Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Gabriel »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 6:48 pm
It should be noted DCP stated there are at least two authors that contribute to Mike Parker’s Neville-Neville Land hate blog:

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... -land.html

DCP wrote:Mr. Neville has had me in his crosshairs of late and, while I don’t intend to return the favor, I’m happy to pass on a few links to recent articles on the “Neville-Neville Land” site. Primarily because I agree with them and think that others need to see the weaknesses in Mr. Neville’s arguments specifically and, to some extent, in the Heartlander position more generally. I think that the two authors behind “Neville-Neville Land” have been doing very good work, and that what they have to say is of considerable value.

Anyway, we know Mike Parker’s hate blog has at least two authors. Could it be one of them is Smoot, and that Dr. Scratch was picking up on his syntax? Is this why Smoot and Mike Parker smugly assessed Dr. Scratch as having messed up his guess that Smoot was the sole author of said hate blog? We know the Mopologists like to play fast and loose with facts and technicalities. See, it’s not lying if there were multiple contributors to Neville-Neville Land so denying Smoot was the author of the blog would be easy to justify a denial.

Note DCP’s blog post above was from June 28th, 2019. Not only did he know who was behind NNL way back in 2019, but he knew of at least two authors. Do these guys ever stop lying?
eta2 in the comments section from the same blog entry above:
Peter Pan

Thanks for the plug, Brother Peterson. Captain Hook and I are doing our best to warn people about the sloppy thinking of the “Heartland” movement.
Which apologist is Captain Hook?

- Doc

Hurricane Utah Adult Religion Class

WEEK 2: Historocity, Geography & Textual Transmission of the Book of Mormon (Dated 12 September 2019)

Lesson 2 notes from Page 10:
One recent variation of the Great Lakes theory is the so-called “Heartland” geographic model. It retains the New York location of the hill Cumorah but claims that the events in the Book of Mormon took place across the American Midwest and the northern portion of the Southern United States. “Heartlanders” claim that the Nephite city of Zarahemla was in Iowa, on the Mississippi River across from modern Nauvoo. (44) This theory also asserts that Joseph Smith did know, by revelation, the locations of Book of Mormon events (45) and that those events had to have taken place inside the boundaries of the present-day United States.(46)
From Footnote 46:
(46) Despite its recent growth in popularity among Latter-day Saints, the “Heartland” model has many significant problems:

In addition to the absence of advanced civilizations in the American “heartland” area during the Jaredite and Nephite periods, Heartlanders’ proposed Book of Mormon maps are a mess of contradictions and outright misrepresentations of the book’s own geographical descriptions. For example, the Heartland Book of Mormon map prepared by Rian Nelson and Jonathan Neville has two sea wests (Lake Superior and what appears to be a flooded region of the lower Mississippi River), both of which are east of the land of Zarahemla, as well as a sea south (Lake Erie) that is north of all the Nephite–Lamanite lands. Nelson and Neville, Moroni’s America–Maps Edition (Cottonwood Heights, UT: Digital Legend, 2018), 3. [ed. lists other examples...]

The Heartland theory is also plagued by numerous irresponsible interpretations of scripture, inaccurate archeological and anthropological claims, misrepresentations of DNA evidence, and a dependence on fraudulent (or at least questionable) artifacts. For numerous examples of these problems, see Stephen O. Smoot, review of David R. Hocking and Rodney L. Meldrum, eds.,
Annotated Edition of the Book of Mormon, Ploni Almoni: A Latter-day Saint Blog, 1–10 June 2019,
https://plonialmonimormon.com/2019/06/a ... art-1.html; Jennifer A. Raff and Deborah A. Bolnick, “Does Mitochondrial Haplogroup X Indicate Ancient Trans-Atlantic Migration to the Americas? A Critical Re-
Evaluation,” PaleoAmerica 1, no. 4 (2015): 297–304, https://doi.org/10.1179/2055556315Z.00000000040.
Last edited by Gabriel on Mon Mar 13, 2023 11:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Doctor CamNC4Me
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Doctor CamNC4Me »

I’m guessing that one of the contributors to Mike Parker’s hate blog Neville-Neville Land is Matthew Roper, perhaps going by the handle Captain Hook.



^ note the syntax from the article linked immediately above.

- Doc
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Philo Sofee
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Everybody Wang Chung wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:41 pm
drumdude wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 4:33 pm

Kudos to chubby Steve for the “Peter Parker” reference. I think it went straight over Dan’s head though.

