DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

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DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by drumdude »

It’s the month when all the poor persecuted Christians band together to ride through the storm of LGBT attacks on their right to exist.

https://www.patheos.com/blogs/danpeters ... 00359.html
“DCP article” wrote: On June 1, businesses, government, and even churches will erect rainbow flags and publish proclamations about the importance of “Pride Month,” a celebration of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender identities. (Of course, the little plus sign means the list goes on and on, including queer, questioning, intersex, two-spirit, and more. One version even includes “friends and family.”)

This rush to celebrate LGBTQ+ lifestyles is both exclusionary and offensive to conservative Jews and Christians who follow the Bible’s teaching that God created humans male and female, that marriage is between one man and one woman, and that pride is a cardinal sin, not a virtue.

Rather than merely complaining, Princeton professor Robert P. George decided to do something about it. He launched an effort to flip “Pride Month” on its head—dedicating the month not to a specific interest group, but to a moral virtue, fidelity. (George is a member of The Heritage Foundation’s board of directors and The Daily Signal is Heritage’s news outlet.)

“Fidelity” derives from the Latin word “fides,” meaning “faith” or “trust.” The word implies “strict and continuing faithfulness to an obligation, trust, or duty,” according to Merriam–Webster.
Now, I feel that I need to explain — although, even as I do so, I do it without any hope that my explanation will be credited in certain predictable quarters — that I am not calling for the mistreatment of transsexuals or of people suffering from gender dysphoria. In all such cases, as everywhere else, civility, kindness, and charity are and should be the rule. So, too, though, is the truth. And it is far from evident that recent orthodoxy on this matter is actually kind to those that it purports to want to help and support.

As regards “Pride Month,” specifically, I see no reason either to be proud of what — as the gay man quoted by Megyn Kendall observes — is, after all, “an attribute” and not “an achievement” or to be ashamed of it. I’m not proud of being male or blue-eyed or fairly tall, let alone of being near-sighted. Nor am I ashamed of such traits. They just are, and I’m obliged to cope with them. Moreover, there is no reason to persecute anybody for being male, blue-eyed, tall, near-sighted, or the sheer fact of being gay. In any case, though, “pride” is always a two-edged sword:

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. Better it is to be of an humble spirit with the lowly, than to divide the spoil with the proud. (Proverbs 16:18-19)
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Res Ipsa »

Old man wants teh gays to get off his lawn.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Bret Ripley »

Yeah. As someone put it: "Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride parade, be thankful you don’t need one."
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Physics Guy »

It's true that being gay is not an achievement. Coming out as gay is, though, unfortunately. It has to be done—you can't live your whole life hiding something so basic about yourself—but it's a hard thing to do. Accomplishing that really is ground for pride.

Being gay is also no reason for shame. And it's so important to assert that, with how much shame there has been, that pushing back past the neutral line, and calling for pride, is at least a legitimate move.

Christian tradition has called Pride a sin. It's an older and much more important Christian tradition, though, to reconsider the meanings of words in the light of what God really wants. Jesus asked what perfection really meant, when God makes rain and sun for good and evil people indiscriminately; what keeping the Sabbath meant, if there were a chance to do good on the Sabbath; what being a neighbour meant, if you passed someone in need.

And by the time there were Christian lists of sins and virtues, Christians weren't all illiterate. There were Christian philosophers who could distinguish nuances in concepts. Not everything that someone calls Pride is arrogance or self-centredness. Pride can also just mean recognising one's own worth. If Pride in that sense weren't right, the command to love one's neighbour as one's self would be meaningless; but on it hangs all the Law and the Prophets.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Kishkumen »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:43 pm
Yeah. As someone put it: "Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride parade, be thankful you don’t need one."
Bingo. I really find it confusing how anyone could forget the many ways in which we have been told—with no second guessing or criticism—from childhood to be proud of who we are. “I am proud to be an American . . . .” Now, when pride is connected with owning and being comfortable with identities that were marginalized and persecuted for centuries, we get lectures on the sin of pride.

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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Kishkumen »

Physics Guy wrote:
Sat Jun 03, 2023 4:38 pm
It's true that being gay is not an achievement. Coming out as gay is, though, unfortunately. It has to be done—you can't live your whole life hiding something so basic about yourself—but it's a hard thing to do. Accomplishing that really is ground for pride.

Being gay is also no reason for shame. And it's so important to assert that, with how much shame there has been, that pushing back past the neutral line, and calling for pride, is at least a legitimate move.

Christian tradition has called Pride a sin. It's an older and much more important Christian tradition, though, to reconsider the meanings of words in the light of what God really wants. Jesus asked what perfection really meant, when God makes rain and sun for good and evil people indiscriminately; what keeping the Sabbath meant, if there were a chance to do good on the Sabbath; what being a neighbour meant, if you passed someone in need.

And by the time there were Christian lists of sins and virtues, Christians weren't all illiterate. There were Christian philosophers who could distinguish nuances in concepts. Not everything that someone calls Pride is arrogance or self-centredness. Pride can also just mean recognising one's own worth. If Pride in that sense weren't right, the command to love one's neighbour as one's self would be meaningless; but on it hangs all the Law and the Prophets.
Thank you, thank you. Always so many valuable insights.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Doctor Scratch »

DCP's complaints would be a lot more convincing if he was also in favor of doing away with holidays that celebrate his Mormonism: it just "is" and he's obliged to cope with it, right? So, no more Christmas or Easter, how about? Or Smithmas? And what about Pioneer Day? I mean, lots of people walked across the country during covered wagon times: it's not as if the Latter-day Saints were "special" in having done that.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Gadianton »

Bret Ripley wrote:
Sat Jun 03, 2023 3:43 pm
Yeah. As someone put it: "Gay pride was not born of a need to celebrate being gay, but our right to exist without persecution. So instead of wondering why there isn’t a straight pride parade, be thankful you don’t need one."
I think that nails it. DCP knows he's being obtuse; he knows there are different senses of the word "pride" and has almost certainly told his children at some point when growing up that he's "proud" of them. I doubt he has an issue with a Mormon craftsman taking pride in their workmanship while constructing a temple.

I doubt he has an issue with this article at ldsliving.com about being proud to be Mormon. According to the New Yorker, Mitt Romney publicly stated he's proud to be Mormon. I mean, seriously feature SeN blogger, get a grip.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Everybody Wang Chung »

From the link in the proprietor’s article. It’s pretty disgusting, just like we’ve all come to expect from the proprietor:
The movement denies the goodness of America, preaching that the United States is an oppressive place for people whose very notion of individual worth comes from a Declaration of Independence.

“Pride” is all about infidelity, breaking vows and duties to spouses, to children, and to God. Sexual liberation rests on the idea that marriage only lasts as long as feelings of love do, and family courts will decide who takes care of the children.
ETA When in the hell is Stephen Smoot going to wake up? Stephen, please take a long, hard look at how much DCP despises you.
Last edited by Everybody Wang Chung on Sat Jun 03, 2023 9:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DCP is proudly celebrating Fidelity Month

Post by Moksha »

The Mormon war against the LGBTQ community continues and Dr. Peterson wants to be the herald of the month. Figures, since I've heard it from good Authority than Mormon means Satanic.
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