Mormon at ages 11, 15, 24 is really Joseph Smith Jr., in disguise!

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Idol doll rubs Nelson's head

Post by Shulem »

Lazy Learner Nelson wrote:
Thank God for Shulem at Discuss Mormonism. Now I know about prophet Mormon pretending to be Joseph Smith as another victory for Satan.

Thank you Shulem, for enlightening me. I read all your threads at Discuss Mormonism. You're amazing! I'll pass the word on.

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The Missing Chain

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Mar 31, 2023 3:47 pm
Also note that Lapham’s account mentions a “chain” which is something not mentioned in the replacement text of our extant Book of Mormon. I find this very telling because Joseph Smith’s greedy eyes were always on the gold and it’s quite stunning that the chain was not mentioned again! Why?

What do you make of that? What happened to the chain?

The 11-15-24 was produced during the Mosiah Priority (Brent Metcalfe) dictations which means Smith pretended to play the role of Nephi in first-person after having first played Mormon; thus, Smith played the character of Mormon after abandoning hope in recovering the Book of Lehi (116 lost pages) and thereafter replaced it with an alternate narrative which gave Smith an expanded opportunity to fantasize role-playing through young Nephi. Curiously, Laban's chain was part and parcel with the sword but is not detailed in Nephi's account (1 Nephi 4) but was mentioned in Lehi's account (116 pages) as we may deduce through the account that Fayette Lapham gave as he received it from Joseph Smith Sr. about how Lehi's son murdered Laban and stole his sword: "He then went into the street in search of him; but every body being drunk, he could get but little information of his whereabouts, but after searching a long time, he found him lying in the street, dead drunk, clothed in his official habiliments, his sword having a gold hilt and chain, lying by his side..."

We may speculate on the quality (gold?) and use of the chain but the fact that Nephi's account does not mention the chain indicates a missing element in the story wherein a descriptive component is lost in the new narrative, a literal break in the chain. The chain should have been accounted for, preserved, and displayed with the ancient relics which Smith pretended to have access to:

D&C 17:1, June 1829, wrote:Behold, I say unto you, that you must rely upon my word, which if you do with full purpose of heart, you shall have a view of the plates, and also of the breastplate, the sword of Laban, the Urim and Thummim, which were given to the brother of Jared upon the mount, when he talked with the Lord face to face, and the miraculous directors which were given to Lehi while in the wilderness, on the borders of the Red Sea.

Apparently, Smith neglected to mention the chain when retelling the story about how he piously murdered Laban! This is a break in the chain and a hole in the script!

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The Church won't take a position

Post by Shulem »

Here's the deal:

The Church will never provide an official declaration on determining whether the 11-15-24 combination as explained in this thread is a genuine historical prophetic theme that was divinely cooked within the confines of Book of Mormon stories -- or if it's just conjecture on the part of curious minds. The Church is not in the business of making difficult determinations that evolve around speculation and coincidences. It is therefore incumbent that enquiring members prayerfully consider the matter for themselves through personal prayer and contemplation as guided by the Spirit®. The Church will not take an official position. Divided members in the house of Mormonism are left to themselves to choose what is true and what is not. Truth thus becomes a matter of choice as members are guided through their personal interpretation of the Spirit®. But this leaves the members of the church divided and believing in things that cannot be true, for example:

1. I believe through the Spirit® that Zarahemla was located in Mesoamerica.


2. I believe through the Spirit® that Zarahemla was located in Heartland America.


If a house be divided against itself, that house cannot stand.
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Vogel knows, but what about the Interpreter?

Post by Shulem »

How about Dan Peterson and Interpreter produce a paper on this subject? Then, I can smack it down! :twisted:

Anyway, for the record book, here is some Vogel snips from another thread about Book of Mormon production.

Hey, President Daniel C. Peterson, I want to kick your ass. Will you please stick it out there so I can do it?
Okay, Paul, I'll work on it. wrote:Image
Thanks, Dan, you're a real pal.

This should be fun. wrote:Image
dan vogel wrote:
Sun Jan 12, 2025 8:24 pm


Rather, a better argument can be made that Mormon is one of Joseph Smith’s alter egos.

•Both were named after their fathers (Mormon 1:5).

•Both were “large in stature” (Mormon 2:1).

•Both moved with their fathers from the north country to a land southward at about age 10 or 11 (Mormon 1:6).

•Both moves were followed by war with the Lamanite/Indians and a period of peace (Mormon 1:8-12). Andrew Jackson’s army defeated the Seminoles in 1817-18.

•Both lived in a time of apostasy (Mormon 1:14).

•Both had a remarkable manifestation of Jesus at age 15 (Mormon 1:15).