Also, since when is mentioning the Watson Letter an offense worthy of banning? CS must have hit a huge nerve.
Let us please all reverently remember "thou shalt NOT refute the Peterson."
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Marcus wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 8:58 pm
if this didn't start some group effort grudge to trash the heartlanders, i don't what would. from the comment section of Smoot's blog, after an entry titled 7 reasons why letter vii is not a heartlander silver bullet.

these entries are dated end of july 2018, about 6 months before the Neville-neville Land blog started up. these are just a few of the comments:
Rod Meldrum

July 28, 2018 at 2:24 pm

Steve [Smoot], you give me much too much credit for the Heartland geography theory “movement.” While it is true that until my dna research Wayne May’s archaeological research wasn’t having much success in getting to the church membership, and my first dvd, DNA Evidence for Book of Mormon Geography had over 100,000 copies that went out, this “movement” has hundreds of thousands of proponents. As just one example, in our last Firm Foundation Expo, we had 91 speakers doing 155 classes with over 7,500 attending the three day event. In contrast, your citation cartel had some 250 attending while 6-7 speakers attempted to uphold the crumbling Meso hoax. Heartlanders include many current and emeritus General Authorities of the Church, and others. So I advise you to be a little more careful at branding all of these good men and women as perpetrators of a fraud. It only makes you look more unhinged and fanatical...

You were only 16 and impressed with the research, as was Richard Holzaphel, but then you let the citation cartel, who spent months of their time formulating ways to take what I had said, and often putting words in my mouth that I didn’t say but that they are sure that I “meant to say,” and compiled them into a series of attack articles to which I was never given an opportunity to reply. Someone mentioned Dan Peterson left FARMS to start Interpreter? That is funny, Dan and all but one of those Meso promoting attackers in the final gasps of the now defunct FARMS Review were summarily FIRED from the Maxwell Institute shortly after those attack articles, wherein they used sacred Church funds to promote their own pet theories, thumbing their collective noses at the Church Leadership who have repeatedly said that they are neutral on issues of Book of Mormon geography. But that it the mantra of the progressive scholars making up the citation cartel. They think they are so much more intelligent than everyone else in the Church, including the prophets and apostles.

For example:
The scriptures and prophets tell us that Adam and Eve were our first parents and we humans descended from them, not apes and slime. The progressivly liberal citation cartel now openly promotes Darwinian evolution at BYU and on other college campuses and in articles that defy the scriptures and prophets, “Interpreter”-ing for the brethren how they should have read the scriptures and telling their students that the prophets are just misunderstanding how the scriptures should have been interpreted, but they are just prophets, and so they don’t know any better....

Book of Mormon Central is about as deceitful as an organization can get. They lied to the Priesthood department telling them that they would follow the church’s lead in being neutral on Book of Mormon geography. With that premise in mind, some church administrators, unfortunately, believed the lie and began to promote BOMC more openly. But it was all a rouge. As soon as they got the church employee’s to promote their organization, they immediately began FARMS 2.0 with the never-ending promotion of Mesoamerica in more than half of their NO-Wise articles. This is not neutrality, it is censorship of the worst kind. You, Steve, are a prime example of this censorship, hiding behind your ‘but Jonathan and Rod are mean, nasty people and therefore I will not lower myself to have a debate with them or publish their responses to our attack articles or meet with them personally to resolve differences. I’d rather just sit at my computer and spew hatred and attacks and call them names.

My friend, you sound amazingly like the unhinged lunatic fringe Democrats who proclaim free speech for everyone unless they disagree with it....
and Mike Parker, to the rescue:
Mike Parker

July 28, 2018 at 3:23 pm

Mr. Meldrum,

I would recommend that you stop repeating the lie that Daniel Peterson’s dismissal from the Maxwell Institute had anything whatsoever to do with that organization’s publications about Mesoamerican theories and Book of Mormon geography. That is a false claim and you have been TOLD that it is false by people who are intimately familiar with the circumstances, and yet you continue to repeat it.
them's fightin' words from Meldrum. Not hard to see a grudge blog coming out of that.
And perhaps the name of the owner of this new grudge blog could go by the name of Tinker Bell...
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by drumdude »

Mike Parker can be seen on dozens of blogs trying to carry water for Peterson over the MI ouster.

He really is a fan boy. And what does he get from it? DCP last week called him “an acquaintance.”
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Philo Sofee »

drumdude wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 12:12 am
Mike Parker can be seen on dozens of blogs trying to carry water for Peterson over the MI ouster.

He really is a fan boy. And what does he get from it? DCP last week called him “an acquaintance.”
Well, I mean, to Mopologists Peterson outranks the prophet... and they have a point, he is certainly vastly more intellectually intelligent than Nelson is.
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Doctor Scratch »

DrStakhanovite wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 7:51 pm

I believe that the fundamental motivation of Mopologetics is to garner an inner sense of superiority by the routine application of casual disdain to others.
No doubt there is a lot of truth to this observation. This may be the explanation for why people like Parker—with his sad, dirty tennis shoes, and his even sorrier obsequiousness—are drawn to Mopologetics. They see DCP making a mockery of Loftes Tryk or making mincemeat out of 15-year-olds on SHIELDS and think, “Ha! That’s pretty good!” And: “You can actually make something of yourself, and become respectable, and get to go on free cruises and stuff if you’re good at this??” Parker has half a bachelors degree from an institution that Midgley wouldn’t even deign to refer to as a “backwater.” So yes: it makes sense that he would crave this “superiority,” even if it meant violating his covenants and attacking other Latter-day Saints.
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Doctor CamNC4Me wrote:
Mon Mar 13, 2023 5:39 pm
Someone named Bruce Lloyd asked Mike Parker a.k.a. Peter Pan why he doesn’t use his real name. Mike had this to say:
Hi, Bruce. Thanks for asking.

