BYP Hosts Bill Reel LIVE - Reason & Mormon Apologetics, When is it reasonable to believe?

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Re: BYP Hosts Bill Reel LIVE - Reason & Mormon Apologetics, When is it reasonable to believe?

Post by Rivendale »

Failed Prophecy wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 3:19 pm
Kishkumen wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 10:59 am
Based on what Bill says on ML, I would say his view essentially excludes most every religious claim as unworthy of belief, and yet here we are. People have “irrational beliefs,” and they probably always will. Although I enjoy Bill’s show, especially RFM’s contributions, hearing him lecture people on the irrationality of their religious views makes me roll my eyes now and then.
I roll my eyes too. In reality, it's mostly just an indication of how small and insular the Mormon and ex-Mormon worlds really are.
Could you expand on this? Maybe I am looking at Bills explanations wrong. I thought his irrationality claim was meant to apply to all religious claims that involved supernatural truth claims and not just Mormonism. He continued to use the term wood tools and specifically said they could be used in all faith traditions to help maintain faith.
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Re: The Stripling Warriors

Post by Shulem »

Shulem wrote:
Mon Jun 05, 2023 10:45 pm
Bill Reel scored a hole in one with this one!
2,000 kids


Bill, meet ur destiny and know the power of the force!

The Church is true!


Take that!
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Re: BYP Hosts Bill Reel LIVE - Reason & Mormon Apologetics, When is it reasonable to believe?

Post by BeNotDeceived »

My shelf broke in 2013 when I first learned that Joseph Smith had 33 wives... I've never been a proponent or accepting of polygamy as it is simply a way for men to justify lustful desires and nothing more. Once I became aware that Smith was basically a serial adulterer, that was it, he wasn't a prophet. And then once I learned about the existence of the essays, it became obvious rather quickly that Smith had pulled the religion out of a hat. :D And then once you do a deep dive into all of 'church' history, you quickly come to the stark realization that all religions are man-made and serve 3 main purposes for those involved in their creation... money, access to women (sex) and/or power. :x Smith desired all 3. What's the old adage... you wanna get rich, start a business, you wanna get extremely wealthy, start a religion. It's astounding how what Smith concocted managed to maintain a foundation and grew even after all the evidence he was a complete fraud and scam artist while others who attempted to do the same thing before and after him failed and garnered no traction. Guess you have to be some sort of a sick, charismatic, perverted genius to pull it off. I'm sure 'ole Joe is extremely proud up there over the fact that his religion continues to exist today as both a recongized religion in the United States as well as being a multi-hundred billion dollar real estate corporation that not even the U.S. government cares to go after for fraud. :lol: :oops: :x Those like RFM, Bill Reel, Dan Vogel, etc. who are bastians of truth trying to expose the 'church' for the fraud that it is, are men of honor, honesty and integrity which is sorely needed when so-called 'Prophets, Seers and Revelators', who claim to communicate with and speak for God, deceive in the name of money, celebrity status and the honors of men! May the truth set us all free at some point.
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Re: BYP Hosts Bill Reel LIVE - Reason & Mormon Apologetics, When is it reasonable to believe?

Post by Dr Moore »

Jacob Hansen is a reckless Lafferty at heart. No one should listen to him. His vlog is full of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Is he publicly deznat, or does he keep that private?

Look no further than this short reel:

The church's leaders deliberately caused Ensign Peak to violate the law for over 20 years, period. Nothing close to a paperwork disagreement with the "arbitrary dictates of the SEC." They broke "the law," as in THE LAW, amendments ratified by congress in the 1970s, codified in the United States Code. They broke the law while falsely claiming throughout to comply with all known laws.

There was no “threat of violence.” Church got busted. Feds came asking. They gave up all the emails, servers and other data as requested. They paid the fine and agreed to a 9 page document which is so utterly embarrassing to the integrity of church leaders, it’s laughable.

It is not in question whether the church was the "bad guy" in this exchange. It was. It's black and white in the settlement documentation. Three first presidencies were culpable.

Jacob asserts that "if you think the church was the bad guy" (ie, church leaders actually did deliberately break the law), then you either "already hate the church" or are a "brainwashed government worshipper."

I suppose Jacob would also say that anyone who leaves the church either wanted to sin or is dishonest and insincere. Lame, and weak. And more than a little dangerous.

Watch your back, Bill Reel & BYP. This guy probably has some extremely whacko friends.
Philo Sofee
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Re: BYP Hosts Bill Reel LIVE - Reason & Mormon Apologetics, When is it reasonable to believe?

Post by Philo Sofee »

Dr Moore wrote:
Tue Jun 06, 2023 11:47 pm
Jacob Hansen is a reckless Lafferty at heart. No one should listen to him. His vlog is full of misinformation and conspiracy theories. Is he publicly deznat, or does he keep that private?

Look no further than this short reel:

The church's leaders deliberately caused Ensign Peak to violate the law for over 20 years, period. Nothing close to a paperwork disagreement with the "arbitrary dictates of the SEC." They broke "the law," as in THE LAW, amendments ratified by congress in the 1970s, codified in the United States Code. They broke the law while falsely claiming throughout to comply with all known laws.

There was no “threat of violence.” Church got busted. Feds came asking. They gave up all the emails, servers and other data as requested. They paid the fine and agreed to a 9 page document which is so utterly embarrassing to the integrity of church leaders, it’s laughable.

It is not in question whether the church was the "bad guy" in this exchange. It was. It's black and white in the settlement documentation. Three first presidencies were culpable.

Jacob asserts that "if you think the church was the bad guy" (ie, church leaders actually did deliberately break the law), then you either "already hate the church" or are a "brainwashed government worshipper."

I suppose Jacob would also say that anyone who leaves the church either wanted to sin or is dishonest and insincere. Lame, and weak. And more than a little dangerous.

Watch your back, Bill Reel & BYP. This guy probably has some extremely whacko friends.
Oh it is they who have to watch their backs... I am far more whacko than they can be....
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