•Both lived in a time when Gadianton robbers (or “secret combinations”), slippery treasures, and magic were prevalent (Mormon 1:17-19).

•Both were instructed to go to a hill and remove a record engraved on gold plates (Mormon 1:3-4).

•Mormon was about 24 years of age, which corresponds to 1830 when Joseph Smith published the Book of Mormon.


Oh goody goody gumdrops, lazy learning Peterson is going to step up to the plate. Batter up!

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Re: Vogel knows, but what about the Interpreter?

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Tue Jan 14, 2025 8:19 pm

Hey, President Daniel C. Peterson...
Okay, Paul, I'll work on it. wrote:Image

President Peterson,

Please don't take too long doing it and don't forget about it or be an artful dodger. You wouldn't want to be like Joseph Fielding Smith and hide important information under a bushel -- remember how he hid the handwritten first ever testimony of the First Vision account (1832) in a locked box whereby nobody would ever know? Imagine that, Joseph Smith saw the Lord!

So, Dan, do tell what you really think of the 11-15-24 parallels and let's see what kind of creative excuses nonsense you can come up with. I will be most interested in reviewing this apologetic work and I trust others will as well.

And, Dan, have you forgot about Anubis's snout being cut out of Facsimile No. 3? You've not said anything about it? What's with that? Silence won't make the problem go away but only serves to implicate a fearful conundrum in which you have no answer. Isn't that a bit what Joseph Fielding Smith did? Do you want to be like him? Of course not!

Step up to the plate and let's see what you got.

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Re: Idol doll rubs Nelson's head

Post by Marcus »

Shulem wrote:
Sat Dec 28, 2024 1:02 am
Lazy Learner Nelson wrote:
Thank God for Shulem at Discuss Mormonism. Now I know about prophet Mormon pretending to be Joseph Smith as another victory for Satan.

Thank you Shulem, for enlightening me. I read all your threads at Discuss Mormonism. You're amazing! I'll pass the word on.

Lol. The title of this post is killing me.

Idol doll rubs Nelson's head
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Re: The Missing Chain

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Jan 06, 2025 5:29 pm
... the Urim and Thummim,...
I think the Urim and Thummin are now in the possession of Ward Radio who mentioned Smith never used a rock in a hat on a recent episode. Confirmation of this comes from apologists who are never deceptive.
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Re: The Missing Chain

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Thu Jan 16, 2025 7:26 am
...apologists who are never deceptive.

As a former apologist and from my well-rounded perspective, I can honestly say that all Mormon apologists are deceptive: "Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading." Apologetic presentations offered by Mormon scholars can be very deceptive and very misleading when it comes to understanding the truth on a number of subjects, moreover, the Book of Abraham has been a thorn in the side of the Church for well over a hundred years. Apologetic articles produced by BYU Egyptologists are packed with deception and false ideas designed solely to maintain faith and to keep members of the church from questioning aspects of the Book of Abraham that prove it's nothing more than pseudepigrapha created by the lying lips of Joseph Smith who pretended to understand and translate Egyptian.

And now we have the 11-15-24 which is clearly out in the open and being broadcasted loud and clear, but not from an apologetic and faithful point of view. This thread serves to show just how deceptive Joseph Smith was in hiding his own personal life within the narrative and stories of the tales he told in the Book of Mormon. You see, Joseph Smith was the translator of the Book of Mormon -- he WAS the character Mormon in the book in which he authored. Smith was the absolute mastermind behind the work and the author.

I know this to be so with all my mind and heart. I can feel that energy flow through me with a pure spirit of truth and enlightenment which gladdens my heart. This is power and joy!
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Re: The Missing Chain

Post by Moksha »

Shulem wrote:
Fri Jan 17, 2025 3:00 pm
I know this to be so with all my mind and heart. I can feel that energy flow through me with a pure spirit of truth and enlightenment which gladdens my heart. This is power and joy!
Shulem, your testimony has shown me the truth of your claims: LDS apologists are always deceptive. I hope someday they will dare to challenge you in an open debate.

By the way, Psych Ward Radio needs to return the Urim and Thummin to the LDS Vault in Little Cottonwood Canyon!!!
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Dark Shadows have fallen over Mormon apologists

Post by Shulem »

Moksha wrote:
Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:41 pm
Shulem, your testimony has shown me the truth of your claims: LDS apologists are always deceptive. I hope someday they will dare to challenge you in an open debate.
Count Shulem wrote:Oh but Moksha, I'm afraid that will not happen. I know far too much and where all the skeletons are buried. The Book of Abraham has been thoroughly destroyed on my account. Nobody can save the Book of Abraham because I have sucked the life out of it. The Book of Mormon geography has been properly exposed as being at Delmarva.

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