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Post by Flemming »

High Spy wrote:...
No one “invited” an earthquake. Earthquakes happen irrespective of humans.
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Post by canpakes »

Flemming wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:29 pm
High Spy wrote:...
No one “invited” an earthquake. Earthquakes happen irrespective of humans.
Maybe not ‘invited’ - I’d certainly hope not - but maybe not always irrespective of humans. ... arthquakes

and ... arthquakes
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Post by High Spy »

Flemming wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:29 pm
High Spy wrote:...
No one “invited” an earthquake. Earthquakes happen irrespective of humans.
Did you forget our earlier conversation?
Re: Why Did God Feel It Was Necessary To Show Ezekiel His Penis?

First there was a 5.7 then a 6.5 so now all I'll do is give an opportunity to the Spirit to speak up with a 7.3 and fully take the hit if it does not and say I must have been deceived by a false spirit all this time.
In later posts the quoted person referred to the opportunity granted as an invitation.
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Post by IWMP »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Sun Dec 17, 2023 12:05 am
from slogblog wrote:The Wicker Man
Space Time Is Doomed
Post Mon Dec 11, 2023 3:58 pm

Starting around 2010 this phrase has been embraced by more and more physicist. They further refine this phrase by saying that "space time is not fundamental". This simply means that this creation can cease to exist and yet a fundamental reality will continue.

I have been saying this same thing using different words since 1969. I have explained many times that while in science class in 1969 the Spirit gave me a mental model of how the universe works. Everything can be explained by this very simple model. And when something 'new' is discovered by science this model predicted it ahead of time. And more importantly the model never needs to be modified when science finds something new.

I won't get into all the details of how it works. I've done that already many times. But I will explain it all again if someone is interested.

This creation is an energetic system. A star is the best example of this. However, a star cannot be energetic or even exist without gravity. This means that gravity is the source of energy in the creation. But without the creation gravity has no purpose and indeed gravity only exist within the creation. This means that something within the creation besides matter is responsible for gravity. Science has called this something else "the Higgs Field". And the Higgs Field is weakening.
Something is seriously wrong with gravity, and nobody's quite sure why.
I am quite sure. I have been quite sure for the last 54 years!
But that's not enough for a group of physicists who have developed an alternative theory to explain gravity. Their theory involves decaying particles and the Higgs boson.
This is just another way of saying that the Higgs Field is weakening. Which is another way of saying that gravity is slowly becoming weaker. The model given to me in 1969 also predicts the weakening of gravity.

Gravity, strong and weak nuclear forces are all the same thing. Strong and weak nuclear forces is just gravity working at a nanometer scale. A radioactive isotope is radioactive because gravity is no longer strong enough to hold the isotope together.

2nd Peter
3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.
3:11 Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness,
3:12 Looking for and hasting unto the coming of the day of God, wherein the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat?
As a physicist of a sort....

Some things I'd reply with, (I flushed my brain when I did my degree then became a mum so what physics knowledge I had is very deeply buried or it ran away somewhere so these are more just my feelings):

I don't recall space time being considered fundamental in the sense described here. I imagine space time to exist because of the continuous momentum of electromagnetic waves. I'm sure I probably studied the theories in either quantum physics or electromagnetism and I'm sure my thoughts probably aren't what we were taught lol. So how I imagine space time to work, it would only work because of the EM expansion. I don't feel that EM waves are affected by gravity in the same way that we are taught that matter is.

I'm guessing from the introduction of higgs, wickerman is interested in CERN.

My understanding is that the earth's magnetic field is weakening. This is due to pole shift and the poles are getting ready to flip. We can see by the earth's structure that the poles have flipped many times. I believe that in the Bible when it talks of the 3 days of darkness that this is warning of the pole flip. When the pole flips there will be a period of time where there is no protection around us and in this time of you are outside you will be killed. Whether that is because the core is moving or the tectonic plates are moving, I don't know. 3 days of darkness would imply the plates shift over the core and the core is continuing to spin on it's axis. But maybe the earth will spin the other way, which brings in the sun rising from the west prophesy in. I don't know. Just speculating.

I don't agree with the sentence; "A star is the best example of this. However, a star cannot be energetic or even exist without gravity. This means that gravity is the source of energy in the creation. "

A star can't exist without matter, would that mean that matter must be the source of energy? I don't believe gravity is the source of energy. I believe light is the source.

