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Post by yellowstone123 »

When people suggest Joseph Smith was just a sign of his time, I say okay. Joseph Smith jr. born 1805, Abraham Lincoln born 1809, Victor Hugo 1802. Let’s look at the date of births of Lincoln’s war cabinet and the life they lived. How about Justice John Marshall Harland who dissented in Plessy vs Ferguson and let’s compare their value to society.

Brigham Young should have kept building fire places like he did for the Governor of New York. When Brigham Young was out campaigning for Joseph Smith Jr. for president, Abraham Lincoln was out campaigning for Henry Clay for President. When people say Joseph Smith was a sign of his times, read about Lincoln and his war cabinet to see who lead an honorable life.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
Fence Sitter
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Re: Contemporaries.

Post by Fence Sitter »

What do you mean by "Joseph Smith was just a sign of his times"? Or, at least, what do you think those that suggested it meant by it?
Area Authority
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Re: Contemporaries.

Post by yellowstone123 »

It’s not me who said he was a sign of his times. If I said that I was wrong. Reading biographies of the Lincoln war cabinet is to read about honorable men during that time. As to Joseph Smith jr, who reportedly saw God but his life was filled with fear especially in Illinois. FOR ME, not conduct from someone who saw God.
“One of the important things for anybody in power is to distinguish between what you have the right to do and what is right to do." Potter Stewart, associate justice of the Supreme Court - 1958 to 1981.
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