. This is bananas. Especially so considering the era in which we live where Mormons have openly, secretly, and socially persecuted black people. It’s not only in bad taste to use a black man as an avatar, but one has to wonder if Parker did so in order to deflect any criticism - did he think using the identity of a black man would afford him a social shield from criticism? Regardless, an anonymous handle would’ve been sufficient for the task at hand, but to flesh it out as a black man in these racially charged times is stupidity manifest. Mike Parker who currently teaches an adult religion class in the Hurricane, Utah, area is goddamn fool.

- Doc
You nailed it. There is no place for white Mormon apologists pretending to be Black Mormon apologists. The reasons are so patently obvious that I should hope they would not require enumeration. Since they unfortunately seem to, I am glad you did it so well. The fact that the last name of the assumed identity seems to be a reference to a racist slur is beyond bananas.
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Marcus »

DanielPeterson Mod Jack
2 hours ago
Jack: "I believe some of them are purposefully building false narratives"

I'm quite confident that that is true of at least one of them.
The 'them' refers to 'Brother Peterson's detractors.' In other words, someone here.

It's falling a little flat though, as he is obviously just trying to shift the attention away from the Mormon apologists who have been caught and actually ARE 'purposefully building false narratives.'
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by drumdude »

Jack: "I believe some of them are purposefully building false narratives"
I'm quite confident that that is true of at least one of them. And, for all his fictions, I don't have "Everybody Wang Chung" in mind when I say that; I think that he just really, really wants to be a "player" over there.
It’s important to remember that this is a game to Mormon apologists like DCP. They are out to defend the church at all costs, and enjoy that they can be completely unhinged in that endeavor.

Any lie they tell is noble and makes them an internet warrior for Mormonism.

One of the regulars on SeN even calls himself a Danite.
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by msnobody »

Kishkumen wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 3:48 am
I am relieved to know that my sense of Stephen Smoot’s basic decency was correct. No, he is not the kind of guy who would pretend to be an African American Latter-day Saint.

Unfortunately, it would appear that Mike Parker is. Grotesque, Mike Parker. Once again, we see another example of someone who thinks being Libertarian means freedom from scruples, respect, and good taste. End the charade now, Parker, if you are pretending to be one Richard Nygren, Black Latter-day Saint. You owe a lot of people apologies, for you have poorly represented the faith you claim to care about and defend.
Amazingly, there is one Nygren on property tax records, and he isn’t black.
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Kishkumen »

msnobody wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 12:41 am
Amazingly, there is one Nygren on property tax records, and he isn’t black.
Thanks, msnobody. Both Robert Boylan and “Peter Pan” seem to think that the LDS apologist Richard Nygren is Black.
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Everybody Wang Chung
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

Marcus wrote:
Tue Mar 07, 2023 8:12 pm
DanielPeterson Mod Jack
2 hours ago
Jack: "I believe some of them are purposefully building false narratives"

I'm quite confident that that is true of at least one of them.
The 'them' refers to 'Brother Peterson's detractors.' In other words, someone here.

It's falling a little flat though, as he is obviously just trying to shift the attention away from the Mormon apologists who have been caught and actually ARE 'purposefully building false narratives.'
:lol: :lol:

You really can't make this stuff up.
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by drumdude »

Look up mike-parker.org on the way back machine.

You will find some gems like this:

30. Most of the men have long hair; most of the women have short hair.
29. Members frequently use the term, "international church."
28. The singles' ward has better Home/Visiting Teaching statistics than
the family wards.
27. The flagpole hasn't been painted since Ezra Taft Benson was prophet.
26. The flag hasn't quite made it up the flagpole since Ezra Taft
Benson was prophet.
25. Flag? What flag?
24. No bubble perms on women (or men--see #30).
23. Very few, if any, men are wearing white shirts.
22. Most members of the Bishoprics, High Council, and Stake Presidency
sport facial hair in one form or another.
21. The Relief Society President attends PEC. Every week.
20. There are no lawyers or orthodontists in high-profile leadership
19. Primary children are permitted to "drum" when singing "Book of
Mormon Stories."
Corollary: Primary children are permitted to shout "Sun-BEAM!"
(You know when.)
18. No "Rush is Right" bumper stickers in the parking lot.
17. No faded "Happiness is Family Home Evening" bumper stickers in the
parking lot.
16. No 1970's-era station wagons or vans in the parking lot, with or
without the aforementioned bumper stickers.
15. None of these aforementioned station wagons or vans can be found at
the neighborhood PriceCostco.
14. The Laurels don't flirt with the missionaries--the Beehives do.
13. No ward picnic on or around July 24.
12. Portraits of past Relief Society presidents are prominently
displayed in the foyer--but no apostles.
11. Nobody in a leadership position uses a Franklin Day Planner.
10. The red punch actually tastes good.
9. The Relief Society doesn't own a lace doily tablecloth.
8. The Stake President is quoted in the local liberal rag.
7. During the weekly announcement from the pulpit, the Ward Magazine
Rep pushes "Sunstone" and "Dialogue."
6. None of the Young Women wear hair bows, floral print dresses, or
lace collars.
5. Ezra Taft Benson is never quoted in any meeting (not even the
"Pride" talk).
4. The Relief Society Presidency all wear Birkenstocks to church on
3. Multi-whole-grain sacrament bread.
2. The General Handbook of Instructions is supporting the broken leg
on the bishop's desk.
1. Members prefer to be called "Mormons" rather than "Latter-day

