It’s a Jubilee!

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It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Kishkumen »

Someone stop Cardon Ellis, please!

Here is a moderated debate between Mormons and Ex-Mormons on a show called “Jubilee.” Poor Cardon is just slaughtering his own cause.

ETA: Kwaku, on the other hand, is doing a lot better than I have seen him do in the past.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by drumdude »

Cardon needs some more faith. He doesn’t sound too happy to have an early meeting with his maker!
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Kishkumen »

drumdude wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 6:20 am
Cardon needs some more faith. He doesn’t sound too happy to have an early meeting with his maker!
That was sad news. I felt awful for him. That said, I don’t think he did his cause many favors in the way he performed as a debater.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Morley »

I had to stop watching when, as you both mentioned, after around the 10 minute mark, Cardon fake-tears-up, says he has leukemia, and is going to die 20 years earlier than he would otherwise. He then suggests he would trade that lost 20 years for some gayness. That was so bad that it didn't even rise to the level of being wrong.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Boomer57 »

Evidently the actual interview lasted three hours, but was edited down to 50 minutes. Much of the footage that was edited out was of Cardon's rants and grandstanding. Ward Radio are tools and fools!
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Boomer57 »

And the ex-Mormons clearly won this one.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by IWMP »

Morley wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:59 pm
I had to stop watching when, as you both mentioned, after around the 10 minute mark, Cardon fake-tears-up, says he has leukemia, and is going to die 20 years earlier than he would otherwise. He then suggests he would trade that lost 20 years for some gayness. That was so bad that it didn't even rise to the level of being wrong.
What??? 😨
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Morley »

Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:01 pm
Morley wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:59 pm
I had to stop watching when, as you both mentioned, after around the 10 minute mark, Cardon fake-tears-up, says he has leukemia, and is going to die 20 years earlier than he would otherwise. He then suggests he would trade that lost 20 years for some gayness. That was so bad that it didn't even rise to the level of being wrong.
What??? 😨
Here it is:

I may have phrased that inelegantly. He would take being gay if he could have the 20 years leukemia will rob from him. He's comparing the other fellow's gayness to he himself having cancer.

But maybe you'll read what he's saying a bit differently than I did.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by IWMP »

Morley wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 8:44 pm
Imwashingmypirate wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 7:01 pm
What??? 😨
Here it is:

I may have phrased that inelegantly. He would take being gay if he could have the 20 years leukemia will rob from him. He's comparing being gay to having cancer.

But maybe you'll read what he's saying a bit differently than I did.
I thought I edited my post lol.

I watched up until are women equal. I didn't understand much of what that guy said, was a bit distracted by his tie. I caught that he likened being gay to having cancer. I liked the response that being gay in the church is the challenge. From what I watched I think there were some good arguments from both sides. The guy in the blue shirt who is gay had an interesting perspective and I do believe he could put the importance of Christ above his importance for men. I was shocked by the suicide issues. :( the LDS church is pretty big on suicide being a sin. A far bigger sin than being gay in my opinion. So I am pretty sure it would be easier to leave the church and go to a lower kingdom than go to outer darkness for suicide (assuming these are TBMs committing suicide). So there has to be more to it than trying to be good Mormons making them want to do that.

ETA: Need to clarify that... I'm not sure being Gay is a sin. I'm saying that in the church I perceive that being Gay is a lesser sin than suicide. Not my own perspective.

Also, the "what???" Was more of an expression of horror than me seeking clarification.
Last edited by IWMP on Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: It’s a Jubilee!

Post by Kishkumen »

Morley wrote:
Wed Feb 07, 2024 2:59 pm
I had to stop watching when, as you both mentioned, after around the 10 minute mark, Cardon fake-tears-up, says he has leukemia, and is going to die 20 years earlier than he would otherwise. He then suggests he would trade that lost 20 years for some gayness. That was so bad that it didn't even rise to the level of being wrong.
I am sure that his tears were genuine, but that he knew there was something wrong with the whole situation. I have felt that way before. You raise something that’s true, but there is something too personal about it in the situation to pull off and have it respected. It is a bit like casting your pearls before swine, but in this case I think the swine is always a part of the person who does the sharing. You know in your gut that you violated your self respect for a reason that was not quite right. Not sure I am saying this correctly.

I don’t think Cardon is a bad guy, but there is something off here. He seems to me to be lost, and that is a bit tragic albeit in a sadly predictable way.
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