Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

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I Have Questions
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Re: Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

Post by I Have Questions »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 4:59 pm
I Have Questions wrote:
Mon Mar 04, 2024 7:26 am
Has he sued the Church for this? These kinds of offenses have been fairly well publicized over the last decade despite the Church’s attempts to keep it all quiet. I’m surprised he suddenly felt the need to warn his ward members about something that’s been reasonably well documented and publicized.
Trauma is complicated. Particularly with sexual abuse. People cope on their own timelines.
Yep. He seems to have suffered no dysfunction up to this point. He’s led a normal, functional life it seems. Even agreeing to serve as a Bishop for an organisation that failed to protect him in his earlier life. Is that typical of people who have been sexually abused? He’s started a Tik Tok, presumably to help him in his recovery.

I’m still skeptical.
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Re: Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

Post by msnobody »

I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:06 pm
master_dc wrote:
Fri Feb 16, 2024 9:48 am
He was/is a prominent figure in his ward, and resigning was going to cause a stir no matter what. I get that he wanted to control the narrative. One of the first things members would think is that there was some sort of sexual/law of chastity reason, and the church would never stop that reason from entering people’s minds (Hamuka?).

His immediate marketing and push across the exmormon community is where I agree that his intention is to make a name for himself. That is something I don’t get.
He didn't resign. He just stepped down from doing his voluntary assignment. People step down from callings all the time for a variety of reasons. I'm not clear on why this guy chose to stop serving as a Bishop. Anyone supply some main bullet points to his reasoning? (I ain't listening to 3 hours of John Dehlin)
Maybe you should watch the 3 hour video so you can more effectively participate in the dialogue, and develop a more informed opinion.
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Re: Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

Post by Equality »

msnobody wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:53 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:06 pm
He didn't resign. He just stepped down from doing his voluntary assignment. People step down from callings all the time for a variety of reasons. I'm not clear on why this guy chose to stop serving as a Bishop. Anyone supply some main bullet points to his reasoning? (I ain't listening to 3 hours of John Dehlin)
Maybe you should watch the 3 hour video so you can more effectively participate in the dialogue, and develop a more informed opinion.
I Have Questions
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Re: Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

Post by I Have Questions »

msnobody wrote:
Tue Mar 05, 2024 11:53 am
I Have Questions wrote:
Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:06 pm
He didn't resign. He just stepped down from doing his voluntary assignment. People step down from callings all the time for a variety of reasons. I'm not clear on why this guy chose to stop serving as a Bishop. Anyone supply some main bullet points to his reasoning? (I ain't listening to 3 hours of John Dehlin)
Maybe you should watch the 3 hour video so you can more effectively participate in the dialogue, and develop a more informed opinion.
Maybe you could summarise the key evidence that he gives in support of his claims. We’d require that of a claim by a Church Leader, or by a Mopologist. Why should this guy’s claims be any different?

From his talk he says two things. 1. He’s been asked to do some things that he cannot stand by, morally. What are they? 2. He’s struggling with having to keep things confidential. Erm okay. He adds that he didn’t have good parents, whatever bearing that has on his decision I’m unsure. That’s it. That’s what he gives as his reasoning. He states he’s not hiding anything else from them.

That seems like a lot of unnecessary pearl-clutching melodrama over his decision to simply stand down from a calling because he was finding it a bit too hard, and because he didn’t agree with a few things.

Then add in that, apparently unbeknown to this Bishop, an exmormon relative just happened to be visiting on that exact day, just happened to sit at the front, just happened to video the talk (which he apparently didn’t notice was happening despite the guy having his phone up and pointing at the pulpit the whole time), and who just happened to post it online without his relative’s (the Bishop) permission for long enough to gain a lot of public attention. He then just happened to start a Tik Tok account, chose to go on a Delhin 3 hour talkathon where he embellishes things with takes of being sexually abused by leaders back in the day…all whilst claiming to not want any attention.

All because he was simply stepping down from his calling as he was finding it a bit tough to keep confidentiality and he didn’t agree with some stuff.

Nope, I ain’t buying it.
I Have Questions
Area Authority
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Re: Serving bishop resigns from the stand at sacrament meeting

Post by I Have Questions »

Doctor Steuss wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2024 8:45 pm
I Have Questions wrote:
Fri Mar 01, 2024 12:48 pm
What specific abuses has he endured?
He was sexually abused at FSY (or at least the church's 1970's equivalent) and LDS scout camping trips.
Where did he say he was “sexually” abused?
I just wont subject my children to the programming anymore. No more FSY trips. No more camps. No, that’s where they abused me. We’re not going to do that. Things are changing.

The world is changing. Don’t believe the wars and the rumors you hear in the news. Yes, they’re real. But that’s all fog to put fear in the hearts and minds of the people. ... t-meeting/

Despite his claims of being abused at FSY and Camp, he still sent his kids to FSY and Camp. But now, only after stepping down as Bishop on video, is it time to protect them by stopping them going. I wonder what the youth of the ward, who he encouraged to attend FSY and Camp now think?

As for his bit about war reports being just to put fog and fear into people’s hearts and minds…well…he’s now jumping the shark isn’t he.
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