Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

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Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Marcus »

And now he’s going back!
Louis Midgley DanielPeterson
2 hours ago
Professor Peterson: I wonder if the crazies on some Board, whose name I do not know, will imagine that both of us planning to fly to Sydney, Australia, and then go to New Zealand on a cruise ship, and then back to Australia, with the intention of tracking down Gina Colvin.

To stop that rubbish before it starts I must explain to any of the rabble who keep an eye on sic et non that on this venture we will not stop in Christchurch, where Gina Colvin lives, and "worships" as an Anglican. She claims that when she is elsewhere she worships as a member of the Community of Christ. The problem with this explanation is that to this point she has not yet been outside of New Zealand, and hence where there might still be some members of the Reorganization with whom she could "congregate.”
DanielPeterson Mod Louis Midgley
2 hours ago
Louis Midgley: "Professor Peterson: I wonder if the crazies on some Board, whose name I do not know, will imagine that both of us are planning to fly to Sydney, Australia, and then go to New Zealand on a cruise ship, and then back to Australia, with the intention of tracking down Gina Colvin."

I have no doubt that they will. A low and sordid form of mythopoesis is pretty much the full-time passion of some on that board.

As you know one of their crazier myths is the crackpot notion that your last trip to New Zealand was wholly motivated by a desire to track poor Gina Colvin down and harass her -- as if New Zealand doesn't have any intrinsic attractions of its own apart from stalking Ms. Colvin and as if, otherwise, you don't have any actual interests or background there. They invent the story and then they repeat it often enough that they seem to forget that they made it up in the first place. And then that bit of fiction becomes the foundation for yet further flights of malevolent fantasy.
I would say it might be time to repeat a few of Midgley’s key stalking posts, except that by now, I can’t imagine who would believe Peterson’s egregiously less than truthful account.

And speaking of the Midge’s comment about “the problem with this” followed by his bizarre comment about where she has travelled in years and what congregations she’s attended, and how he takes issue with that, here’s a message for him:

Right, Midgley. You aren’t stalking Gina Colvin. Not at all.

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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by drumdude »

Louis Midgley is a creepy old man.
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Moksha »

Midgley's posts on Gina Colvin's blog should still be there for everyone to read. I suppose if one issues enough denials it almost seems real. Dr. Midgley's stalking days should be behind him. Time to train those younger apologists in the art of snarling.

I hope the Professors are able to get a haka dance in their honor from some LDS congregation.
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Rivendale »

drumdude wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 9:22 pm
Louis Midgley is a creepy old man.
No he isn't because I am one and he is never at the meetings. :lol:
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by drumdude »

Rivendale wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 9:35 pm
drumdude wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 9:22 pm
Louis Midgley is a creepy old man.
No he isn't because I am one and he is never at the meetings. :lol:
If there’s a club for men who do what the Midge does then I don’t want to live on the planet anymore!

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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Rivendale »

drumdude wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:05 pm
Rivendale wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 9:35 pm
No he isn't because I am one and he is never at the meetings. :lol:
If there’s a club for men who do what the Midge does then I don’t want to live on the planet anymore!

It is an old quote from Mash. Frank Burns was worried about perverts in the army. Trapper said he isn't a pervert because I am one and he is never at the meetings.
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Kishkumen »

What a loon that dude is. Get a life, Lou.
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by drumdude »

Rivendale wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:21 pm
drumdude wrote:
Thu May 04, 2023 10:05 pm
If there’s a club for men who do what the Midge does then I don’t want to live on the planet anymore!

It is an old quote from Mash. Frank Burns was worried about perverts in the army. Trapper said he isn't a pervert because I am one and he is never at the meetings.
Ah, lol. I've heard it before but never knew where it was from.
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by Doctor Scratch »

Midgley wrote:Professor Peterson: I wonder if the crazies on some Board, whose name I do not know, will imagine that both of us planning to fly to Sydney, Australia, and then go to New Zealand on a cruise ship, and then back to Australia, with the intention of tracking down Gina Colvin.
Why would anyone “imagine” anything? Last time around, Midgley turned up in the comments of her blog and said that he was headed to New Zealand, and he *asked for her address*! Who needs to “imagine” anything when the Mopologists are openly stating their intentions?
"If, while hoping that everybody else will be honest and so forth, I can personally prosper through unethical and immoral acts without being detected and without risk, why should I not?." --Daniel Peterson, 6/4/14
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Re: Midgley leaves Colvin’s homeland, but he just can’t leave her alone.

