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The thoughts of decades that caused you to think

Posted: Tue May 23, 2023 11:05 pm
by yellowstone123
Dr scratch talking about the Isaiah problem. I don’t understand math grammar well but I haves have a real interest in history and law … better than a psychology major.

Isaiah plus 39 named Cyrus is a problem.

Dr Shades writing about how Joseph could get revelations about plural marriage but no information about boiling water, which hit me at the core,

Excuse me I’m drunk.

Re: The thoughts of decades that caused you to think

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 1:41 pm
by yellowstone123
Just to let you know Cyrus, the Persian king who steam rolled Babylon and set the Jews free was born in 600 bc and is mentioned in Isaiah 55. The Book of Mormon has even later second and third Isaiah in it written way after the ship sailed. Likely 550 bc. 7 years for my AA and 10 years for my BA and I suddenly realized it didn’t add up. Even when K Shirts had his you….tube Chanel defending the church, I pressed him over and over as to why Isaiah 45 mentions Cyrus. After months he punted.

Re: The thoughts of decades that caused you to think

Posted: Thu May 25, 2023 10:31 pm
by drumdude
DCP thinks that God put Early Modern English into the “ancient” Book of Mormon as an Easter egg joke for Mormon apologists to find 200 years later.

Once you believe that, you can believe anything.