All through scripture, light is mentioned. In the beginning God created light. Christ is the light.

Gravity is being affected by the change in the earth's magnetic field. I do believe the eclipse will have an effect.

I do not believe, gravity, strong and weak forces are the same. I can see the logic in that they describe the experience of a sort of push or pull of you like. If they were the same thing then you'd be easily able to take the laws of one and apply them to the other. Gravity is far weaker than other forces mathematically. Gravity does not affect atoms and isotopes from my understanding. I also do not believe that any physical 'force' is responsible for this behaviour. The quantum world likes to be stable and will partner up and give and take to stabilise. And will do so with whatever is closest and makes most sense. It's like a dance of fields. Ultimately matter is fields and waves in my opinion. I can kind of imagine what is being said though. The big problem with the statement that radioactive isotopes exist because gravity can no longer hold isotopes together is very wrong again in my opinion(who knows the real truth but thinking logically). This would mean that gravity wasn't strong enough a long time ago, at least when radiation from isotopes were first discovered and it would also mean that the universe would just be made up of isotopes (although to be fair, we might not call them isotopes if they were the norm).

Edit: removing the ramble.
My son gets chatty about science at night. He's currently telling me that squashes were first grown over ten thousand years ago. Lol

But he asked me why electricity has to be a circuit in a loop and not just back and forwards. I explained. (He's just asked me how people do DNA tests :lol: ) It led to a discussion about forces and atomic force and he said so atoms have gravity and it reminded me of this.
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He's asked about half a dozen questions since the electricity question... Lmao asking another.

Why is Australia also called Oceania and how many islands does Australia have? Oh I got it wrong he's telling me Australia is the country and I should really use Australasia and is now explaining that we usually use Australia as the contenant because we just use the country name because we get older.

He's asked if people would go purple if they had lots of blood loss because they have less oxygen going around their body? I said I think they would go pale and but now I'm wondering.
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Post by Flemming »

canpakes wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:06 pm
Flemming wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 7:29 pm
No one “invited” an earthquake. Earthquakes happen irrespective of humans.
Maybe not ‘invited’ - I’d certainly hope not - but maybe not always irrespective of humans. ... arthquakes

and ... arthquakes
True and I agree that humans can cause things like this, and we should stop. But there is nothing supernatural going on here.

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Post by Chap »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:38 pm
He's asked about half a dozen questions since the electricity question... Lmao asking another.

Why is Australia also called Oceania and how many islands does Australia have? Oh I got it wrong he's telling me Australia is the country and I should really use Australasia and is now explaining that we usually use Australia as the contenant because we just use the country name because we get older.

He's asked if people would go purple if they had lots of blood loss because they have less oxygen going around their body? I said I think they would go pale and but now I'm wondering.
Congratulations on having such an interesting little boy! The fact that he asks you such questions is a credit to you. Do you live near a good public library where he can borrow books on science suitable for his age?
That's the problem with this supernatural stuff, it doesn't really solve anything. It's a placeholder for ignorance.
Mayan Elephant:
Not only have I denounced the Big Lie, I have denounced the Big lie big lie.
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Post by IWMP »

Chap wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 10:33 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed Dec 27, 2023 8:38 pm
He's asked about half a dozen questions since the electricity question... Lmao asking another.

Why is Australia also called Oceania and how many islands does Australia have? Oh I got it wrong he's telling me Australia is the country and I should really use Australasia and is now explaining that we usually use Australia as the contenant because we just use the country name because we get older.

He's asked if people would go purple if they had lots of blood loss because they have less oxygen going around their body? I said I think they would go pale and but now I'm wondering.
Congratulations on having such an interesting little boy! The fact that he asks you such questions is a credit to you. Do you live near a good public library where he can borrow books on science suitable for his age?
Aww thanks. He has always asked lots of questions. He was born like that lol. He likes to look up things on the internet and has science books at home. He often shares random things. Usually about animals that I've never heard of. He is 9. His interests are DNA, chemistry, interesting maths things and evolution/animals. Basically science. We have a library that's about half an hour away.
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Post by High Spy »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Fri Dec 15, 2023 3:54 pm
High Spy wrote:
Fri Dec 15, 2023 2:22 am
These patterns began to form on March 8, 1980. C is the third letter and H is the eighth. Who and when did Hebrew letters acquire their numerical values apparent with the word Berisheet?