Post by drumdude »

DP wrote:Louis Midgley: "Professor Peterson: I wonder if the crazies on some Board, whose name I do not know, will imagine that both of us are planning to fly to Sydney, Australia, and then go to New Zealand on a cruise ship, and then back to Australia, with the intention of tracking down Gina Colvin."

I have no doubt that they will. A low and sordid form of mythopoesis is pretty much the full-time passion of some on that board.

As you know, one of their crazier myths is the crackpot notion that your last trip to New Zealand was wholly motivated by a desire to track poor Gina Colvin down and harass her -- as if New Zealand doesn't have any intrinsic attractions of its own apart from stalking Ms. Colvin and as if, otherwise, you don't have any actual interests or background there. They invent the story and then they repeat it often enough that they seem to forget that they made it up in the first place. And then that bit of fiction becomes the foundation for yet further flights of malevolent fantasy.
Apparently some cunning member of this forum went back in time, logged into the Midge's Disqus account, and posted the following:
The Midge wrote:Gina Colvin does not know enough about the history of the Church of Jesus Christ in New Zealand, or about Maori culture to have an informed opinion on Newton's publications. She was not raised Maori, but has assumed that identity while undergoing the current fashionable complaints about the evils of colonization as she worked on her own PhD in journalism. And she was colonized by essentially post enlightenment skeptical ideologies now fashionable in universities. This ended up turning her against the faith her European mother, who was a ardent convert to the Church, had managed to see that she was raised in.
https://www.patheos.com/blogs/kiwimormo ... us-lunacy/
The Midge wrote:For instance, where Maori Saints love the Book of Mormon, Gina detests it.

She started out as a naïve primitive believer. But her work on a PhD thesis in journalism led her to read recent French philosophy, and this colonized her in a radically hostile worldview that has exactly no place for Maori things or the faith of the Saints.
https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... 4814685695
The Midge wrote:And I was pleased to be able to report on my encounter in Christchurch with Dr. Nathan McCluskey, who just happens to be the husband of Gina Colvin, a notorious critic of the Church of Jesus Christ who has posted as Kiwi Mormon.

Nathan has his PhD in political science, while his wife has one in journalism. Gina seems to me to have been intellectually colonized by current fads and hopefully temporary fashions that have taken her out of the Church of Jesus Christ. She has become some sort of an Anglican lay preacher, though she admits that she knows exactly nothing about the Church of England.

She is obsessed with the terrible impact of British colonization of New Zealand. There is some irony in this, since she has been blessed to have a PhD and the power and prestige that currently goes with it by the very thing she laments.

And she has become hostile to the Church of Jesus Christ, which took root among Maori who had turned away from their earlier Anglican faith because it denigrated Maori culture and faith, which was strongly supported by Latter-day Saint missionary endeavors.

...I am also pleased to report that Nathan told me that both he and his wife have read everything that I have written about the Maori Latter-day Saint historical narrative.

And he agrees with me, while she detests--he used the word hates--what I have written. If for no other reason, knowing this was well worth the expense and effort involved in my recent, and most likely, last visit to Aotearoa/New Zealand.
The Midge wrote:Gina Colvin ceased posting as "Kiwi Mormon" for quite a while, after she faced a DC by her Bishop. But she is back posting again, after having her name removed from the membership records of the Church of Jesus Christ.

She was earlier baptized an Anglican and became some sort of lay Anglican preacher, and now she is a member of the Community of Christ. There is a tiny Community of Christ congregation in Auckland, but not even one other member of that sinking ship in Christchurch, where she lives. So Gina Colvin is now the only member of the Community of Christ on the South Island of New Zealand. She has, it seems, found a "community" that fits her desire to enjoy her own "spirituality."
https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... 4819071588
The Midge wrote:I pity Gina's husband.
Bravo for creating all of these wonderful Midge quotes folks. But DP has us figured out, he knows we invented them.
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