It’s not a charade; it’s a pseudonym. Many authors throughout history have used pseudonyms for one reason or another; there’s a long list of these at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_pen_names

I go by the pseudonym Peter Pan for a couple of reasons. The first is that I thought it was funny and tied in with the name of the blog (which was created first). The second is that, to be honest, there are some unstable people in the Heartland movement (Stephen Reed being just one prominent example), and I’d rather not expose myself or my family to being stalked and harassed by them.
That’s an interesting comment coming from a guy who regularly outs Stephen’s online handle:
An open letter to Stephen Reed, a.k.a. “TwoCumorahFraud”
And regularly blasts Mr. Reed on his hate blog, such as:
My last post was an open letter to Stephen Reed, a zealous Heartlander and conspiracy theorist (two things which often go hand-in-hand). Mr. Reed regularly comment-bombs this blog with hateful, petty, immature remarks.
Stephen Reed, who goes by the online pseudonym “TwoCumorahFraud,” is a belligerent Heartlander ...
and describing faithful Mormons who believe in the Heartland setting as:
Summary of Quotes from Peter Pan

1- “hucksters who are selling the Heartland hoax to gullible Latter-day Saints”
2- “advancing fraudulent pseudoarchaeology”
3- “May’s latest venture is a scheme”
4- “dubious interpretation of D&C 125:3 to find what he insists must be there.”
6- “must have a true and correct belief in Book of Mormon geography, otherwise their faith is misplaced”
7- “According to Wayne May, the Church is “under condemnation” for not believing in the correct geography of the Book of Mormon.”
8- “This is yet another example of the false god of the Heartland Book of Mormon movement:”
9- “with their own message of American Exceptionalism.”
10- “According to them, the United States is God’s promised land, and therefore the peoples of the Book of Mormon must have lived in the United States and the Book of Mormon’s promises must apply only to the United States and its inhabitants.”
11- “explains Neville’s disturbing views on nationalism and racial superiority
directly accuses the Church and its leaders of hypocrisy and teaching false doctrine. Wayne May once again claims that the Church is “under condemnation” for not accepting the Heartland Book of Mormon geography”
12- “He then asks viewers to give him money to help pay for the effort to find it.”
13- “As I’ve previously written, the Heartland movement is an apostate sect that is critical of living prophets and apostles.”
14- “Heterodox Teachings” [Not in agreement with accepted beliefs, especially in church doctrine or dogma.]
Mike Parker is really a nasty piece of work, doing the dirty deeds on behalf of Mopologists who view the Heartlanders as a
... brand of belief [that] is exclusivist, fundamentalist, closed-minded, nationalistic, jingoistic, and deeply lacking in responsible scholarship and science. (See the previous posts on this blog for dozens of examples of this.)
- Doc
Has Stephen Reed tracked somebody down halfway around the world, like Louis Midgley did to Gina Colvin? Did he try to interfere with somebody’s employment, like John Tvedtnes and Bill Hamblin did? Did he email or PM wildly inappropriate gossip to people—thus resulting in irrevocable harm being done to family relationships—like DCP did?
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Marcus »

I read here and I find the mopologetics interesting, mostly because I have family still in and so it helps me to understand, but then every once in a while I read posts like those from Parker, and Smoot, and Midgley, and Kiwi, etc., and I realize how deeply, deeply angry and frustrated these people are.

DCP qualifies too, but it seems like he tries to hide it with a layer of jovial passive aggressiveness. Both types of responses are just sickening, however, in the end. I am reminded that while I read here for a little touch of my old life and interests, and then leave to have a normal life and career, there are others like Midgley, Parker and Peterson who have every aspect of their lives wrapped around this nonsense called the Mormon church. what a waste of time, and life, and minds, and souls.
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Re: Mike Parker: The Ultimate Mopologetic Bootlick?

Post by Dr Moore »

Marcus wrote:
Tue Mar 14, 2023 1:29 am
I read here and I find the mopologetics interesting, mostly because I have family still in and so it helps me to understand, but then every once in a while I read posts like those from Parker, and Smoot, and Midgley, and Kiwi, etc., and I realize how deeply, deeply angry and frustrated these people are.

DCP qualifies too, but it seems like he tries to hide it with a layer of jovial passive aggressiveness. Both types of responses are just sickening, however, in the end. I am reminded that while I read here for a little touch of my old life and interests, and then leave to have a normal life and career, there are others like Midgley, Parker and Peterson who have every aspect of their lives wrapped around this nonsense called the Mormon church. what a waste of time, and life, and minds, and souls.
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