Later, the patterns at were seen to complete the name of deity with two variations of spelling. When spy stated we were in for a “Wild Ride”, he was only thinking about past events and patterns, but then Hamas attacked Israel and a hit more of the meaningful symbolism of numbers (384) was revealed. Much can be learned by diligent searching of various keywords in this and many other posts.
How do you know which numbers to pick out?

I don't think we will experience much of a ride further to what we already experience. It seems everything just repeats. I've noticed since this war between Israel and Palestine became top news, we haven't heard much about Russia.
Good question ;)

Line upon line, precept upon precept, here a little and there a little. :?

Timing too is often a key consideration. Today NPR interviewed some financial guru about the US economy. Dude went on and on for about 3 minutes, but not once did he mention the budget deficit or snowballing debt. There was a thread on LDSFF and spy queried, when doth it exceed 48 trillion freaking dollars? My MakerBee post made evident my thoughts about warnings. 449 is the date of an eclipse across the dateline, etc.

Re: Putin- Russia will have no choice but to hit those NATO targets.
Juliet wrote: That makes so much sense. All the sudden this war in Ukraine makes sense. This is a war game, to precede the final battle. Wait a minute; Ezekial 38 predicts it. It says there will be a great war before the final war.... the war to end all wars.

This is why I am asking the chess question.... the only possible way to beat these A.I. algorithms is to ...
The recent Russia activity in Ukraine brought The Wicker Man’s prediction/prophecy to mind.

Re: The Russian Military, not as inept as they appear
The Wicker Man wrote:
Putin said in 2017, ‘Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere [artificial intelligence] will become the ruler of the world.’ Since then, he has pushed the use of defence sector spending and defence acquisition to generate national economic growth and drive national technological innovation.

With few reasons to adhere to international norms on ethical A.I. development, including regulation of data harvesting, as well as a ready supply of programming talent, Russia could be perhaps seen as having some advantages in A.I. developments, and the ability to quickly deploy innovations into its asymmetric warfare programs.
These things come into my mind. I credit a spirit, the Spirit that has been with me my whole life. I get grief from some real ________ that won't stop no matter how idiotic they make themselves look. First is the revelation then comes confirmation. The above article is confirmation. I only looked for it because of the negative comments above. And it confirms everything that I put in the OP.

For those of you that did not listen to the Tears of the Dragon video I posted, here are the lyrics. Those of you that know my story tell me if Bruce sings my story or not.
For too long now
There were secrets in my mind
For too long now
There were things I should have said
In the darkness
I was stumbling for the door
To find a reason
To find the time, the place, the hour
Waiting for the winter sun
And the cold light of day
The misty ghosts of childhood fears
The pressure is building and I can't stay away
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon for you and for me
Where I was
I had wings that couldn't fly
Where I was
I had tears I couldn't cry
My emotions
Frozen in an icy lake
I couldn't feel them
Until the ice began to break
I have no power over this
You know I'm afraid
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, I'm slipping away
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon for you and for me
Slowly I awake, slowly I rise
The walls I built are crumbling
The water is moving, I'm slipping away
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon for you and for me
I throw myself into the sea
Release the wave, let it wash over me
To face the fear I once believed
The tears of the dragon for you and for me
For too long now I have wished for the wave of God's power to wash over me so I could get down with doing his will. At times I feel like I'm slipping away. But when the Spirit wants me to share something I throw myself into the sea (kinda like being in the zone) and do what the Spirit ask. So I shared that Ukraine is all about Russia perfecting and training its battlefield A.I. before Russia turns it against the west. Take it or leave it.
Video at link 8-)
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Post by Flemming »

High Spy wrote:
Fri Dec 29, 2023 4:06 pm
There is no evidence to suggest that Russia is more advanced than anyone else in A.I.. Yes, there are probably a ready supply of software developers. (Though, sending young people into their war-meat-grinder could be seriously limiting that supply now and into the future.) in a geopolitical context, 2017 is a *long* time ago, well before Russia decided to basically collapse its economy.

This “wicker man” then shares a personal connection to “Tears of the Dragon” by Bruce Dickinson of Iron Maiden fame—a mediocre piece at best, but if wicker man likes it that’s cool; I don’t care.

I hate violence, too. I hope for divine intervention, but god doesn’t mess with free will.

I don’t see you or this “wicker man” making any predictions that have actually come true. Where is a specific prediction that came true? And don’t say earthquakes because there was no specific prediction made there.
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