Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

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Philo Sofee
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Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Philo Sofee »

I share and explore our very own Shulem's research influenced by Dan Vogel's research into the three stars in the belt of Orion, and the weird connection of Moroni to the magical parchments and magical angels, spirits, and intelligences in occult figures in the Medieval ages, as Shulem has shown. Looking forward to seeing you all there!
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Shulem »

This is really great news and comes as quite a surprise!

The Vogel video on magic parchments and Jupiter talisman thread has been a great success because it's had so many views and I've enjoyed expressing quite a few things thereon in doing my own research above and beyond what others, namely Vogel, have done on this particular subject. How is it the thread is approaching nearly 200,000 views? That ain't me doing all that clicking! Wow, just wow.

Anyway, I really am looking forward to the show and see how the BYP adds his own flavor and special touches into the whole subject matter which has not been fully explored nor explained by any means. But it can be shown that the existence of those parchments and source material in which some of the content originated from is a terrible liability for the Church and proves the Smiths were into the occult and Joseph maintained his faith and confidence in those parchments even after he received a fullness of revelation. But the parchments should have been destroyed and renounced and that is where we have the Church over a barrel and there is no amount apologetic dancing they can do to get out this one. Smith believed in those parchments and they were sacred to him! What a sucker!

It sucks to be Mormon these days!

You have my blessings, Philo. I express my best wishes towards Vogel too.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Philo Sofee »

I am really looking forward to sharing the information Shulem!
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by huckelberry »

Macaroni onions and Steppenwolf's magic carpet ride.

Oops, my eyes must be on crooked.
Philo Sofee
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Philo Sofee »

huckelberry wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:12 pm
Macaroni onions and Steppenwolf's magic carpet ride.

Oops, my eyes must be on crooked.
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Shulem »

Philo Sofee wrote:
Sun Feb 04, 2024 11:02 pm
I am really looking forward to sharing the information Shulem!
That was a great show and I commend you for sticking it out in struggling to read the small/blurry text on the screen. Your presentation takes this topic to a new level wherein the cat is out of the bag in demonstrating to the modern Church that their founding prophet was messing with witchcraft and that he retained his pleasure in those things till his dying day. Smith never repented of the evil! He retained the magic parchments! Reading between those lines says it all. And, like Kelley and Dee, Smith was influenced by the angel of witchcraft to swap wives!
Wikipedia -- Edward Kelley wrote:Kelley revealed to Dee that the angels (namely a spirit "Madimi") had ordered them to share everything they had, including their wives. Dee, anguished by the "order" of the angels, subsequently broke off the spiritual conferences. He did, however, share his wife. This "cross-matching" occurred on 22 May 1587 and is noted in John Dee's diary: "May 22nd, Mistris Kelly received the sacrament, and to me and my wife gave her hand in charity; and we rushed not from her."
So, let it be understood that the spirits of witchcraft were what influenced the Smith family and Joseph Smith was a mushroom eating witch under the influence of Jubanladace and his flaming sword! You may want to consider doing a Part II wherein you can take it to the next level and further highlight Smith's scheming ways.
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Re: Moroni, Orion, and Joseph Smith's Magical Parchments BYP LIVE Tonight!

Post by Boomer57 »

BYP knocked it out of the park, IMHO!
' :idea: Give me truth and clarity, not fluff and charity'
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