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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

Kiwi69 is projecting harder than 70’s era porno theater:
But there are three things you can be sure about over at Traitors and Haters:

1. They will loyally stick to their guy;
2. They won't in the least mind being lied to, but they will mind when the lies are exposed; and
3. The next time he comes out with one of his stories, they'll all enthusiastically support him even, or especially, when they know he is lying.
That dude is so far up DCP’s ample ass he provides free colonoscopies.

- Doc
Trump is a fraud and is leading the white working class to disaster. - JD Vance
Philo Sofee
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Philo Sofee »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:47 am
Kiwi69 is projecting harder than 70’s era porno theater:
But there are three things you can be sure about over at Traitors and Haters:

1. They will loyally stick to their guy;
2. They won't in the least mind being lied to, but they will mind when the lies are exposed; and
3. The next time he comes out with one of his stories, they'll all enthusiastically support him even, or especially, when they know he is lying.
That dude is so far up DCP’s ample ass he provides free colonoscopies.

- Doc
Oh I thought he was talking about regular TBM's concerning Russell M. Nelson.
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Re: “Peter Pan” is Unmasked as Mike Parker

Post by Marcus »

drumdude wrote:
Wed Mar 08, 2023 2:45 am
Look up mike-parker.org on the way back machine.

You will find some gems like this:

30. Most of the men have long hair; most of the women have short hair.
29. Members frequently use the term, "international church."
28. The singles' ward has better Home/Visiting Teaching statistics than
the family wards.
27. The flagpole hasn't been painted since Ezra Taft Benson was prophet.
26. The flag hasn't quite made it up the flagpole since Ezra Taft
Benson was prophet.
25. Flag? What flag?
24. No bubble perms on women (or men--see #30).
23. Very few, if any, men are wearing white shirts.
22. Most members of the Bishoprics, High Council, and Stake Presidency
sport facial hair in one form or another.
21. The Relief Society President attends PEC. Every week.
20. There are no lawyers or orthodontists in high-profile leadership
19. Primary children are permitted to "drum" when singing "Book of
Mormon Stories."
Corollary: Primary children are permitted to shout "Sun-BEAM!"
(You know when.)
18. No "Rush is Right" bumper stickers in the parking lot.
17. No faded "Happiness is Family Home Evening" bumper stickers in the
parking lot.
16. No 1970's-era station wagons or vans in the parking lot, with or
without the aforementioned bumper stickers.
15. None of these aforementioned station wagons or vans can be found at
the neighborhood PriceCostco.
14. The Laurels don't flirt with the missionaries--the Beehives do.
13. No ward picnic on or around July 24.
12. Portraits of past Relief Society presidents are prominently
displayed in the foyer--but no apostles.
11. Nobody in a leadership position uses a Franklin Day Planner.
10. The red punch actually tastes good.
9. The Relief Society doesn't own a lace doily tablecloth.
8. The Stake President is quoted in the local liberal rag.
7. During the weekly announcement from the pulpit, the Ward Magazine
Rep pushes "Sunstone" and "Dialogue."
6. None of the Young Women wear hair bows, floral print dresses, or
lace collars.
5. Ezra Taft Benson is never quoted in any meeting (not even the
"Pride" talk).
4. The Relief Society Presidency all wear Birkenstocks to church on
3. Multi-whole-grain sacrament bread.
2. The General Handbook of Instructions is supporting the broken leg
on the bishop's desk.
1. Members prefer to be called "Mormons" rather than "Latter-day

Wow. Yuck is right.
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